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Posts: 3491

OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 11/06/2020 12:25 PM

I realize I'm treading on "dangerous" territory with the subject matter of the presidential election. It's such a huge issue for most everyone here who lives in the United States. With that having been said, the following is what I believe the final outcome will be.

It appears that former Vice President Biden will be the winner of the 2020 election. That is for now. However, it is my belief that he will not be president when all is said and done. The winner will actually be Donald Trump. It may take several months to iron it all out, but President Trump will be declared the ultimate winner by the Supreme Court. How can this be? Election fraud deluxe, and it will be exposed for the whole world to see. I'm so confident that I'm willing to bet my extremely rare maroon-colored America letterman jacket identical to the ones the former trio members are wearing ON THIS ABLUM COVER for anyone's "Half Century" box set that I have yet to purchase and most likely won't.
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 11/07/2020 05:09 AM

Can someone please say, "watermark, blockchain or encryption"?
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Posts: 125

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 11/09/2020 08:22 PM

Hi KoG,

I don't have the boxed set and if I ordered it immediately I am unlikely to receive it before Biden is declared the winner so unfortunately cannot take up your challenge.

I realise there is no point in trying to apply logic in this situation but I do have some questions for you.

Why is the Trump administration wasting funds and time in challenging the count only in states where Trump is behind, and where there is no evidence of voter fraud? Surely if there was widespread fraud ALL results would need to be challenged.

If there was widespread fraud, how does that explain the fact that Republicans picked up House seats and performed well in the Senate?

What do you think should be done with all the votes for the Republican candidate in North Dakota who was elected despite having died from coronavirus a month before the election?

What do you think about Benjamin Ginsberg's comments about the need for the Justice Department to remain apolitical?

I lived in the US for nine years. It has saddened me deeply to see the damage Trump and his cronies have done to your country, especially in their total disregard for the health of US citizens by completely mismanaging the coronavirus pandemic.

I am not sure if you are aware of the huge sigh of relief felt by the rest of the world in seeing the end of the Trump presidency, but trust me, it exists.

I know this is not a political blog, and I won't be adding to these remarks.



Edited by GirlFromOz on 11/09/2020 08:29 PM
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 11/09/2020 11:40 PM


I just submitted you a response; however, I accidently deleted it instead. :(

I will re-submit it tomorrow.
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 11/10/2020 12:56 AM

Jude - I think I will answer the matter about the bet now, however.

No problem regarding not having the box set. I will still offer up my America letterman jacket to you with you not having to put up a single America item since you are the only person to respond! That's how confident I am that Vice President Biden will not be the president in 2021. Trump will be serving his second term instead. Truthfully, if someone had the box set and had accepted my offer, I really wouldn't have taken it from them if they had lost.

However, I am so confident that Trump will be the president in 2021, I will even include the following:

1) My "Hearts" album with the cover signed by Dewey, Gerry AND Dan!

2) Plus This Item

3) And, This Baby!

The outcome should be very interesting!

P.S. I forgot. Plus a pink hat with a red, white and blue America logo patch on the front of it. If I had a pair of America pants, I'd include them, too, but I don't think such an item exists. Not that I know of, anyway. :)

Edited by King_of_Glass on 11/10/2020 01:24 AM
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 11/10/2020 12:51 PM

[Why is the Trump administration wasting funds and time in challenging the count only in states where Trump is behind, and where there is no evidence of voter fraud? Surely if there was widespread fraud ALL results would need to be challenged.]

I'm not sure if I'm understanding your question correctly, but I'll answer according to what I think you're asking. Why would Trump need to challenge the count in states where he isn't behind? That would be a waste of funds and time. As far as "no evidence of voter fraud," that's according to whom? The fake news media as Trump puts it? Trump's administration is saying they have the proof of voter fraud in numerous states. They wouldn't be pursing this if they didn't believe they have the proof, and the whole world will see the proof when the Supreme Court agrees to look at it and surely they will because I believe the evidence is there. Thus far, about 70 people have come forward to sign sworn affidavits stating they witnessed voter fraud. Some Republican poll watchers are alleging intimidation by the opposing party's election workers. Let us not forget the postal worker who has come forward as a whistleblower regarding his supervisor telling him and other workers to backdate submitted ballots that came in after the deadline. So, let's just be patient and let it all play out. As I mentioned in my earlier posting, this will probably drag out for several months. Perhaps, it will go all the way until a day or two before the inauguration which is the length of time I believe it may take.

[If there was widespread fraud, how does that explain the fact that Republicans picked up House seats and performed well in the Senate?]

There are allegations of fraud in some of the other races as well. Just because some Republicans won their race, it doesn't mean there wasn't fraud in Trump's election race. It's alleged that numerous ballots had only one vote marked all them, and they were marked as voting for Biden.

[What do you think should be done with all the votes for the Republican candidate in North Dakota who was elected despite having died from coronavirus a month before the election?]

The deceased candidate's seat should be filled by his district's Republican Party. It should be treated as if he were in office and had retired or had been removed for some reason. His seat still belongs to his party. That is how it is done in my state which is the State of New Mexico.

[What do you think about Benjamin Ginsberg's comments about the need for the Justice Department to remain apolitical?]

I'm not familiar with what all Ginsburg said, but just on what you stated, I disagree with him. In my opinion, the DOJ should absolutely be involved in something as important and huge as the presidential election.

[I lived in the US for nine years. It has saddened me deeply to see the damage Trump and his cronies have done to your country, especially in their total disregard for the health of US citizens by completely mismanaging the coronavirus pandemic.]

Jude, that is your opinion and you are absolutely entitled to it. Millions of people (Trump supporters such as myself) disagree with your opinion. It's my understanding that a vaccine will be available by the end of the year. As I'm sure you know, New York Governor Cuomo sent numerous elderly Corona patients back to their nursing homes instead of to the medical ship that Trump provided to the governor. Trump had manufacturing companies make many respirators and ventilators. He had car manufacturing companies convert their machinery to do that.

[I am not sure if you are aware of the huge sigh of relief felt by the rest of the world in seeing the end of the Trump presidency, but trust me, it exists.]

It doesn't concern me what other countries think of President Trump. Millions of his supporters here in the United States think he has done an incredible job in his first four years. You notice that I said "first four years". He will have a second term, and it will begin in January of 2021.

[I know this is not a political blog, and I won't be adding to these remarks.]

This may not be a political blog, but since very little activity occurs here these days, I don't see any problems posting here. It's just one subject matter on one thread. If fellow fans have an issue with it, so be it.

And, one other thing. So we are to believe that VP Biden won the election when he had only a handful of supporters attending his rallies compared to President Trump's rallies? Trump had so many supporters at his rallies that many, many attendees had to be turned away. Things don't add up, and Trump and his administration aren't going to let Vice President Biden and his team get away with it. I believe many people will be going to prison after all is said and done.
Edited by King_of_Glass on 11/10/2020 01:37 PM
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 11/10/2020 08:54 PM

What the...

Someone Please Explain This To Me!
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 11/19/2020 01:19 AM

Jude - Below is a good summation of the fraud that the Trump team is alleging as you had serious doubt of its occurrence. I do realize it's being presented by President Trump's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani.

To again address your question as follows: "If there was widespread fraud, how does that explain the fact that Republicans picked up House seats and performed well in the Senate?"

Answer: I take the term "widespread fraud" to mean that fraud occurred in a number of states. As I understand it, thousands (in some cases even hundreds of thousands) of ballots were fraudulently filled out in a rush. They only had time to fill out the presidential voting portion of the ballots while leaving the down ballot portion totally blank.

I like to view some videos (such as this one) with the CLOSED CAPTION option enabled.

Summation of Presidential Election Fraud

If you don't feel that Giuliani is credible then we'll just wait and see how everything plays out in the next month or two. As I mentioned in my earlier posting, it may run all the way until January 18th.
Edited by King_of_Glass on 11/19/2020 01:32 AM
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Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 11/19/2020 11:16 PM

Hi KoG,

Apologies to the owners of this blog who may not want it to include political content.

So, I’ll call it early…for Biden 😊

There is no need for you to package up all the America memorabilia you have offered to send to me. I would never want you to sacrifice it.

Clearly Trump’s strategy is directed at the 2024 campaign. He wants his supporters to believe the 2020 election was stolen from him. He is not interested in what he can do for his country. He only cares for himself. His actions should be taken very seriously because they are a threat to democracy. He wants to disenfranchise thousands of voters, most of them in Black communities.

If Trump wanted to be a leader, why is he not out there, leading?

Your statement about more people attending Trump rallies is correct but does not indicate wider support for him nationally. Biden held rallies where attendance was deliberately limited because of the risk of contracting coronavirus. I think this is far more responsible than encouraging thousands of people to attend rallies where they are not wearing masks and not social distancing. Trump’s disregard for the health of his supporters and staff is disgraceful. When he became ill with coronavirus, he was lucky that he received treatment that is simply not available to any other US citizen. Look at the current infection and death statistics to see how irresponsible this attitude is.

Then there’s Rudy Giuliani and his wild QAnon conspiracies. I watched the video you linked. And the subsequent press conference where he and others repeated the bizarre claims he made in the video. Food trucks! No evidence provided because there isn’t any. That’s where the fraud really is. I cannot understand the motivations of these people. What a waste of time. Dominion is an American company that has no connection to Venezuela. Chavez is long dead. Embarrassing.

I read some of the ‘evidence’ of voter fraud. One I particularly liked was from a witness who noticed that votes from the military that she/he saw counted were heavily for Biden. This apparently was suspicious (fraudulent?) because this person believed that the military usually votes conservative. The fact that Trump calls soldiers who died fighting for his country ‘losers’ may have had something to do with this trend to Biden.

The video of Biden that you linked was a few seconds taken from a longer statement where he was talking about preventing voter suppression (classic cherry picking). He clearly misspoke. If you watch the entire statement you will see this. Biden has been ridiculed for his speech impediment (including by Trump himself). What message does that send to all people with disabilities? That they are open to ridicule?

There are many resources available that go into detailed debunking of misinformation and conspiracy theories. Problem is that repetition of a falsehood can morph it into a ‘fact’. It’s a well-known rhetorical tactic. Unfortunately, the internet has enabled peddlers of misinformation to flourish and convince people that what they say is true. It is the path to fascism.

Voltaire: “Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities”

Hope the Biden years are good for you and all Americans.



Edited by GirlFromOz on 11/19/2020 11:21 PM
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Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 11/20/2020 05:03 AM

Hi Jude - I enjoyed reading your response. Thank you for being so kind in not wanting to take my America items from me. I appreciate that. However, that would not be happening anyway because of the upcoming outcome. It's about 3:00 AM here at the moment so I should be heading to bed, but I just wanted to say a few words here before I do.

I also appreciate your firm stance of support of VP Biden. I truly enjoy a robust debate especially one that is as civil as you have been with me. By the way, I don't think Rich Campbell minds us discussing this matter here. I surely hope not, anyway. My guess is he probably would side with you on this matter. Dewey and Gerry probably would as well. I must say you and I could not be any more diametrically opposed in our political belief as you well know. I stand firm in my belief that President Trump will be the victor of this presidential election. I will go so far as to say Vice President Joe Biden will be going to prison as well as many others.

I wholeheartedly agree with you regarding the need for mask wearing. I think Trump was highly mistaken in his neglect of not doing so, and he was had to pay the consequence. I wear a mask every time I'm out in the public. It's foolish not to!

If you are able to post a link to the entire video of VP Biden discussing the preventing of voter suppression, I'd greatly appreciate it.

It won't be but a few more months at the most when we all will see what the truth really is and whether you or I am correct. I said perhaps by January 18. I believe by that time the evidence of an attempted theft of a presidential election will surface, and it will stun the whole world. The question is will the truth be believed?

I'll leave you and everyone else here a very interesting video that sums up exactly what I believe will occur:

Click Here To View
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Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 11/20/2020 03:18 PM

Jude - It seems that the video I linked in my previous message didn't start from the beginning but started well past the middle. I just wanted to mention that as it's very important to view it from the very start.

A couple of questions if I may. I hope it's not too personal - my asking you the following:

1) Do you have any particular religion belief? I'm asking only because I believe it's important to what I hope to discuss with you further on this presidential election topic.

2) If you are a believer in God, do you think it matters to Him which of the two presidential candidates leads America for the next four years?

3) Do you believe in the existence of modern day prophets? Some call them "ministers of prophecy" or "vessels" through whom God gives messages so they may be forwarded to His believers. As for myself, I believe in the existence of God and Jesus as the Messiah.

Again, I hope I'm not getting too personal.
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Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 11/21/2020 03:01 AM

Hi KoG,

I listened to the podcast that you linked and there is nothing new to me there. It’s a repeat of the Giuliani/QAnon unproven and bizarre claims.

Re the Biden video, there are many places to go to read about what Biden said, but here’s the link to the article in The Washington Post where they put his interview side by side with the edited video:

And here’s the link to the complete interview, with transcript:

And sorry, you'll need to copy and paste the links. I have long forgotten how to rename and link them.

And regarding your question about my beliefs, I do not believe in any god.



Edited by GirlFromOz on 11/21/2020 03:03 AM
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Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 11/22/2020 12:28 AM

Hello again, Jude!

Thank you for the link to the video where VP Biden is talking about the fraud organization that the Democratic party has in place. Thanks to your direction, I do see that he merely misspoke. He should have said something more like, "fraud PREVENTION organization".

Thank you very much for sharing with me/us your religious belief/unbelief. Truly, I was hoping you were a believer in God and Jesus ... most importantly for salvation purposes, of course, but for the lesser reason ... so it would better help you to understand the three YouTube videos I am posting here. It is my hope that you and others here will watch them.

As you well know from my postings on this election results subject, I have said Trump will be the ultimate victor. I have also said it will require a decision by the Supreme Court and that it may take up to the day of January 18. Plus, I have stated that it will be determined that a fraud has indeed been perpetrated upon the American people.

Below are just three of many different YouTube videos stating why the election is not over. These three videos are of prophecy ministers who are relaying to God's believers His will for a particular election outcome. Even among Christians today, prophecy ministers (also known as prophets or vessels) are believed to be a thing of the past. I, however, believe in their existence today.

