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America Fan Blog
OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Poster: King_of_Glass
I realize I'm treading on "dangerous" territory with the subject matter of the presidential election. It's such a huge issue for most everyone here who lives in the United States. With that having been said, the following is what I believe the final outcome will be. It appears that former Vice President Biden will be the winner of the 2020 election. That is for now. However, it is my belief that he will not be president when all is said and done. The winner will actually be Donald Trump. It may take several months to iron it all out, but President Trump will be declared the ultimate winner by the Supreme Court. How can this be? Election fraud deluxe, and it will be exposed for the whole world to see. I'm so confident that I'm willing to bet my extremely rare maroon-colored America letterman jacket identical to the ones the former trio members are wearing
for anyone's "Half Century" box set that I have yet to purchase and most likely won't.
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