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America Fan Blog
OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Poster: Americafan
I think Trump actually won the election, but voter fraud in the cities of key swing states swung the election to Bidden. While Trump's campaign certainly has strong evidence of voter fraud in those areas, I am not optimistic that the Supreme Court will step in and stop the theft of this election. There are 3 partisan Democrats on the Court that will vote to steal the election. Chief Justice Roberts has shown himself to be someone who will cave on tough political issues, so he goes into court being down 0-4 to start. That means he has to convince all 5 of the remaining justices, beyond a reasonable doubt that fraud occurred (which I think it the easy part given the evidence he has) AND that it swung the election in each of those states (the hard part). I just don't see it happening. I expect the court to take the coward's way out and dismiss the case on a technicality, like standing, rather than actually decide the case on its merits.
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