The three videos are about an hour each. My suggestion for you or anyone else here is to view all three in their entirety. By viewing them, you will see what is prophesied to be the final outcome of the election as well as why. I understand you may have no desire to view any of them. If that is the case, that's fine. When the Supreme Court makes its decision for Trump, you perhaps will go back to view the videos at that time. It is my hope that they will be a testament to you and others here that God does exist, and He cares about the political outcome of this election. And, very importantly, the viewer will see why God will not permit the Democratic Party to prevail as it will drive America towards socialism and the antichrist system. God has other plans for America. He also wants to expose the deep, deep corruption that exists in Washington. What attorney L. Lin Wood said in his YouTube video will come to pass and that includes the imprisonment of many evil politicians and office holders in the U.S. government.

Please note the date of each video. It helps to know when they were made in order to verify their validity from a prophetic standpoint:

1) CHRIS REED "Corruption and Exposure In Philadelphia"

2) DUTCH SHEETS "This Election Is Not Over"

3) HANK KUNNEMAN "A Word of Encouragement"
Edited by King_of_Glass on 11/22/2020 01:35 AM
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Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 12/09/2020 11:09 PM

Regarding the presidential election, Pastor Hank Kunneman says via God's word, the following:

1) December will be a month to remember!

2) January will be a month of justice.

3) March will be a month of celebration.

I wonder what happens in February? Will it be the month when they start arresting the people who have perpetrated the attempted theft of the election and that's why March will be a month of celebration? Hmm?
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Posts: 337

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 12/10/2020 07:38 AM

I think Trump actually won the election, but voter fraud in the cities of key swing states swung the election to Bidden. While Trump's campaign certainly has strong evidence of voter fraud in those areas, I am not optimistic that the Supreme Court will step in and stop the theft of this election.

There are 3 partisan Democrats on the Court that will vote to steal the election. Chief Justice Roberts has shown himself to be someone who will cave on tough political issues, so he goes into court being down 0-4 to start. That means he has to convince all 5 of the remaining justices, beyond a reasonable doubt that fraud occurred (which I think it the easy part given the evidence he has) AND that it swung the election in each of those states (the hard part). I just don't see it happening.

I expect the court to take the coward's way out and dismiss the case on a technicality, like standing, rather than actually decide the case on its merits.

Edited by Americafan on 12/10/2020 07:40 AM
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Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 12/10/2020 11:37 PM

I’m a scientist and I love evidence. Where is the evidence that Trump won? He didn’t and is a sore loser. Recounts did not change the results. What about the states where Trump won? How do you know there was no voter fraud to achieve those outcomes? How about they look at Texas?

The election was run smoothly and there was a decisive outcome.

Trump needs to face reality, but he can’t because he can’t tolerate losing. Getting people to believe his lies is his strategy. In doing so he shows contempt for his supporters. He knows they feel left out of the 'system' and he manipulates them.

The only fraud in this whole ridiculous theatre is the fraud perpetrated on the American people by Trump and his cronies. There are conspiracy theories built on conspiracy theories that get more bizarre as time goes on.

There has been absolutely zero evidence of fraud presented in any of the court cases filed by Trump’s supporters. Hearsay does not hold up in a court of law. Re the current last-ditch effort that they are hoping will be considered by the US Supreme Court, they need to realise that the Constitution does not allow states to interfere in elections in other states. It’s called Federalism.

Ted Cruz called Trump a pathological liar and a narcissist and is now arguing his case. Where’s Cruz’s integrity? Thankfully there are some Republicans that have the moral courage to stand up to Trump.

This whole shemozzle is designed to line Trump’s pockets so he can run in 2024. $200 million plus so far. Disgraceful. It is his duty to look after American citizens in a time of great need, but he focusses on nothing but himself and offers no leadership. He does not deserve to be president.

Thankfully this will be over soon, and Trump will disappear. Seems he’d rather play golf anyway.

Maybe then the GOP can regain some credibility.

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Posts: 337

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 12/11/2020 12:22 PM

There is plenty of evidence of voter fraud, it is just being ignored by most of the media which is in the tank for Democrats. There is far more evidence of voter fraud in the 2020 election than there ever was of Trump Russian collusion in the 2016 election. As I said, proving beyond a reasonable doubt in court that fraud changed the results of the election results is almost an impossible task.

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Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 12/12/2020 03:31 AM

Hello Mark,

Here are some links you may find interesting, and that address the info you provided.


2 I await the results of the FBI investigation.
Meanwhile, maybe this will satisfy those who doubt the integrity of the election. Or maybe they’ll say it’s a stunt…

I’m no fan of Zuckerberg but there’s this

3 Two instances of dead people ‘voting’ will not sway an election. Were the votes cast for Trump or Biden? Obviously, it’s important to investigate cases thoroughly. In the second case, why did the daughter send in her father’s vote and not vote herself? Is this a crime? Very strange.

Seems to me that clerical errors are being identified as ‘fraud’. They happen in every state in every election. If the integrity of an election is important, why not investigate all state results with equal rigour? Texas, Florida, California, New York?

Here are a few more links you might like:

As I said above, I hope the Biden years are good for all Americans.


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Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 12/12/2020 01:29 PM

Jude and Mark,

I've really enjoyed the friendly discussion thus far about voter fraud between the two of you (or alleged according to Jude and many others). Interesting, too, is your belief, Mark, that there are numerous cases of fraud as I do believe. Yet, Jude, you believe there is not enough to make any difference. From my experience in discussing the topic on Facebook with a number of friends and their friends, each side has their points and counterpoints. I believe we all will just have to wait and see what unfurls in the upcoming months all the way up to January 20th. Actually, several of the ministers have said the "breakthrough" will occur on January 18th.

God's modern day prophecy ministers still hold fast in believing Trump will be the president in 2021, and I wholeheartedly still believe so with all of my being. Some of the ministers have said God is not concerned about the deadlines that man has set concerning this election, and that He has it totally in control. Also, Trump supporters are not to worry for justice will prevail. The true battle of this election is about preserving the soul of America as a nation. And, with Trump as president for the next four years, God's plan for a spiritual harvest can occur. If the Biden administration were to be in power that would not happen. Conversely, according to God through his prophecy ministers, the opposite would occur because of the leanings toward socialism and eventually leading to the antichrist system. That will happen in the future but not at this time. This election is actually between God and Satan thus between good and evil. Believers in God know how that will turn out! God will continue to use President Trump to achieve His goals.

This is concerning the recent Supreme Court decision of denial. Trump supporters are not to be concerned about the recent ruling as there are many other avenues to follow. In the end, it will be determined by the Supreme Court that Trump was denied victory due to election fraud. I like to call it "election crime" instead as that is what it truly is, and numerous individuals will be going to prison and not just those involved in the United States but from other parts of the world as well. Trump's legal team still has plenty of evidence via the Dominion voting machines.

It is my understanding based on what one of the prophecy ministers has said, the ultimate Supreme Court decision will end up 5-4. It appears that Chief Justice John Roberts will again side with the liberal justices. One of the ministers has said Chief Justice Roberts is compromised and that is the reason he has been siding with the Democrat justices in recent cases. It is believed the Chief Justice has flown on Jeffrey Epstein's airplane a few times, and he is being "leaned on" because of it. Also, he will be removed due to the scandal, and he will be replaced by President Trump during Trump's second term.

Let us sit tight and watch what happens as it surely will be interesting to see!
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Posts: 125

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 12/13/2020 11:00 PM

Hi KoG,

You might be interested in this:


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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 12/14/2020 04:00 AM

Thanks Jude!

I believe extremely very little reported by a lot of the media these days. I do believe the video does show the counting of ballots and submitting fake ones when Republican poll watchers were absent. Whichever the case, I still believe what the modern day prophecy ministers are reporting from God. As a matter of fact, one of them recently said God has revealed to him the days from December 20 through the 28th will have numerous reports surrounding the election fraud. I can't remember exactly, but it may be about which men or groups from which countries were involved in the fraud or who all were being paid off. It is my understanding it involves many different countries such as Venezuela, China, even Iran and perhaps Turkey to name a few. Plus, the Georgia governor and the Georgia Secret of State have received payments from China or should I say their families have in an effort to hide the payments according to one of the ministers, and this is why the two men have not been willing to assist Trump's legal team. Also, God is going to expose the mainstream media and shatter them to pieces for their hand in reporting false news and for hiding true information. Also, after the exposure of their crime, the Democrat Party will be torn apart for many years. The Republican Party will also suffer. I'm wondering if so because of the ones who have not been in support of President Trump and may have been aiding the Democrats in their attempts to oust President Trump.

Another one of the ministers said God has revealed He is not concerned about man's deadlines surrounding the election. I'm wondering if the inauguration date of January 20th will be changed or maybe the deadline dates pertaining to the electoral college certification/voting will be affected. In short time, we shall see.

Lastly for this posting, my Facebook friends who are Biden supporters and strong Trump haters think I have a mental disorder believing prophecy ministers. People reading this are probably laughing in agreement as I suspect you may be as well. I'm not bothered by it in the least. As I have told my older Trump-hating brother, we shall see just who will be getting the last laugh between the two of us. I know God's messages to the ministers are real and will be proven to be true.
Edited by King_of_Glass on 12/14/2020 04:02 AM
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Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 12/14/2020 06:13 AM

Hi KoG,

I am not laughing at you, nor do I think you have a mental disorder. You have strong beliefs which I disagree with, that’s all.

I am interested in the origins and psychology of religion and think that strong beliefs can lead to people discarding their ability to think critically. It's a choice. I know people who are highly skilled critical thinkers but for some reason are unable to apply those skills to their religious beliefs. Very odd, in my opinion.

And, I am a bit concerned about what happens when all these prophesies surrounding the US election do not come to fruition and how those who believe them will be affected. Are the dates and the details of the actors revised? Just something I wonder about.

I wish you all the best.

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Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 12/14/2020 12:42 PM

Greetings Jude - What happens if the prophecies do not come to pass, you asked?

Will I change the dates? No, I won't. I'll have to admit all of the prophecy ministers were wrong, and I was foolish to have believed them. Plus, I will be highly embarrassed for having posted what I have for everyone to read.

I would like to know what you will think if they do come to pass. Will you say it's all just very coincidental or, perhaps, God really does exist?
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Posts: 3362
From: Upstate

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 12/19/2020 04:01 PM

If Trump is inaugurated on January 20, 2021, I will send you my Half Century box set.
If Biden is inaugurated on January 20, 2021, I will be happy to receive your America letter jacket and belt buckle.
Long live America,

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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 12/19/2020 09:53 PM

Mo - Welcome back to the blog. I have wondered about you. The first thing I saw when I logged on to the site here was your posting about the box set and was hoping you saw this subject.

I can't accept your offer when I win although I truly appreciate it. I sincerely do. I'm sure you noticed I said "when" and not "if". A person has to be confident, you know. It wouldn't be right for me to benefit from the messages given by God's prophecy ministers. I will, however, honor my part if I should lose. Pertaining to the date of January 20th, just in case it gets postponed for some unknown reason, let's just agree on whether it will be Biden or Trump who will be president if that's okay with you. It's really the same bet.
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 12/20/2020 01:25 AM

Since today is the 20th, I just want to report what one of the prophecy ministers said last week which is:

Starting on December 20th, wave upon wave of information pertaining to corruption and scandals will start pouring out on a daily basis and all the way up through the 28th of this month. So, let's just watch and see what comes forth.

Also, December reportedly will be a month to remember; January will be a month of justice; and March will be a month of celebration. No mention was made of February. I'm wondering if it may be a month of arrests!
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 12/26/2020 12:14 AM

Mo - If Trump is the president on January 20, 2021 and a "breakthrough" occurs on January 18th for Trump concerning his and his legal team's attempts to prove election fraud (as that is the date several of the prophecy ministers are saying it will occur), what do you believe your thoughts will be in regards to the existence of God?
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 12/26/2020 09:33 PM

King_of_Glass Since today is the 20th, I just want to report what one of the prophecy ministers said last week which is:

Starting on December 20th, wave upon wave of information pertaining to corruption and scandals will start pouring out on a daily basis and all the way up through the 28th of this month. So, let's just watch and see what comes forth.

Also, December reportedly will be a month to remember; January will be a month of justice; and March will be a month of celebration. No mention was made of February. I'm wondering if it may be a month of arrests!


A massive dump by Wikileaks. I assume this is part of the wave of information coming out based on what some of the prophecy ministers have said:

Edited by King_of_Glass on 12/26/2020 09:38 PM
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Posts: 125

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 12/26/2020 11:03 PM

KoG, have you actually read any of the documents in the Wikileaks dump? If you haven't, maybe you should.

And maybe read this (assuming this fact check is correct 😊)...

One useful thing Trump could do would be to pardon Julian Assange, not that Assange has been convicted of a crime. Instead Trump chooses to pardon real criminals. Why?

BTW, you ask if I will reconsider my beliefs if these prophesies are accurate. When the prophesies don't pan out as your modern prophecy ministers say they will, will you no longer believe in your god? Or will these ministers claim they were misled by evil forces so that lets them and their followers off the hook? What strategies do they have for backing away when they are wrong? Or is everything they say so vague they can't be wrong? Just curious.

And it will interesting to see the lawsuits filed by Dominion and others for defamation.

Edited by GirlFromOz on 12/26/2020 11:55 PM
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 12/27/2020 12:14 AM

Greetings Jude,

That dump was rather boring! So, the dump has been around for awhile based on your link. A friend from Facebook forwarded it to me, and I posted it here before checking them out thoroughly. I also wish Assange would be pardoned as you said.

Respectfully, Jude, you never answered my question regarding if the prophecy ministers are correct about VP Biden not becoming the president, will you reconsider your unbelief in God? You go first since I asked first then I'll answer your questions.
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Posts: 125

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 12/29/2020 10:34 PM

Hi KoG,

Can you give me a detailed list of all the original prophesies, including those for which the date has passed? I have no other way of knowing if any of them come true. And I don't have time to watch more videos, so a list would be perfect.

Also, in answer to your question, I routinely evaluate my philosophical position on a variety of issues including my views on the existence of supernatural beings. Clearly, I would be interested if any prophesies come true, but that would not be enough to convince me to change my opinion. It would be a tiny event.

If any prophesies do come true, I would like to see detailed evidence. I would need to see events that exactly match prophesies. I would need to be sure that no inside information was available to the prophets prior to making their predictions, e.g., privileged access to pending legal cases. I would also need to be reassured that the prophets have no connections to Russia, Ukraine or Saudi Arabia.

I still don’t understand why your god is so interested in the outcome of the US Presidential election. Congress and Senate don’t seem to matter so much. I’ve never seen equivalent interest from a supernatural being in Australian, New Zealand, or UK elections. Maybe I missed it.



Edited by GirlFromOz on 12/29/2020 11:34 PM
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 12/30/2020 02:32 PM

Hi Jude,

Regarding past prophecies, would they really make any difference in whether you believed in God? As you said, they wouldn't be enough to change your mind and would be a "tiny event" to you. I appreciate your letting me know and your being frank about it. Knowing that, I'm not going to bother in providing you past prophecies and dates. There's a huge outcome to a prophecy coming just next month, and even that you said will be a small event to you.

You asked: "When the prophesies don't pan out as your modern prophecy ministers say they will, will you no longer believe in your god?"

I distinctly noticed you said "when" and not "if" which indicates to me you don't believe there's much if any possibility of the election outcome turning in favor of Trump. You and many, many others believe the same. It will, however, be in his favor, and we have only three weeks or so until we all see it come to pass. If by chance it doesn't, it absolutely does not mean God does not exist. It will only mean all the prophecy ministers are wrong. However, as you well know, I believe that will not be the case.

You asked: "Or will these ministers claim they were misled by evil forces so that lets them and their followers off the hook? What strategies do they have for backing away when they are wrong?"

Again, I noticed you said "when they are wrong" and not "if". They will be correct in their prophecy.

You also asked: "Or is everything they say so vague they can't be wrong? Just curious."

I don't believe prophesying Trump as the victor instead of Biden is being the slightest bit vague. It's quite to the contrary. They aren't saying Trump has a good chance of being president. They are all saying Trump will be the president.

You commented: "I still don’t understand why your god is so interested in the outcome of the US Presidential election. Congress and Senate don’t seem to matter so much."

God is interested in every event that occurs. He is especially interested and concerned in everything that affects each one of us on a personal level. Scripture says He even knows the number of hairs on each person's head and even knows when a single sparrow falls to the ground. Below are a few quotations from the Bible stating His care:

Romans 8:38-39 "For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord."

1 Peter 5:7 "Casting all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you."

John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that He gave his only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life."

You said: "I still don’t understand why your god is so interested in the outcome of the US Presidential election."

I said here on 12/12 the following: "The true battle of this election is about preserving the soul of America as a nation. And, with Trump as president for the next four years, God's plan for a spiritual harvest can occur. If the Biden administration were to be in power that would not happen. Conversely, according to God through his prophecy ministers, the opposite would occur because of the leanings toward socialism and eventually leading to the antichrist system. That will happen in the future but not at this time. This election is actually between God and Satan thus between good and evil. Believers in God know how that will turn out! God will continue to use President Trump to achieve His goals."

You said: "Congress and Senate don’t seem to matter so much."

I'm sure you meant the House and Senate as Congress is the House of Representatives and the Senate. I believe God is also concerned about Congress. We shall see what occurs concerning Congress when the entire election fraud is exposed. I believe it will affect not only who the rightful president will be but who the rightful Congress members will be as well.

Lastly, you said: "I’ve never seen equivalent interest from a supernatural being in Australian, New Zealand, or UK elections. Maybe I missed it."

Have we ever seen such interest in any U.S. presidential election previously? I believe the reason is because the future of America is dependent on this year's election outcome. If the Biden administration were to be in control, America will be changed to an unrecognizable country. We would eventually become a socialist country. That is not what God wants for America. And, by the way, I want to point out that God is not overriding the will of the American people in their choice of president. God knows crime was committed. He knows the true winner was Trump. God is not going to allow this election farce to result in VP Biden becoming the fraudulent president. Let us just wait and see what He does. We have only about three more weeks at the most.

There's one other matter I'd like to mention. I thought it was more than one man of God who stated the Supreme Court would be deciding the election outcome. After recently hearing a couple of the prophecy ministers state they don't know exactly how God will move His hand to expose the fraud but only that He will, it had me a bit confused. It had me to think hard about which minister(s) mentioned the Supreme Court. I've come to the conclusion that it was only Mark Taylor who mentioned the Court, but I'm not sure if he was stating it was only his opinion or whether it was from God. I've been trying to locate which YouTube video it was where he mentioned it. I haven't had any success in locating it up to now although I will continue to try.
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Posts: 847

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/01/2021 12:37 PM

Johnny, all that god nonsense aside, do you honestly think "America will be changed to an unrecognizable country. We would eventually become a socialist country" under Biden?

Do you realize the monumental chain of events that would have to occur for that to happen?

To begin with, you'd need a president that has a Socialist agenda. Biden is far from that. Despite what your media is telling you, Biden is not and will never be accused of being a Socialist. In fact, during one of the debates, when Trump tried to imply he was a Socialist by trying to link him to Bernie Sanders, Biden responded with, "I beat Bernie Sanders." It was about as clear as he could have been at distancing himself from and denouncing Socialism. Never once in his long history in the Senate or his eight years as a Vice President did Biden promote or support any legislation that could be remotely considered Socialist. During the campaign, for instance, he was adamantly opposed to defunding the police. This is just more of the fear that that radical right-wing media is pumping out to keep its listeners. But it's not true.

Assuming, however, Biden was a raging Socialist, then you'd need a Congress, both houses, that is also Socialist, and collectively passes Socialist agendas and laws. Do you know how virtually impossible that would be?

But, if we continue with this fear-mongering Democrats=Socialists agenda the radical right media is perpetuating, then you'd need a Supreme Court to uphold all those Socialist laws. Have you seen the makeup of the Supreme Court?

The checks and balances of the Constitution were created to prevent just this sort of thing from ever happening. That's the genius and the beauty of the document.

Oh, and the biggest trick of all. You'd need an electorate that would vote in office, or keep in office, politicians that promote a Socialist agenda.

The only way the United States becomes a Socialist nation is if the people will it to be. And then, it would last only as long as the next election.

Don't confuse human rights with Socialism. Don't confuse climate change with Socialism. Don't confuse civil rights with Socialism.

(By the way, other than in 2016 and 2020, I have mostly voted Republican.)

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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/01/2021 02:50 PM

Kevin - I enjoyed reading what you posted. It's sad, however, that you labeled the things I mentioned about God and this presidential election as "god nonsense" because it's going to be God who will see to it that this "President-Elect Joe Biden" farce will never be
"President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris". Therefore, it's actually a moot point concerning whether Biden would support socialism.

If you are so confident in Biden, let's make a wager whether he'll even be president. If you're willing, let's wager anywhere between $100 up to $1,000. If I win, I plan to donate it to charity. If you win, you can do with the money as you please. I would prefer a bet towards the greater amount rather than to the lesser.

Just to address one thing about how Biden would accomplish a socialist agenda, there's a presidential power as I'm sure you're aware known as an executive order. But, as I say, it's all going to be a moot point. Let me know if you're willing to accept my challenge and, if so, in what amount? It's your opportunity to enrich yourself up to $1,000!
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Posts: 847

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/01/2021 06:58 PM

What about $25,000?
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/01/2021 07:32 PM

If I really thought you'd pay up then yeah! Let's do $2,500. Plus, this way, I won't have to sell some stock. Are you game?
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Posts: 125

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/01/2021 10:35 PM


What is your definition of socialism? And communism? Do you think they are the same?

Do you think the US military is a socialist institution?

You may be interested to know that research has shown that the happiest people in the world live in countries with social democratic governments. Capitalism and socialism exist side by side for the benefit of all citizens (and hopefully the planet). Also, data shows that the US ranks lower on economic freedom than these countries.

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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/02/2021 03:23 AM

As I told Kevin, Jude, it's all a moot point. Trump will be president for another four years as you and everyone here will see. Biden will either be going to prison or he will end his own life. Hopefully, the former for his sake. I'm just waiting to hear back from Kevin if he's good with a $2,500 wager. Time to put up or shush up as they say.
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/02/2021 11:04 AM

Dan - I'll answer your question if you answer two of mine first:

1) Why do you call this a comedy?

2) Who do you think (not who do you hope) will be our president for the next four years?
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Posts: 847

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/02/2021 11:36 AM

Johnny: I think it's interesting that you are so certain of a Trump victory yet you are unwilling to go for the $25,000. That tells me you are not as strong of a believer in your faith as you claim.

But if you're unwilling to back up your faith for $25,000, of course I will honor the $2,500 bet. But I would like to add one more stipulation. Again, you should have no issue with this since you are certain about the outcome.

Not only does the loser pay the other $2,500 but he agrees to never post to this site ever again. Not under his current user name or any subsequent user names.

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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/02/2021 12:01 PM

Moser Johnny,
If Trump is inaugurated on January 20, 2021, I will send you my Half Century box set.
If Biden is inaugurated on January 20, 2021, I will be happy to receive your America letter jacket and belt buckle.
Long live America,

Mo - Thanks to Kevin, I will accept your "Half Century" box set if I'm correct. I would like to amend our bet slightly, however.

Let's change it to which person will be president for the next four years. Trump as the president for me and either Biden or Harris for you. The reason for the amendment is just in case the inauguration date is postponed. I'll assume this amendment is agreeable unless you state so otherwise.
Edited by King_of_Glass on 01/02/2021 12:07 PM
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/02/2021 12:52 PM

No problem, Dan, but I think you just answered my second question. For once it's good to have you on my side.
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/02/2021 01:50 PM

Not only does the loser pay the other $2,500 but he agrees to never post to this site ever again. Not under his current user name or any subsequent user names.

So, if you lose, you have to pay me $2,500. And, you as the loser, you would not ever post here again. That's a double win for me. The only reason I'm choosing the lesser amount is for your benefit in having to pay.

It's $2,500 then!
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Posts: 847

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/02/2021 02:21 PM

Actually, Johnny, that was a typo. I meant $25,000 not $2,500. Hard to type while driving.
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/02/2021 02:46 PM

MyUserNameIsKevin Actually, Johnny, that was a typo. I meant $25,000 not $2,500. Hard to type while driving.

Okay, Adam Schiff, (oops, that was typo) I mean, Kevin, your amendment would read like this:

"But if you're unwilling to back up your faith for $25,000, of course I will honor the $2,500 bet. But I would like to add one more stipulation. Again, you should have no issue with this since you are certain about the outcome.

Not only does the loser pay the other $25,000 but he agrees to never post to this site ever again. Not under his current user name or any subsequent user names."

In that case, I'll accept our bet of $2,500 with no stipulations! Done!
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Posts: 847

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/02/2021 03:42 PM

If you don't have enough faith in your faith, then you can keep the bet at $2,500. I'd rather it be $25,000 but I am willing to take $2,500 from you.

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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/02/2021 04:21 PM

MyUserNameIsKevin If you don't have enough faith in your faith, then you can keep the bet at $2,500. I'd rather it be $25,000 but I am willing to take $2,500 from you.

Done as I mentioned before. Will get back with you though, Kevin. I have to run an errand.
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/02/2021 07:27 PM

Okay, Kevin, I'm back. So, IF the bet were $25,000, you would truly pay that amount to me if you lose? I find it extremely hard to believe. If only you really knew how thin the ice is that you're treading on with wanting to bet $25,000!

Although you may not believe it, I'm actually doing you a favor by selecting the lesser amount because you are going to lose. You will not win betting against what God has told his prophecy ministers concerning the final outcome of the election. I'll give it some more thought, however, if I should decide to choose to increase the amount although it won't be any amount greater than double what you and I have currently agreed upon. There's not a whole lot of incentive for me as the money will not be ending up in my bank account as its final destination.
Edited by King_of_Glass on 01/02/2021 07:31 PM
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/03/2021 02:48 AM

Dan - Help me out and give me some advice. Kevin wants me to increase the bet which is at $2,500. What should I do? Should I double it or should I just say it's good where it's at? Not increasing the bet would actually be doing Kevin a favor even though he doesn't see it that way.

Also, as you know, he wanted me to agree to be banished forever from posting here if I lose and vice versa. Should he and I agree to that? Please advise! If I don't hear back from you, I'll just have to make a decision on my own.

Anyone else is welcome to give their opinion. I'd welcome it. Jude, Rich, Gerry, Dewey, Penny?
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/03/2021 02:24 PM

Kevin - I am willing to increase our bet. However, I need to hear from you exactly what amount you truly are willing to pay if you lose. Let's be totally honest. You nor I would be willing to pay the other $25,000. That's just not reasonable.

If I don't hear back from you then you and I are locked in at $2,500. That amount will only change if both of us are in agreement to change it. The bet is not able to be cancelled unless both parties agree to the cancellation!

Your move as a particular lyric goes!

P.S. To anyone else who may be interested in a bet, I have a second maroon and gray America varsity/letterman jacket that I will offer up as a bet. Just let me know if you're interested.
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Posts: 3362
From: Upstate

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/04/2021 12:44 AM

King_of_Glass Johnny,
If Trump is inaugurated on January 20, 2021, I will send you my Half Century box set.
If Biden is inaugurated on January 20, 2021, I will be happy to receive your America letter jacket and belt buckle.
Long live America,

Mo - Thanks to Kevin, I will accept your "Half Century" box set if I'm correct. I would like to amend our bet slightly, however.

Let's change it to which person will be president for the next four years. Trump as the president for me and either Biden or Harris for you. The reason for the amendment is just in case the inauguration date is postponed. I'll assume this amendment is agreeable unless you state so otherwise.

If Trump is inaugurated on Presidential Inauguration Day, 2021, I will send you my Half Century box set.
If Biden is inaugurated on Presidential Inauguration Day, 2021, I will be happy to receive your America letter jacket and belt buckle.
Long live America,

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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/04/2021 02:15 AM


If Trump is inaugurated on Presidential Inauguration Day, 2021, I will send you my Half Century box set.
If Biden is inaugurated on Presidential Inauguration Day, 2021, I will be happy to receive your America letter jacket and belt buckle.
Long live America,

Got it!

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Posts: 847

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/04/2021 08:51 AM

Johnny, yes $25,000 is outrageous. I threw that figure out there because I wanted to see exactly how much faith you actually have in your faith.

Now I know. Not $25,000 worth.

So, let's settle on something more reasonable. Let's say $5,000. God knows you can do that.

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Posts: 847

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/04/2021 01:08 PM

Danny, did you word that right?
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/04/2021 01:12 PM

Dan - My "dirty money"? You know how to really hurt a guy! It would probably be more accurate to have said you're not interested in any piece of dirty clothing in my closet. Concerning a friendly wager, how about this one which is by far much, much better:

If Trump is sworn in on Inauguration Day, we never hear from you here again.

If Biden is sworn in on Inauguration Day, we never hear from you here again.

Deal or no deal?
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/04/2021 02:51 PM

MyUserNameIsKevin Johnny, yes $25,000 is outrageous. I threw that figure out there because I wanted to see exactly how much faith you actually have in your faith.

Now I know. Not $25,000 worth.

So, let's settle on something more reasonable. Let's say $5,000. God knows you can do that.

Kevin - That's a deal so you and I are locked in at $5,000! And, I agree to no changing nor cancelling the bet unless the other person consents to it.

FYI regarding Dan's latest posting. He absolutely did word his proposal correctly. It's clear to me that he believes just as I do that Trump will be the president for the next four years. He may be rude with the wearing of his cruel boots he got for Christmas, but he's not totally ignorant in spite of his many postings from the past indicating otherwise.
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Posts: 125

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/05/2021 11:18 AM

Hi KoG,

You asked for my opinion on your bet with Kevin.

I think the bet should be $11,780 paid in $1 bills, or $117.80 paid in cents. The prize should be counted three times before being paid to the winner. Counting should take place at Philadelphia City Hall and be supervised by Bill Gates, Q and Hillary Clinton. Maybe Hugo Chavez could return from the dead and provide the counting machines.

If, after recounting, the prize is rumoured to be 'a lot more, maybe hundreds of thousands', the lesser amount will be paid.

What do you think?

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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/05/2021 09:38 PM

Hi Jude,

I like how you think! Excellent idea, however, I believe there needs to be some major tweaking.

1) Instead of $11,780 in $1 bills, the amount should be $11,821, but I'll explain why that amount on the day it's announced that Trump's the actual winner of the presidential election. I would like to ask you, however, how you came to $11,780? It's not obvious to me.

2) Regarding the counting of the prize money three times before being paid out, that is an excellent idea! As with the votes, we want every single dollar bill counted which, of course, includes even the fake, counterfeit ones. Every bill counts! Well, except Bill Clinton, speaking of fake bills! "I did not have sex with that women...holding the stack of money...although I tried!"

3) Counting the money at the Philadelphia City Hall is another excellent idea! However (another damn however), we want Hillary to be present as you mentioned, Jude. Therefore, the location has to be changed. Since we can't bring Hillary and the money to Philly, we must bring the money to Hillary and her location. She hasn't been heard from in a while. It's rumored that she's at the location where we have to go which is to Gitmo. So, Cuba here we come! Hillary we will be arriving shortly to visit you. No need to change your clothes for us. After all, you look damn good in stripes!

4) Jude, you mentioned Bill Gates is to be there to supervise. Unfortunately, he must stay where he's at as he is still needed to give us pesky little American citizens more medical advice concerning what is good about vaccinations and invisible tattoos to be used on us and to be placed either on the right hand or on the forehead. Please don't let that give anyone the wrong idea! It has absolutely nothing to do with what the Bible says will happen to every inhabitant on earth in the future. It's strictly coincidental. Honest! Plus, all the medical-related issues suggested by Bill Gates is because he has a medical degree. What? He doesn't? That surely has to be a mistake as he speaks and acts like he's a medical doctor. Speaking of a medical doctor, we really should substitute Bill Gates with Dr. Fauci because we need someone like him if not for anything else but to bring us masks and to be sure we're wearing our masks properly.

5) You mentioned Hugo Chavez. We need to allow him to rest in peace. After all, when he was alive, he cared so much for the peace of the people of his country that it's the only rightful and respectful thing to do for such a humane and loving person such as him when he was alive. So, instead, we shall bring Jeffrey Epstein back from the dead. Actually, L. Lin Wood who is the attorney working with Sidney Powell believes Epstein is still alive and living somewhere under protection to be used against many people such as Chief Justice John Roberts and another justice, Justice Stephen Breyer. We shall see what the future holds for both of them. It's been said there will be two more Supreme Court vacancies that President Trump will need to fill during his second term. Just idle chatter, I'm quite sure!

6) Concerning the counting/voting machines, they are never to be tampered with. Well, not more than once. After all, we must not let anyone come near them. Someone might want to examine them. Hands off! Instead, we'll bring in slot machines. You know how they make that cute chiming sound? That's exactly the sound we need because it's going to be cha-ching for either Kevin or me.

7) I almost forgot about Q! Q is out of the question. We must allow Q to remain anonymous. Instead, we'll bring back cute little JonBenet Ramsey for Jeffrey Epstein as he enjoys the company of underaged girls. I'm sorry. That's way too underaged for even Jeffrey Epstein. He likes his underaged girls a bit more mature like around the age of 15 or 16. Forgive me as I temporarily had Epstein confused with someone else who likes being around girls of JonBenet's age. Sorry for my confusing Epstein for Joe Biden. So, please forgive me.

8) Regarding your mention, Jude, of being paid in cents, we should include the presence of Gerry, Rich, Dewey and his wife Penny. After all, we are using an America-related website to discuss all of this. Plus, we'll have Penny bring a penny. That's my two cents!

Now, what do YOU think?
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Posts: 3362
From: Upstate

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/06/2021 07:33 AM

Well played.

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Posts: 125

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/06/2021 02:53 PM

Thanks Mo.

KoG, are you happy with what's going on right now at the Capitol? I hope Trump is charged with sedition. I don't have time to watch this play out. I only hope that no lives are lost. Disgraceful.


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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/06/2021 03:39 PM

Of course not, Jude! I'm insulted you would even ask me that question. I, however,in an act of fair play, will be asking you the same question when it erupts after the declaration of Trump as president for the next four years.

Trump charged with sedition? I'm quite sure he didn't ask his supporters to burst through the doors of the Capitol Building. The people are enraged at the attempted election theft. If only you were as enraged...if only.
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Posts: 125

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/06/2021 03:50 PM

You are implicated through your support of Trump. Shame on you.
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/06/2021 05:56 PM

I wonder where that polite and well-mannered Jude disappeared to. Some cuckoo bird is using her ID to post here!
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Posts: 125

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/06/2021 10:47 PM

Hi KoG,
I was being well-mannered and polite, as I always am.
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/06/2021 11:26 PM

King_of_Glass Hi Jude,

I would like to ask you, however, how you came to $11,780? It's not obvious to me.

If you're as polite and well-mannered as you say you are, Jude, then please don't ignore my question that I had posted earlier as it appears above.

Jude - I've returned to edit my original posting to say the following: for you to point your finger at me for what the protestors did in Washington merely because I'm a Trump supporter would be like me accusing you of being a part of the mayhem that occurred last year in Portland and Seattle just because you're a Biden supporter. Totally ridiculous!
Edited by King_of_Glass on 01/07/2021 01:47 AM
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Posts: 125

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/07/2021 03:36 AM

Hi KoG,

Sincerest apologies, I did not see your question.

11,780 is the number of votes Trump requested Georgia Secretary of State to 'find' for him so that he could steal the Georgia election. Thought you would have been aware of Trump's efforts to overthrow the Georgia result. Kind of spoils my joke when I have to explain it ☹

Mind you, Trump's efforts are nothing to laugh at.


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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/07/2021 04:30 AM

Thanks for the explanation, Jude. I wasn't aware of the exact number of votes Trump mentioned. Concerning the money amount I selected, as mentioned in my posted message here, I'll explain it when Trump is informed he is the president again. No, it's not never. It's time for bed as it's 2:30 AM here. Thanks again for the reply. Until next time.
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/07/2021 04:29 PM

GirlFromOz Thanks Mo.

KoG, are you happy with what's going on right now at the Capitol? I hope Trump is charged with sedition. I don't have time to watch this play out. I only hope that no lives are lost. Disgraceful.


Hello Jude,

I would like you and others here to view portions of the video below as it addresses exactly who some of the people were that broke into the Capitol Building and its meeting room. They were not Trump supporters! They were slyly attempting to appear as if they were. They are actually people who oppose Trump just as you do. So, shame on them! And, if I were to carry it as far as you did yesterday, shame on anyone who supports the same candidate they support!

Start at time marker 13:25 and run through 19:30 as Pastor Lance Wallnau speaks. It would be better, however, to view all the way to 23:00.

Prophecy minister Hank Kunneman speaks at time marker 30:00 through 34:00. He is definitely worth watching as he talks about God's will to place Trump in office for another 4 years if I'm not mistaken about his topic. It is worth watching Kunneman speak again at 42:15 through 46:45.

Click Here To View
Edited by King_of_Glass on 01/07/2021 04:37 PM
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/10/2021 02:03 AM

Just a recap regarding what the prophecy ministers said. It's going to be:

1) A January of JUSTICE!

2) A February of FURY!

3) A March of CELEBRATION!

Plus, the ministers have said starting January 10 through January 16, it will be
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/11/2021 10:59 AM

Below is a very interesting YouTube video about what the Congress members of the Democrat Party are trying to achieve and why them want President Trump eliminated. I welcome people's opinions.

Click Here To View The Video
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Posts: 847

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/11/2021 11:31 AM



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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/11/2021 11:46 AM

LOL! Good one, Kevin! I'm glad to see that you're just as confident as I am about that but vice versa! And, you'll see why my not increasing the bet was really me doing you a favor.

Has anyone else heard that General Michael Flynn will be Trump's new VP? Perhaps it's just rumor.
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Posts: 847

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/11/2021 01:58 PM

Johnny, I'm willing to go $10,000 since you are so confident.
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/11/2021 05:00 PM

Okay, Kevin! $10,000 that either Biden or Harris versus Trump being president for the next four years! That is the bet, right?
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Posts: 847

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/11/2021 05:50 PM

Yes. You are saying Trump will be the next President of the United States. I am saying he won't be, that Biden will be.

Pretty simple bet. It's who won the election and who will be sworn in on January 20, 2021.
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Posts: 125

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/12/2021 12:47 AM

KoG, will you be participating in any of the planned 'SHOCK AND AWE' activities yourself, or will you be observing from the comfort of your home?
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/12/2021 01:31 AM

Hi Jude - Planned "Shock & Awe" activities? Sorry but I'm not familiar with what you're talking about. What planned activities? My mention of "Shock & Awe" was from what the prophecy ministers were saying will occur during this week concerning the fraudulent election.

By the way, did you view the YouTube video I posted on the 11th?
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Posts: 125

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/12/2021 01:51 AM

The FBI has information on planned armed protests in all 50 states over the dates that you describe as the 'SHOCK AND AWE' period of time. Coincidence? Can't believe you are not aware of this.
I did watch that video and came to the conclusion that the commentator is yet another RWNJ. Do you have a transcript so that I can fact check?
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/12/2021 02:10 AM

Jude - I thought that might have been what you were referring to, but I wasn't sure. In total and absolute honesty, I actually only heard about it from my sister about 30 minutes before I read your posting. Since I hadn't heard the news for myself, I wasn't 100% sure what my sister had told me was accurate. As it turns out, I thought my sister was telling me Biden supporters were planning the activities that you have described. But, thinking back on my conversation with my sister, she didn't say which side was planning the activities. I had assumed she meant Biden supporters for some reason. Not until just now am I understanding from you that it's plans of the Republicans and not that of the Democrats. I'm serious. It's the Trump supporters then, correct? I have not viewed any news today or tonight.
Edited by King_of_Glass on 01/12/2021 02:13 AM
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/12/2021 02:11 AM

Oh, no Jude, no transcript of the video.
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/12/2021 02:18 AM

Kevin - For our bet in the amount of $10,000 and because it's such a large amount of money, I'd prefer to bet who will be the next president for the next four years whether it be Biden or Harris for you or Trump for me. As odd as this may sound, in case there are two inaugurations (one for Biden and one for Trump held by different groups), we have to distinguish in some way how the bet is it's determined who the winner is between the both of us. Therefore, we can't say on January 20 or even the term of "on Inauguration Day". It needs to be like when it's determined without a doubt who the president will be. You and I need to come to definite terms with such a large amount at stake. I'm open to suggestions.

Mo - The same for our bet.
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Posts: 125

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/12/2021 02:28 AM

Of course it is Trump supporters. Same as those who want to hang Mike Pence, who want to kill Nancy Pelosi, who went to the Capitol waving Trump flags, who beat a police officer with an American flag, who carried plastic hand restraints into the Senate.

FWIW, I do not think that all Trump supporters behave like this, or support violent overthrow of your democratically elected government.

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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/12/2021 03:41 AM

The gatherings are an awful idea because Antifa and BLM members are going to disguise themselves again and will reek havoc. Yes, I said again. For that reason alone, the gatherings should not happen in my opinion.

Did you read my message to Kevin (and a mention to Mo) that there's a possibility of two different inaugurations occurring? One of the prophecy ministers eluded to it saying if it happens God is going to nullify Biden's. Just saying!

Bedtime here! Until next time.
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Posts: 961

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/12/2021 10:05 AM

I see that Johnny is trying to change the time of the bet. The bet WE have- just to be clear- is who will be inaugurated on January 20. I see he is trying to drag the bet out over four years, maybe in the hope it will be forgotten at the end of that time? I remain hopeful for our country . The world is watching us.

"I can't unread the pages I've already read"
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/12/2021 10:56 AM

No, Robyn, you are completely wrong about me "trying to drag the bet over four years". I absolutely know that President Trump will be the president for the next four years. Did you not read my most recent posting prior to this one? I'm concerned there might be two inaugurations either on the same day or perhaps on two different days. I'm trying to avoid any confusion if that should occur. One of the prophecy ministers stated that might happen. Therefore, the following is my suggestion:

The winner of our bet (I have one each with you, Robyn, as well as with Mo and Kevin and others who are not participants here), is the person whose candidate occupies the White House on February 20, 2021. This way there is absolutely no argument whose candidate won. Or, if the betting person's candidate goes to prison before the date of February 20, 2021 the other betting person wins. Simple as that.

Kevin, Mo and Robyn, can we agree on the above?
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Posts: 961

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/12/2021 11:01 AM

That was NOT our bet and you know it. OUR bet, the one I will hold to is was and always WILL BE WHo will be inaugurated on January 20. Not the "alternative inauguration held in the lobby of the Airport Alamo or wherever Rudy sets it. Period. THAT was our bet. See you are trying to change it as your misinformation
about future events changes. Sorry. No
"I can't unread the pages I've already read"
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/12/2021 11:49 AM

The essence of the bet is who will be the president. We chose January 20 not knowing there might be two candidates claiming each to be president. What are we going to do if both Biden and Trump are inaugurated on that same day at two different locations?
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/12/2021 02:13 PM

FYI to Kevin, Mo and Robyn:

One of the two other people who I have a $1,000 bet with each, sees the changing of the qualifications in determining the winner to the date of Feb 20, 2021 as an acceptable change. It clears away any doubt who the winner of the bet is in the very strange event of both Biden and Trump being inaugurated on January 20th but at two different locations. The other person I have yet to hear from. As confident as the three of you are, you have nothing to lose with the agreement to the terms I have proposed. Otherwise, the three of us may be left in confusion as to whom the true winner is of our individual bets as it currently stands. After all, the whole reason for the bet is about who we believe will be the next president. Changing the terms as I have issued will not affect your winning as each of you believe Biden will be occupying the WH on Feburary 20, 2021. I very much need to hear from the both of you (Kevin and Mo). Robyn, you know what I have said and feel so it's up to you if you still want to maintain our bet. Otherwise, it will leave you and me with no clear winner.
Edited by King_of_Glass on 01/12/2021 02:18 PM
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Posts: 847

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/12/2021 02:30 PM

It's really not that difficult. You are convinced some god is going to magically make Trump the next president of the United States. I am telling you that won't happen.

If you want to delay it until February 20, fine by me. I doubt you are planning to pay anyway. So this gives you one more month to live in your fantasy land until you renege on your bet.
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Posts: 961

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/12/2021 03:01 PM

I stand by the date of the ORIGINAL bet. Period. You change the terms you lose the bet. No changes. The original bet stands. Do you hope to make all your bets disappear, by changing horses in midstream?
"I can't unread the pages I've already read"

Edited by Robyn on 01/12/2021 05:36 PM
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/12/2021 03:14 PM

MyUserNameIsKevin It's really not that difficult. You are convinced some god is going to magically make Trump the next president of the United States. I am telling you that won't happen.

If you want to delay it until February 20, fine by me. I doubt you are planning to pay anyway. So this gives you one more month to live in your fantasy land until you renege on your bet.

I appreciate that. The more clarified terms but not the comments. You have me quite curious, Kevin, with your saying "some god". Are you a non-believer/atheist like Jude and Mo are or are you simply belittling the thought of God using modern day prophets to relay messages of importance to His believers? I had thought of you as a Christian based on past postings from the many years you and I have been posting to this chat board or SteveL's. I'd very much like to know as it gives me a great perspective into what helps make a person who they are. I hope you don't mind saying. Concerning our bet, I will not be needing to pay. It will be you paying me. We shall all see just how honest you are. That's why I didn't want to agree to the loser of the bet being banned from posting here. I want you here to be present and me hounding you to pay the bet.
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Posts: 3362
From: Upstate

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/12/2021 04:10 PM

GirlFromOz KoG,
The FBI has information on planned armed protests in all 50 states over the dates that you describe as the 'SHOCK AND AWE' period of time. Coincidence? Can't believe you are not aware of this.
I did watch that video and came to the conclusion that the commentator is yet another RWNJ. Do you have a transcript so that I can fact check?

I cracked up.
Well done...again, Jude.

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Posts: 125

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/12/2021 05:44 PM

Mo, glad to be of service...

Have been wondering about the suitability of the Four Seasons Landscaping car park as an appropriate venue for the second 'inauguration'. Giuliani has previously held a successful event there so must be familiar and satisfied with the facilities, particularly security. And I'm sure the surrounding businesses would be grateful for Trump's patronage.

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Posts: 961

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/12/2021 06:43 PM

thought it might be at the Dulles Airport Alamo Car rental counter...
"I can't unread the pages I've already read"
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Posts: 125

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/12/2021 06:46 PM

Not familiar with that venue :)
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/12/2021 08:52 PM

Mo - You and I started off so well here upon your recent return. It seems to have quickly deteriorated. Anyway, if it ends up that we have two different inaugurations, our bet will end up in a draw. To avoid that possibility, you and I need to amend the condition of our bet. May we change it to the date of February 20, 2021 for example? Whoever is the president by that date will indicate which of the two of us is the winner of the bet. One of the prophecy ministers made mention of the strong likelihood of there being two presidents because of two inaugurations, but it will be rectified at a later date. Surely, by February 20, 2021, we will know who the actual president is. I want to avoid ending up in a tie if that were to occur. I feel quite sure you highly doubt it. I, however, want to be sure our bet is not left with any doubt as to who the winner is. Please let me know your thoughts regarding whether we may alter the date to February 20, 2021 or some other remedy satisfactory to both of us.
Edited by King_of_Glass on 01/12/2021 08:53 PM
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/13/2021 04:32 AM

Mo - If you are willing to adjust the date to February 20, 2021 as the determining factor concerning our bet, I will double the offer while you don't need to change yours. If on the above date, President-Elect Joe Biden is the president, I will offer you my second maroon and gray America letterman jacket in addition to the one already as our bet, and I'll include a second America belt buckle. If Trump is president as of that date, I'm the winner of your America box set. Everything is to your advantage. President-Elect Biden has the electoral votes certified. Trump has said he will aid in the smooth transition of the presidency. If I don't hear back from you by 11:59 PM Eastern time Wednesday the 13th, the offer is just the one America jacket and buckle as originally agreed to. Just as a reminder regarding our original bet, if on Inauguration Day there are two different inaugurations (one for Biden and one for Trump) that will end up in a tie with nothing being exchanged.
Edited by King_of_Glass on 01/13/2021 10:50 PM
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/13/2021 07:46 PM

MyUserNameIsKevin It's really not that difficult. You are convinced some god is going to magically make Trump the next president of the United States. I am telling you that won't happen.

Kevin - I just want you to be crystal clear with no doubt whatsoever in front of everyone here. If Donald Trump is the president on February 20, 2021, I win and you will pay me $10,000? No if, and or buts! Correct?
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Posts: 847

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/13/2021 08:41 PM

I don't understand why this is so difficult for you to get, Johnny. We bet $10,000 on who the next president of the United States would be.

I said it will be Joe Biden. You said it will be Donald Trump. Because some goofy-ass prophets told you so.

It's a bet on whether Trump is president of the United States, not president of Trump Enterprises, or of his cell block, or in some fantasy inauguration where he rides off on a golden unicorn to become president of Trumpland for life.
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/13/2021 11:55 PM

MyUserNameIsKevin I don't understand why this is so difficult for you to get, Johnny. We bet $10,000 on who the next president of the United States would be.

I said it will be Joe Biden. You said it will be Donald Trump. Because some goofy-ass prophets told you so.

It's a bet on whether Trump is president of the United States, not president of Trump Enterprises, or of his cell block, or in some fantasy inauguration where he rides off on a golden unicorn to become president of Trumpland for life.

Kevin, you forgot the rainbow and sparkles! Seriously though, I appreciate your reply. I just wanted your unequivocal response on the record.

Concerning your mention of "some goofy-ass prophets", we shall see exactly who the goofy-ass will actually be. If I may offer you a small piece of advice: if I were you, I'd purchase some adult disposable undies to be worn starting any time soon in preparation of the announcement that Trump will be the legitimate victor of the 2020 presidential election.

Regarding your mention of a cell block, I feel quite sure you're aware treason is punishable up to death. You may not know that death by firing squad was reinstated as a legal means of execution just this past November and signed by President Trump. Ironic that I saw a YouTube video talking about how Biden plans to go up against the NRA. I don't think he's going to have enough time.

Thanks again for your reply!
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/14/2021 12:26 AM

This is for all the lonely people [who feel disenfranchised]!

Click Here To View
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Posts: 125

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/14/2021 01:15 AM

OK, I'll bite...Hilarious. Next.

KoG, OT, have you heard that the coronavirus vaccines contain microchips? Apparently Bill Gates is involved. 5G also. And satan.
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/14/2021 02:12 AM

Jude - You're telling me Bill Gates and Satan weren't one and the same person?
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Posts: 125

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/14/2021 02:19 AM

KoG, doesn't satan have many guises? Trump, Hitler, L. Lin Wood, Ivan the Terrible?
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/14/2021 02:31 AM

I like how you don't capitalize the name "Satan", Jude! Interesting. That's actually very good though.

I think you left out the names Joe and Nancy.

Here's a thought that just popped into my head. Could there be plans to arrest Biden and many others at the inauguration for treason? Hmm?
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Posts: 125

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/14/2021 02:37 AM

Ha! You're on to it!
Gotta go KoG. As I said up thread, enjoy the Biden years.

Edited by GirlFromOz on 01/14/2021 03:15 AM
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/14/2021 04:05 AM

No, Jude, I'm serious about the possibility of massive arrests of political people at the inauguration. I, of course, know full well you don't believe the election was fraudulent. I believe they will arrest Joe Biden before the swearing in as it would be illegal to inaugurate an illegitimate president-elect! Plus, people such as Hillary and Bill will be present, I'm sure, as well as former Presidents Obama and Bush, Pelosi, Schumer, Mitch McConnell and many others who may be arrested. What better place then when they're all gathered together? Plus, I think the arrests should be done publicly especially Biden's. Another thought is there will be thousands of military personnel present to perform the arrests. Maybe it's just my wishful thinking, but l don't discount that possibility.

As far as your saying to enjoy the Biden years, I'm not too sure he has many years left as there's the possibility of his execution by firing squad as I had mentioned to Kevin in my earlier posting.

The next time you're here posting, Jude, please let us know what time it is there in Syndey. I'm curious to know the time difference. My local time is two hours earlier than what's marked here by the computer.

Until next time!
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/16/2021 11:42 AM

A basic FYI to anyone present:

It's my understanding next week is supposed to be filled with lots of excitement regarding the presidential election! We'll see if Biden is even allowed to have an inauguration. I don't think he will. If he does, he may well be arrested before the official swearing-in. I read a message sent to me on Facebook stating President Trump will remain as president due to the proof of foreign interference in the election, and undisputable proof will be provided on Monday. If so, Biden will likely be disqualified allegedly per some law which would make Trump the automatic winner. That, of course, would make the prophecy ministers right about Trump being president again. We shall see!
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/16/2021 09:42 PM

Gerry's "Hang Your Head High"

Click Here To Read Political Article
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Posts: 961

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/18/2021 09:07 PM

Seriously, Johnny. You post a q-anon wet dream article that ADVOCATES the PUBLIC murder of PRESIDENT OBAMA and PRESIDENT ELECT BIDEN? You really truly ARE a piece of work. This is offensive. I used to enjoy the back and forth about music with you, but you are so far down the rabbit hole, there is no common ground.
"I can't unread the pages I've already read"
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/19/2021 04:34 AM

As it is quickly approaching Inauguration Day, I would like to say the following:

Many people do not believe in the existence of modern day prophets aka prophecy ministers. I have absolutely no doubt, whatsoever, that they do exist.

Amos 3:7 “For the Lord God does nothing without revealing his secret to his servants the prophets."

What is one of the purposes of prophets? To prove the existence of God!

As I have claimed here, a sizable number of modern day prophets have said President Trump will be the president for the next four years. In spite of how it may currently look, this prophecy will come true!

Will President-Elect Joe Biden be sworn-in on Wednesday? Only time will tell. It is my understanding President Trump has an extremely important message he will broadcast on Wednesday morning at 8:00 AM ET. That will be on Inauguration Day. I also understand it will be broadcast via the Emergency Alert System, and all other television channels are to be shut down. Also, the EAS is to be in effect for the next 72 hours. I have no doubt what will be transpiring in the next several days will be what the prophecy ministers have said which is: God has said to them what is coming, "a big surprise"!!!

One prophecy minister made mention of the possibility of two inaugurations and two presidents; however, one person will have his nullified. Which one? Joe Biden! Let us watch and see what happens on Wednesday in both Trump's announcement and the inauguration.

Another prophecy several of the minister have made is many, many people will be going to prison for their hand in the attempted theft of the presidential election. They will include many Democrats as well as Republicans. It is my understanding close to 200,000 sealed indictments are ready to be issued shortly after President Trump begins his second term. The Democrat Party will suffer so greatly that it will struggle for its existence for many, many years. The Republican Party will as well, but not like the Democrats. So much so for the Republicans that a new conservative party will arise according to the ministers.

Why you may ask is God moving His hand so late? It's exactly like the event in the Bible regarding the parting of the Red Sea. The Egyptian army was pursuing the Israelis who had earlier been released after being their slaves for many years. The Israelis had nowhere to ran as the Egyptians were quickly approaching to either recapture or kill them. What did God do? He parted the Red Sea which allowed the Israelis to escape by running across the DRY floor of the sea. When the Egyptian army followed them across the dry ground, God allowed the parted waters of the sea to flood back down drowning the entire army. God could have destroyed the Egyptians at an earlier point during their pursuit, but He didn't. Why? Because He wanted the Israelis to witness the miracle God would be performing for them.

Why is God waiting until the last day to reveal the surprise He has in store for the man He has chosen to be the true and official president? Because, like He did by parting the Red Sea, He wants everyone to see the miracle He is going to perform on Inauguration Day or so it is my belief.

The analogy of the Red Sea event to the presidential election:

1) The Egyptian Army pursued the Israelis. The Democrats pursue Trump.

2) The Israelis were pursued from the left. Trump is pursed by the Left.

3) The Egyptian Army was drowned. The Democratic Party will be "drowned".

4) The Israelis made it across the Red Sea. Trump made it to his second term by the "red sea' of supporters.

5) God parted the Red Sea at the very last possible moment. God will make Trump president on the very last possible day.

6) The Israelis are God's chosen people. Trump is God's chosen president.

What might President Trump's announcement be about? It is strictly my speculation, but I think he may announce that a year or two prior to the election, he may have enacted a law approved by/passed by the Supreme Court concerning what should occur in the event of provable election fraud in the presidential election if a foreign country is involved. In that event, I heard, the candidate who benefits from the fraud is disqualified and the other candidate is automatically declared the winner! As I had posted earlier, there is alleged fraud conducted by Italy on behalf of the request by former President Obama. If true and proven, he will surely face treason charges and so will Joe Biden who, with little doubt, would certainly be fully aware of the fraud. One of the penalties for treason in the United States, as I have mentioned here previously, is death! It should be an extremely interesting next several months.

Once again, the prophecy ministers are saying the following: January will be a month of justice; February, a month of fury; and March, a month of celebration!
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Posts: 961

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/19/2021 09:48 AM

Earlier you stated the week of January 10-16 would be one of "shock and awe" still waiting, there, buddy.
"I can't unread the pages I've already read"
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/19/2021 12:58 PM

Shock and awe: "Technically known as rapid dominance is a tactic based on the use of overwhelming power and spectacular displays of force to paralyze the enemy's perception of the battlefield and destroy their will to fight."

When did it occur during the week of January 10 through January 16? Exactly In The Middle Of The Week Which Was January 13.
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Posts: 961

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/19/2021 01:21 PM

The truly wonderful thing about murky predications is you can adapt them to any situation. Good for you. While your original post pointed toward the elimination of Biden/ Harris and the Triumph of Trump you now indicate otherwise, the acceptance, albeit grudging and insincere, by mr. trump that he has to leave.
"I can't unread the pages I've already read"
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Posts: 49

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/19/2021 02:23 PM

Hey there KoG,
It's only one day until Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are inaugurated, and only 2 days before the first phase of our bet concludes.
“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it is not open.” – Frank Zappa
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Posts: 49

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/19/2021 02:25 PM

BTW, I do love me some America, the country and the band.
“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it is not open.” – Frank Zappa
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Posts: 961

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/19/2021 02:28 PM

KOG says "It is strictly my speculation, but I think he may announce that a year or two prior to the election, he may have enacted a law approved by/passed by the Supreme Court concerning what should occur in the event of provable election fraud in the presidential election if a foreign country is involved."

Did you even ATTEND Government class in High School. This is just not possible.
"I can't unread the pages I've already read"
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/19/2021 11:17 PM

The video link below is what I viewed that mentions President Trump and the Emergency Alert System being used. I have actually not heard it talked about anywhere else. I was relying on them knowing what they are talking about. The entire video is very interesting. The part about the EAS is mentioned at time marker 16:00. I hope the men are accurate. We shall see tomorrow morning if it goes as they are discussing. They are not prophecy ministers, by the way.

Click Here To View

PS: After having posted the above link, I see it will only come from Facebook as an audio.
Edited by King_of_Glass on 01/19/2021 11:37 PM
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Posts: 49

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/19/2021 11:57 PM

You can believe any nonsense you find on the internet if you wish, but it won't change the fact that Joe Biden will be the next POTUS starting in just a few short hours. Thank goodness. BTW America Rocks
“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it is not open.” – Frank Zappa
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Posts: 847

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/20/2021 09:09 AM

There's a logical explanation for all of this, Johnny: You're stupid.
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Posts: 961

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/20/2021 11:55 AM

and Johnny, you just lost our bet, Mr Biden has been sworn in. I don't expect you to honor the bet, but you know you lost, and that is enough.
"I can't unread the pages I've already read"
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Posts: 49

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/20/2021 12:08 PM

Congratulations President Biden and Vice President Harris.
“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it is not open.” – Frank Zappa
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Posts: 49

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/20/2021 02:31 PM

Just wondering how do we all collect from KoG, when he is now banned from ever posting on here again...?
“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it is not open.” – Frank Zappa
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/20/2021 02:37 PM

From one of my messages yesterday, I said:

"One prophecy minister made mention of the possibility of two inaugurations and two presidents; however, one person will have his nullified. Which one? Joe Biden!"

Plus, it's not at the end of January yet as it's to be a January of justice!

Still hanging on to God's words via His prophecy ministers! People may choose to think I'm foolish, but so be it!
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Posts: 49

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/20/2021 03:00 PM

Nothing like moving the goal posts when things don't turn out your way huh Johnny?
“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it is not open.” – Frank Zappa
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Posts: 847

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/20/2021 03:29 PM

I don't think you're foolish, Johnny. In fact, I admire your faith. It's just you have faith in the wrong god. Any god who would want Donald Trump to be president is not a god worth worshiping.

The writer John Pavlovitz said it best in his article, "The Terribly Tiny God of MAGA Christians."

I feel sorry for professed Christians who support this President.

They have a profound and fundamental spiritual problem: their God is too small.

They passionately worship a deity made in their own image: white, American, Republican, male—and perpetually terrified of Muslims, immigrants, gay children, Special Counsel reports, mandalas, Harry Potter, Starbucks holiday cups, yoga, wind turbines, Science—everything. Their God is so laughably minuscule, so fully neutered of power, so completely devoid of functioning vertebrae that “He” cannot protect them from the encroaching monsters they are certain lurk around every corner to overwhelm them.

MAGA Christians sure put up a brave face, I’ll give them that. They shower this God with effusive praise on Sunday mornings, they sing with reckless abandon in church services about Him, they brazenly pump out their chests on social media regarding His infinite wisdom, they defiantly declare this God’s staggering might at every opportunity—but their lives tell the truth: They believe He is impotent and scared and ineffectual. You can tell this because they insist on doing all the things that a God-sized God would simply do as part of the gig.

They need to be armed to the teeth at all times because they don’t really believe God will come through to defend them in a pinch—and will always be outgunned.

They want to change gay couples and transgender teenagers themselves because they don’t trust God to work within people as He desires. (Apparently, God keeps making LGBTQ people, which really pisses them off.)

They want to stockpile and hoard wealth, health insurance, and opportunity—because this is a zero-sum game; because the God they claim turned water into wine, and fed thousands with a few fish and some leftover bread—can’t make enough for everyone.

They are obsessed with building a wall and defending a border and turning away refugees—because their God isn’t generous or smart or creative enough to help them figure out how to welcome and care for everyone who requires it.

They want no other religious traditions to have a voice because their insecure and terribly tiny God is mortally threatened by such things.

MAGA Christians’ daily existence testifies that their God is a microscopic, myopic coward, who has appointed them to morally police a world He cannot handle or is not equipped to direct and renovate. That’s pretty sad.

In short, their God isn’t a God worth believing in or worshiping—which is why they have to play God while they’re alive. It’s why they are furrowed-browed and white-knuckling their journey here—not content to let Jesus take the wheel for fear he’d drive them outside their gated community and into the hood and ask them to get out and care for the people they’re so used to condemning.

If you’re going to have a God, it may as well be right-sized. The world deserves this.

People deserve a God who is bigger than Franklin Graham’s and Mike Pence’s and Sarah Sanders’ and Jerry Falwell’s and the GOP’s God. Their God is small and terrified—and it suspiciously resembles them.

People deserve a God who so loves the world, not a God who thinks America First; whose creation begins without divides and borders and walls because there is only a single, interdependent community.

People deserve a God who touched the leper and healed the sick and fed the starving and parted the seas and raised the dead—not a quivering idol who builds walls and drafts bathroom bills and launches social media crusades against migrant families.

People deserve a God who is neither white nor male nor cisgender-heterosexual, nor Republican—because any other God isn’t big enough to bear the title or merit any reverence.

MAGA Christians believe in God earnestly, pray to God passionately, serve God with unflinching fervor. The problem is their God is too small, and as long as they are oriented toward such a tiny, useless deity—they will continue to be compelled to do for God what they believe God should be doing, but can’t or won’t.

I feel sorry for them and for the world that has to be subjected to their pocket-sized theology when there is an expansive space waiting.

I hope and pray that these people soon find a God who is big enough so that they stop living so small.

For their sake—and for ours.

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Posts: 125

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/20/2021 03:40 PM

Thank dog the adults are back in charge. Gotta love a parade!

FYI Johnny, it's 7:39AM on a gorgeous summer day here in Sydney :)
Tip: If you look on the internet you will be able to find numerous world clocks.
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Posts: 3362
From: Upstate

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/20/2021 07:32 PM

MyUserNameIsKevin I don't think you're foolish, Johnny. In fact, I admire your faith. It's just you have faith in the wrong god. Any god who would want Donald Trump to be president is not a god worth worshiping.

The writer John Pavlovitz said it best in his article, "The Terribly Tiny God of MAGA Christians."

I feel sorry for professed Christians who support this President.

They have a profound and fundamental spiritual problem: their God is too small.

They passionately worship a deity made in their own image: white, American, Republican, male—and perpetually terrified of Muslims, immigrants, gay children, Special Counsel reports, mandalas, Harry Potter, Starbucks holiday cups, yoga, wind turbines, Science—everything. Their God is so laughably minuscule, so fully neutered of power, so completely devoid of functioning vertebrae that “He” cannot protect them from the encroaching monsters they are certain lurk around every corner to overwhelm them.

MAGA Christians sure put up a brave face, I’ll give them that. They shower this God with effusive praise on Sunday mornings, they sing with reckless abandon in church services about Him, they brazenly pump out their chests on social media regarding His infinite wisdom, they defiantly declare this God’s staggering might at every opportunity—but their lives tell the truth: They believe He is impotent and scared and ineffectual. You can tell this because they insist on doing all the things that a God-sized God would simply do as part of the gig.

They need to be armed to the teeth at all times because they don’t really believe God will come through to defend them in a pinch—and will always be outgunned.

They want to change gay couples and transgender teenagers themselves because they don’t trust God to work within people as He desires. (Apparently, God keeps making LGBTQ people, which really pisses them off.)

They want to stockpile and hoard wealth, health insurance, and opportunity—because this is a zero-sum game; because the God they claim turned water into wine, and fed thousands with a few fish and some leftover bread—can’t make enough for everyone.

They are obsessed with building a wall and defending a border and turning away refugees—because their God isn’t generous or smart or creative enough to help them figure out how to welcome and care for everyone who requires it.

They want no other religious traditions to have a voice because their insecure and terribly tiny God is mortally threatened by such things.

MAGA Christians’ daily existence testifies that their God is a microscopic, myopic coward, who has appointed them to morally police a world He cannot handle or is not equipped to direct and renovate. That’s pretty sad.

In short, their God isn’t a God worth believing in or worshiping—which is why they have to play God while they’re alive. It’s why they are furrowed-browed and white-knuckling their journey here—not content to let Jesus take the wheel for fear he’d drive them outside their gated community and into the hood and ask them to get out and care for the people they’re so used to condemning.

If you’re going to have a God, it may as well be right-sized. The world deserves this.

People deserve a God who is bigger than Franklin Graham’s and Mike Pence’s and Sarah Sanders’ and Jerry Falwell’s and the GOP’s God. Their God is small and terrified—and it suspiciously resembles them.

People deserve a God who so loves the world, not a God who thinks America First; whose creation begins without divides and borders and walls because there is only a single, interdependent community.

People deserve a God who touched the leper and healed the sick and fed the starving and parted the seas and raised the dead—not a quivering idol who builds walls and drafts bathroom bills and launches social media crusades against migrant families.

People deserve a God who is neither white nor male nor cisgender-heterosexual, nor Republican—because any other God isn’t big enough to bear the title or merit any reverence.

MAGA Christians believe in God earnestly, pray to God passionately, serve God with unflinching fervor. The problem is their God is too small, and as long as they are oriented toward such a tiny, useless deity—they will continue to be compelled to do for God what they believe God should be doing, but can’t or won’t.

I feel sorry for them and for the world that has to be subjected to their pocket-sized theology when there is an expansive space waiting.

I hope and pray that these people soon find a God who is big enough so that they stop living so small.

For their sake—and for ours.

Well said.
Thank you.

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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/21/2021 01:37 PM

Kevin - I truly do appreciate everything you said to me in your message as I found it to be very sincere. You are mistaken, however. The God I worship told the prophecy ministers correctly. Trump will be the president for the next four years although it currently appears it will be Biden/Harris.

It was mentioned to me by someone that Biden's oath omitted "to protect the Constitution" portion during his swearing-in. I haven't gone back to check whether that's so.

Yes, Trump is out. He does not have anything to do with what the military will be doing soon. Because the military has proof of Biden being fraudulent, under the Constitution, they have a duty to remove Biden. With Biden removed that means Trump actually wins by default. Therefore, Trump will return. Let's watch and see what occurs. Perhaps, it will be another Bible parallel, but this time with the true story of Lazarus (Trump) and his being brought back from the death.
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Posts: 961

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/21/2021 01:53 PM

Keep dreaming. Dreams are cheap.

The military won't be overthrowing the government any time soon.

Did you get your money back for the CB radio you bought in advance of the Emergency Broadcast that never happened on Tuesday?
"I can't unread the pages I've already read"
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Posts: 49

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/21/2021 03:02 PM

It was mentioned to me by someone that Biden's oath omitted "to protect the Constitution" portion during his swearing-in. I haven't gone back to check whether that's so.

Isn't it telling that you would post this kind of inflammatory BS, without checking if it's true BEFORE posting it.
“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it is not open.” – Frank Zappa
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Posts: 847

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/21/2021 03:35 PM

You heard he forgot to mention "to protect the Constitution" when he took his oath? I have a question, Johnny? Do you have a computer? And if so, does it have Internet access? And if so, do you get Google? And if so, do you know how to type the words "Biden sworn in" into the dialog box? Because if you performed that simple act, a video of yesterday's swearing-in would pop up, and if you clicked on that video, it would play, and when it plays you can see the words Biden said, and when you see the words Biden said you would know whether he said "to protect the Constitution" before you made your post, and if you did that you would not look so foolish.

(Hint, he did say those words.)

Edited by MyUserNameIsKevin on 01/21/2021 04:09 PM
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/21/2021 05:25 PM

MyUserNameIsKevin I have a question, Johnny? Do you have a computer? And if so, does it have Internet access? And if so, do you get Google?

... before you made your post, and if you did that you would not look so foolish.

Wow, Kevin, I try to be kind to you by saying I appreciate your previous message and saying how I thought it was very sincere. Yet, you attack me for saying I merely heard what I said and that I hadn't personally checked, but you came at me as if I had said Biden definitely had omitted those words.

Talk about appearing foolish! You asked me whether I have a computer with Google access. No, I magically wish my thoughts onto this website without use of a computer.
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Posts: 125

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/21/2021 07:11 PM

King_of_Glass No, I magically wish my thoughts onto this website without use of a computer.

Are you God?
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/21/2021 07:22 PM

Jude! But, Jesus is God in human form. I actually didn't know that for many years as a Christian. I thought Jesus was "merely" the Messiah and not God made flesh when Jesus came to earth.
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Posts: 125

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/21/2021 07:31 PM

King_of_Glass Jude! But, Jesus is God in human form. I actually didn't know that for many years as a Christian. I thought Jesus was "merely" the Messiah and not God made flesh when Jesus came to earth.

I guess my comment went 'straight through to the keeper'. Deliberately or otherwise.
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Posts: 961

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/21/2021 08:11 PM

Johnny is not fluent in sarcasm.
"I can't unread the pages I've already read"
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/21/2021 08:13 PM

Sorry, Jude, but I'm not familiar with the saying, "straight through to the keeper". Please explain.
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Posts: 125

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/21/2021 08:19 PM

King_of_Glass Sorry, Jude, but I'm not familiar with the saying, "straight through to the keeper". Please explain.

Google is your friend.

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Posts: 961

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/23/2021 12:14 AM

So.. January 22 and Joe Biden is President. There was no super-secret pact that has come to light and no alternate Biden being revealed ala the end of a Scooby-Doo cartoon, with the mask being ripped away to reveal it's really Donald Trump that was sworn in! Johnny needs to let me know if he intends to hold our bet, which I have posted here as WHO is inaugurated on January 20,2021. He kept trying to change it, much as his "prophecy ministers" kept moving the goal posts. I know you are going to back out, claim some loophole, maybe get legal advice from Rudy, but Johnny are you going to be a grown
up and honor the bet?
"I can't unread the pages I've already read"
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Posts: 3362
From: Upstate

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/23/2021 10:58 AM

Robyn So.. January 22 and Joe Biden is President. There was no super-secret pact that has come to light and no alternate Biden being revealed ala the end of a Scooby-Doo cartoon, with the mask being ripped away to reveal it's really Donald Trump that was sworn in! Johnny needs to let me know if he intends to hold our bet, which I have posted here as WHO is inaugurated on January 20,2021. He kept trying to change it, much as his "prophecy ministers" kept moving the goal posts. I know you are going to back out, claim some loophole, maybe get legal advice from Rudy, but Johnny are you going to be a grownup and honor the bet?

Same query here.

Edited by Moser on 01/23/2021 10:59 AM
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Posts: 847

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/23/2021 12:15 PM

I doubt Johnny honors his bets.
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Posts: 49

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/23/2021 03:34 PM

Johnny told me he mailed me a check. I'll believe it when I see it.
“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it is not open.” – Frank Zappa
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Posts: 961

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/23/2021 03:35 PM

I think he got in over his head with some of y'all. I wouldn't count on seeing anything.
"I can't unread the pages I've already read"
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/23/2021 05:24 PM

Robyn and Johnny, you just lost our bet, Mr Biden has been sworn in. I don't expect you to honor the bet, but you know you lost, and that is enough.

Your initial message saying, "...that is enough" was accepted by me after you posted it.

It's all a moot point anyway (you can't win a bet if your person cheated) as your candidate will very likely be removed, and I will be headed to prison as there is irrefutable evidence of multiple foreign countries having interfered. I'm hoping it's this year and not next that all this comes down.

You all obviously aren't aware of many things occurring currently. The military is not recognizing Biden as the legal winner because they have seen the evidence. Hoping Trump will be president again in March of this year and not until next as the prophecy ministers have said he would serve another four years and not in 2024.
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Posts: 961

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/23/2021 05:28 PM

King_of_Glass and Johnny, you just lost our bet, Mr Biden has been sworn in. I don't expect you to honor the bet, but you know you lost, and that is enough.

Your initial message saying, "...that is enough" was accepted by me after you posted it.

It's all a moot point anyway as your candidate will very likely be removed, and I assume to prison as there is irrefutable evidence of multiple foreign countries having interfered. I'm hoping it's this year and not next that all this comes down. You all obviously aren't aware of many things occurring currently. The military is not recognizing Biden as the legal winner because they have seen the evidence. Hoping Trump will be president again in March of this year and not until next.

True. I don't want your "treasured" America-belia. I only collect things that mean something to me and as I am downsizing I have NO desire for your collection. I hope when you see them, you are reminded of the bet.

AS to your cherished desire that Biden will be dragged off in cuffs for some imagined treason, well. as my Mom liked to point out "dreams are cheap"

You still need to post "Biden is my President" on your Facebook page. We are still not FB friends. In the middle of all this, I was reminded of WHY we stopped being friends. You threatened me with bodily harm. And while I am not living in fear that you could actually make good on that threat, I choose not to be "friendly" with anyone so twisted as to threaten someone over- I believe- a SONG LYRIC MEANING.

AS there has been no real evidence of cheating, except in the "My Pillow"-like brain of the former President- or his law team- I am not concerned about a change in leadership.
"I can't unread the pages I've already read"
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Posts: 847

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/23/2021 05:32 PM

We had a pretty straight-forward bet, Johnny. That Biden would be inaugurated and Biden, not Trump, would be president come February 20. I gave you an extra month to let your delusion play out.

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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/23/2021 05:37 PM

Robyn You threatened me with bodily harm. And while I am not living in fear that you could actually make good on that threat, I choose not to be "friendly" with anyone so twisted as to threaten someone over- I believe- a SONG LYRIC MEANING.

I have no idea what you're talking about, Robyn!!! Please tell me what I said if you're going to make such an outrageous public accusation!
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Posts: 49

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/23/2021 05:38 PM

Johnny, if there is evidence of fraud that changed the election, show it. The FACT is, NO evidence has been found nor shown. You do realize that your Prophecy Ministers have changed their tune every time their "prophecy" doesn't come true? First Biden wouldn't win (you would think if GOD was telling your Prophecy Ministers what would happen, GOD would know about the cheating), then there would be two inaugurations and two presidents at the same time. Then the supreme court would overturn the results, Then you said Trump wasn't really moving out of the White House, then you said Biden wouldn't be moving in. Next you said Biden would be out by the end of the month. In all of this, most of us would want Biden removed if he had committed fraud to win. But at this point I believe the law only permits the standard succession which means, if the president is removed it becomes the vice president, then the speaker of the house. I don't recall the reason you said you thought the speaker would be in prison too but next in line would be Chuck Schumer... Conspiracy theories have a way of clouding your judgement, and almost never come true.
“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it is not open.” – Frank Zappa
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/23/2021 05:42 PM

So, Kevin, if Biden is removed due to fraud, do you still think it qualifies you as the winner?
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/23/2021 05:46 PM

Jajuba But at this point I believe the law only permits the standard succession which means, if the president is removed it becomes the vice president, then the speaker of the house.

Both the presidential and vice-presidential candidates are disqualified. The opponent wins by default.

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Posts: 961

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/23/2021 06:05 PM

Where is that in the Constitution? ( Hint- it's not, except maybe the Q-anon one.) This isn't the Miss America pageant.

"I can't unread the pages I've already read"
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Posts: 961

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/23/2021 06:07 PM

King_of_Glass You threatened me with bodily harm. And while I am not living in fear that you could actually make good on that threat, I choose not to be "friendly" with anyone so twisted as to threaten someone over- I believe- a SONG LYRIC MEANING.

I have no idea what you're talking about, Robyn!!! Please tell me what I said if you're going to make such an outrageous public accusation!

You threatened to come to my house and shoot me. It was a long time ago. I believe my response was I have a big dog. You won't remember it but it ended our friendship You did it.

"I can't unread the pages I've already read"
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Posts: 49

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/23/2021 06:07 PM

Johnny, There is no such thing as "wins be default" in US presidential elections.
“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it is not open.” – Frank Zappa
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Posts: 847

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/23/2021 06:37 PM

I figured you would try to weasel out of it, Johnny. But our bet was clear. Who would be president on February 20th?

I'd say I expect you to man up, but you are one man short of that equation.
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/23/2021 07:03 PM

Here's a hypothetical:

Let's say we're betting on a 10-mile race between runners. I bet you Runner A places first on the winner's stand that day. You bet Runner B will. While no one is looking, Runner B takes a short cut which gets him to the finish line first. Weeks later, the officials check the cameras and determines Runner B cheated by taking the short cut. He's stripped of his medal, and it goes to Runner A.

At the award ceremony, Runner B did proudly stand on the 1st place winner's spot. So, are you saying you win the bet because Runner B placed first on the winner's stand that day in spite of the cameras proving he cheated?
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Posts: 125

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/23/2021 07:05 PM

If anyone is lucky enough for Mr Johnny to concede defeat and agree to pay up, I suggest you do it by electronic transfer.

If he agrees to send you memorabilia, I would have it deep cleaned before touching it.

I think you will find that if he doesn't honour his bets his defense will be insanity and this led him to make all sorts of convoluted statements. I hope he has a spreadsheet.

He claims that he is cognizant of information held by the US military. How amusement.
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Posts: 49

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/23/2021 07:26 PM

Johnny in your QAnon hypothetical, What if none of the runners cheated, but when standing on the podium as the winner, he dies, does that make the second place the winner? If so, and he also dies, does third place become winner, and if he also dies, then the announcer of the race wins? Then next might be the soundman who set up the sound system, he could then become the winner of the race?
“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it is not open.” – Frank Zappa
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/23/2021 07:53 PM

Chris - You clearly know the answer to that! Of course, the soundman wins because the soundman's OJ. If the track shoe don't fit, you must acquit!
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/23/2021 08:02 PM

And, just to let you know, Chris, the local post office uses homing pigeons for deliveries to California.
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Posts: 49

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/23/2021 08:34 PM

Johnny, Even if mailing me the payment was a lie, at least you admitted that you lost our bet.
“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it is not open.” – Frank Zappa
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Posts: 49

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/23/2021 08:36 PM

Johnny, Isn't Lying a sin? OMG
“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it is not open.” – Frank Zappa
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/23/2021 08:39 PM

You threatened to come to my house and shoot me. It was a long time ago. I believe my response was I have a big dog. You won't remember it but it ended our friendship You did it.

Robyn, Robyn, Robyn! You poor little soul. That never happened. Our friendship back then ended over some trivia questions I had asked about an LP George Martin produced. You thought the answer was America's "Holiday". Instead, it was an LP by American Flyer. I clearly understand how you would have thought it was "Holiday", but it wasn't. I think you must have gotten extremely embarrassed with your wrong answer or thought I intentionally attempted to shame you. You and I were on extremely friendly terms. So much so that we even spoke by telephone a couple of times As far as your allegation that I threatened to "shoot you", that's utterly ridiculous and highly laughable. Please tell me why I allegedly would threaten to shoot you? What, like you quoted a song lyric wrong and that really ticked me off enough to threaten to shoot you?

As far as you saying you have a big dog, you clearly have a big imagination! Too much time spent reading fantasy books, perhaps.
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/23/2021 08:40 PM

Jajuba Johnny, Isn't Lying a sin? OMG

Of course, Chris, but is jesting a sin?

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Posts: 125

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/23/2021 08:42 PM

Too much time spent reading fantasy books, perhaps.

Like the Bible?

And Johnny, if I may call you that, weren't you kicked off this site some years ago only to return with a different name (that obviously identified you)? Am I wrong? Or did you voluntarily leave?

I can't be bothered trawling through the site but I suppose you'd remember and would be aware of the reason for your absence. I guess there'd also be others who remember.

Just wondering.

Edited by GirlFromOz on 01/23/2021 09:02 PM
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Posts: 961

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/23/2021 08:51 PM

You threatened to come to my house and shoot me. It was a long time ago. I believe my response was I have a big dog. You won't remember it but it ended our friendship You did it.

Robyn, Robyn, Robyn! You poor little soul. That never happened. Our friendship back then ended over some trivia questions I had asked about an LP George Martin produced. You thought the answer was America's "Holiday". Instead, it was an LP by American Flyer. I clearly understand how you would have thought it was "Holiday", but it wasn't. I think you must have gotten extremely embarrassed with your wrong answer or thought I intentionally attempted to shame you. You and I were on extremely friendly terms. So much so that we even spoke by telephone a couple of times As far as your allegation that I threatened to "shoot you", that's utterly ridiculous and highly laughable. Please tell me why I allegedly would threaten to shoot you? What, like you quoted a song lyric wrong and that really ticked me off enough to threaten to shoot you?

As far as you saying you have a big dog, you clearly have a big imagination! Too much time spent reading fantasy books, perhaps.

johhny johnny johnny I see denial for you is not just a river in Egypt, but a did what you did. And at the time I owned a 150 pound Shepherd mix who would have eaten anyone who came to my house with I'll intent. We are no longer friends.
"I can't unread the pages I've already read"
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/23/2021 08:57 PM

GirlFromOz If anyone is lucky enough for Mr Johnny to concede defeat and agree to pay up, I suggest you do it by electronic transfer.

Jude - If anyone should be "lucky enough" for Mr. Johnny to care about their eternal soul that he would attempt to prove that God really does exist, I suggest they might not be so flippant about the God who cared enough to give them life and to offer a way of redemption from their sins.
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Posts: 125

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/23/2021 09:06 PM

I suggest they might not be so flippant about the God who cared enough to give them life and to offer a way of redemption from their sins.

What sins?
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/23/2021 09:11 PM

johhny johnny johnny I see denial for you is not just a river in Egypt, but a did what you did. And at the time I owned a 150 pound Shepherd mix who would have eaten anyone who came to my house with I'll intent. We are no longer friends.

Robyn - You said we're no longer friends. I sort of got that idea when you unfriended me on Facebook. That's usually a telltale sign. Perhaps, in this case, I should say a tall tale sign.
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Posts: 49

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/23/2021 09:12 PM

King_of_Glass Johnny, Isn't Lying a sin? OMG

Of course, Chris, but is jesting a sin?

I guess we'll see if your payment shows up next week or if you flat out lied (sinned).
“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it is not open.” – Frank Zappa
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/23/2021 09:15 PM

What sins?

All this time, I didn't know I've been conversing with Saint Jude!

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Posts: 125

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/23/2021 09:19 PM

All this time, I didn't know I've been conversing with Saint Jude!


And I hope you appreciate the sacrifice I am making to 'chat' with you on this glorious summer afternoon in Sydney. Yes, I know it is voluntary, but I am a very kind person.
Edited by GirlFromOz on 01/23/2021 09:26 PM
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/23/2021 09:21 PM

I guess we'll see if your payment shows up next week or if you flat out lied (sinned).

Now, I'm not responsible if the post office chose a stool pigeon of a homing pigeon!
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/23/2021 09:27 PM


Oh, come on, Jude! my imitation of that "one horse pony" man.

You know, Saint Jude, the CEO of that children's research hospital in Memphis, TN.
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/23/2021 09:39 PM

GirlFromOz Yes, I know it is voluntary, but I am a very kind person.

What kind of person, is the guess! I know, I know! Kind of shy, reserved, timid, meek. That's the Jude of Sydney that I've had the pleasure of knowing!

Time for dinner. Nice chatting with you sinless, eduJ! By the way, there's another sinless person I know, but I highly doubt you'd ever care to know Him. I pray you will one of these days. Later.
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Posts: 961

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/23/2021 09:40 PM

johhny johnny johnny I see denial for you is not just a river in Egypt, but a did what you did. And at the time I owned a 150 pound Shepherd mix who would have eaten anyone who came to my house with I'll intent. We are no longer friends.

Robyn - You said we're no longer friends. I sort of got that idea when you unfriended me on Facebook. That's usually a telltale sign. Perhaps, in this case, I should say a tall tale sign.

No flies on you.

"I can't unread the pages I've already read"
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Posts: 125

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/23/2021 09:46 PM

King_of_Glass Nice chatting with you sinless, eduJ!

Define sin.
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/23/2021 09:49 PM

I guess we'll see if your payment shows up next week or if you flat out lied (sinned).

One more thing, Chris. If by some very rare and extraordinary chance you do receive something, please don't tell anyone here. It'll ruin my reputation! Can't promise you I signed the check, however! After all, you said sending you a check was okay. You didn't mention anything about it having to be signed! Venice, CA 92406, right?
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Posts: 125

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/23/2021 10:00 PM

I apologise to you for engaging in this fruitless discussion with KoG. You are right, it has become ridiculous and tedious. I won't comment anymore.
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/23/2021 10:02 PM

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Posts: 961

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/23/2021 10:06 PM

Sorry, all.

We need to just stop feeding the Troll.

He's not paying up on any of his bets anyway. Maybe he will hold to the promise to go and never darken the folder again.
"I can't unread the pages I've already read"
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/23/2021 10:08 PM

Oh, I forgot to say one more thing to you, Jude.

You're extremely fortunate I didn't threaten to come to Sydney to shoot you! Lucky girl!
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Posts: 49

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/23/2021 10:11 PM

I noticed he didn't respond to why or if he was kicked off of this site before... Johnny, our bet said nothing about keeping it secret, but if you sent something to Venice You are dumber then I thought.
“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it is not open.” – Frank Zappa
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/23/2021 10:30 PM

Jajuba I noticed he didn't respond to why or if he was kicked off of this site before... Johnny, our bet said nothing about keeping it secret, but if you sent something to Venice You are dumber then I thought.

Sorry, Chris, I didn't see your question. The answer is "no".

If you really believe I sent your check to Venice, you are as dumb as I thought! Just kidding you about both. Ventura, right?
Edited by King_of_Glass on 01/23/2021 10:31 PM
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Posts: 337

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/25/2021 11:11 AM

Just fyi, no court has actually held a trial to allow the two sides to present their evidence. Some cases are still active, though the point is probably moot now, while the majority were dismissed on standing or some other legal technicality without the court ever hearing the evidence.

Accurate List of 2020 Election Fraud Cases Shows 81 Cases Total, 30 Still Active – And NOT ONE SINGLE COURT Has Allowed Evidence to be Argued

This is what has frustrated some Trump supporters, they never got their day in court to make their case.

Edited by Americafan on 01/25/2021 11:21 AM
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Posts: 961

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/25/2021 11:45 AM

When you don't show up with evidence, the judge won't hear the case, when you don't have legal standing to bring suit, the judge won't hear the case. The DOJ and everyone else connected to the case says there was no massive fraud, and no one has found anything- and NOT for lack of looking. There IS no case. Accept the results and move on.
"I can't unread the pages I've already read"
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/25/2021 01:23 PM

Mark - I really appreciate your posting today! Seeing it and seeing Robyn's posting of presidential election fraud denial (plus her totally outrageous and ludicrous accusation that I threatened to "shoot her" over some alleged song lyric) has prompted me to do the following just moments ago.

Chris, you need to know the following: voter fraud in this past election will be proven. Any bet is based on there being no cheating; however, that is exactly what your candidate Joe Biden did. As I have said here numerous times, it will be proven as per the prophecy ministers, and Trump will be back as president likely around March or April. Because you "won" on fraudulent terms, the $600 check that I sent to you on Friday has just had a "stop payment" placed on it. So, don't even attempt to cash it now. As I said, Mark's message and Robyn's response to it plus her outlandish allegation of me from years ago has prompted me to contact my bank just moments ago. I know you think because Biden entered the White House on January 21 that you won the bet. He did it by fraud. Thus, your "victory" is null and void just like Biden's "victory" will be null and void. When I sent you the check, it was sent with no intention of me ever having to cancel it. But, as I have said, the recent activities on this site have prompted me to do just that. After all, it will cost me $30 as a service charge by my bank. Better that than to lose $600 in a bet where the outcome will be proven to be fraudulent. Again, you can't win a bet if cheating has been involved!
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Posts: 961

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/25/2021 01:48 PM

you did. You can deny it till the cows come home, but you did.

Get over it.

I did. I actually thought we could be "friendly" but that ship has sailed.
"I can't unread the pages I've already read"
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Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/25/2021 02:25 PM

Robyn you did. You can deny it till the cows come home, but you did.

Get over it.

I did. I actually thought we could be "friendly" but that ship has sailed.

Then give us the details, Robyn! I know you can't because it NEVER happened. You didn't even get the situation right. As I said, it was about a trivia question that you thought the answer was "Holiday". If you can't even give us what song or even what artist it involved then that should prove to you that you're sorely mistaken! I surely hope you merely thought that happened and not that you would make up such a sad and false allegation just to disparage me here. I'll give the benefit of the doubt that it was the former because if it's the latter that's very, very sick! .
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Posts: 961

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/25/2021 02:37 PM

you emailed me It was a long time ago. you were so upgeshook you took to sending me nasty-grams. You are a sad little man. You threatened me, but frankly your character is such that I was not afraid of you coming all the way to my home. You did it and you can deny it. But it speaks to why we are not friends.

and you are starting again here. This is a fan site. We should be talking about music and Gerry's new release and the hope of new shows, not your sadly clinging to a belief that the election will be overturned. Move on. From everything

Hey guys have you heard Gerry's new stuff? I like it and the tribute stuff being done by Blue Elan labelmates? COOL!
"I can't unread the pages I've already read"
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/25/2021 03:01 PM

Just as I said, NO DETAILS provided such as who the artist was nor the song! Absolutely NONE! When there's no details, it helps prove no such incident occurred except in your own mind. This is so much like Blasey Ford accusing Kavanaugh of attempted rape. She made the allegation, but she couldn't provide any details.

Yeah, the cows did come home and discovered what was waiting for them which was a huge pile of bull$hit!
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Posts: 49

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/25/2021 03:14 PM

King_of_Glass When there's no details, it helps prove no such incident occurred except in your own mind. This is so much like Blasey Ford accusing Kavanaugh of attempted rape. She made the allegation, but she couldn't provide any details.

Yeah, the cows did come home and discovered what was waiting for them which was a huge pile of bull$hit!

Sounds just like your accusations about President Biden, and the basis you are weaseling out of your bets. If you want to claim there was cheating to get out of your bet, you have to prove it. Show me YOUR evidence Johnny... I'll wait.
“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it is not open.” – Frank Zappa
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/25/2021 03:21 PM

There is plenty of evidence on the internet. All you have to do is sincerely search it. Plus, it will be proven in the next several months because God is no going to allow a corrupt and evil man such as Joe Biden to be president for any longer than the time needed to toss his cheating ass into prison for treason. Let's hope he gets what he truly deserves which is death by firing squad or by hanging.
Edited by King_of_Glass on 01/25/2021 03:22 PM
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Posts: 961

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/25/2021 03:22 PM

What does "alligator lizards in the air" mean Johnny Oh yes it is tire pieces flying in in the air. You denied the existence of Alligator lizards, something that lives here in California and you were so incensed that I would QUESTION you publicly and show pictures of said lizards that you ranted at me on my personal email for DAYS before finally saying you were going to come to my house with a gun. SPECIFIC enough for you. I was still living in my house so this had to be around 2002 or 2003. Specific enough? I no longer use that email so the copy of what you said is long gone, but you did it.
"I can't unread the pages I've already read"
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/25/2021 03:47 PM

I have access to the internet, Robyn. All I would have to do is google "alligator lizards" if I thought they didn't exist. The same with green monkeys which I didn't know existed but found out they do thanks to Google. Are you going to falsely accuse me of threatening to shoot you over them as well? Your pathetic accusation that I was so enraged about alligator lizards is absolutely comical.

Concerning your mention of why I don't talk about America here instead, I have been posting here way after you left. You only returned to post on this website because this thread pertained to the presidential election. I post to this site quite often especially on the thread about sharing interesting musical videos. I see you never have. Why is it that you've only returned to post on this thread and never to the one about music videos. Perhaps you should live by your own advice instead to trying to give to someone else.

Robyn, you are one sad lady for making such a ridiculous allegation. I so hope to be done with you here unless I'm forced to defend myself against your insane accusations.
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Posts: 49

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/25/2021 03:57 PM

Johnny, what is on the internet is not evidence. Perhaps you don't understand what that means? Trump's own appointed loyalist, "Barr" said there is no evidence. But small minds will cling to the thinnest conspiracy theory if it is what they want to believe, regardless of the facts and actual evidence. Little Brains...
“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it is not open.” – Frank Zappa
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Posts: 961

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/25/2021 04:00 PM

whatever. Johnny You are a sad little man. You asked me for more details and when I provided them you did what people with your mindset always do. You tried to wave them away.

Ah well little man. I hope you hold to your promise to leave this site when you lose THAT bet. But you won't Just like the last time.

I will miss you like I miss a bad toothache.
"I can't unread the pages I've already read"
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/25/2021 05:04 PM

Ah well little man. I hope you hold to your promise to leave this site when you lose THAT bet. But you won't Just like the last time.

ANOTHER FALSEHOOD!!! I never promised to leave this site for any reason. I understand it now! You get things so utterly mixed up in your mind. You believe things that simply aren't so! You just proved it to everyone here as you can't find any such statement made by me about promising to leave! And, please don't tell us that I said that to you in a private email message because that, too, never happened. Mystery solved! Another case of overactive imagination that of Robyn Meyers!
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Posts: 49

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/25/2021 05:20 PM

Not only does the loser pay the other $2,500 but he agrees to never post to this site ever again. Not under his current user name or any subsequent user names.

So, if you lose, you have to pay me $2,500. And, you as the loser, you would not ever post here again. That's a double win for me. The only reason I'm choosing the lesser amount is for your benefit in having to pay.

It's $2,500 then!

Sounds like Robyn was right, and Johnny is the insane, crazy person who not only doesn't pay on his bets, but is truly liar.
“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it is not open.” – Frank Zappa
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/25/2021 06:31 PM

Wrong, Chris! That statement you quoted was me talking to Kevin. I was merely restating under his terms that's what HE would have to do if HE lost the bet and if I had accepted the terms which I didn't. My proof is my quote below. You need to follow the sequence of the conversation correctly. You clearly have the same problem Robyn does!

King_of_Glass That's why I didn't want to agree to the loser of the bet being banned from posting here. I want you here to be present and me hounding you to pay the bet.
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Posts: 961

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/25/2021 07:06 PM

Ah well little man. I hope you hold to your promise to leave this site when you lose THAT bet. But you won't Just like the last time.

ANOTHER FALSEHOOD!!! I never promised to leave this site for any reason. I understand it now! You get things so utterly mixed up in your mind. You believe things that simply aren't so! You just proved it to everyone here as you can't find any such statement made by me about promising to leave! And, please don't tell us that I said that to you in a private email message because that, too, never happened. Mystery solved! Another case of overactive imagination that of Robyn Meyers!

Me thinks ( the poster) doeth protest too much. Seriously Johnny. You did it You did. Own up to being over the top on this and move on. You threatened me You did and no amount of denial or misogynistic ranting about me will change the fact. You did it. and you misspelled my last name, IF you were referring to me.

"I can't unread the pages I've already read"
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Posts: 49

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/25/2021 08:01 PM


That's why I didn't want to agree to the loser of the bet being banned from posting here. I want you here to be present and me hounding you to pay the bet.

I feel the same way. PAY UP JOHNNY you lost your first bet with me. We agreed "Who would live in or be moving into the White House on January 21st". I said Joe Biden, Your said Donald Trump. This bet was for $600. Pay up. PAY ME, PAY ME, PAY ME, PAY ME!
“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it is not open.” – Frank Zappa

Edited by Jajuba on 01/25/2021 08:02 PM
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Posts: 125

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/26/2021 12:49 AM

I know that I said I would not comment here again but temptation got the better of me, sinner that I am.

I note with delight that Dominion is suing Giuliani for defamation. I hope he has deep pockets because it is for a tremendously huge amount of money, much more than any individual has been sued for before, ever, in the history of the universe.

And the Dominion CEO says they will be going after ANYONE who defamed, or continues to defame them.

Pass the popcorn.
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Posts: 49

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/26/2021 03:27 AM

Dominion is also filed a lawsuit against Sidney Powell.
“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it is not open.” – Frank Zappa
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/26/2021 01:26 PM

I found some old postings from SteveL's Chat Folder where we discussed the topic of alligator lizards. They prove the allegation against me by Robyn is totally false and is all a made up fantasy in her head. It was a pleasant discussion. It simply moved on to the topic of "Hey Jude". It's proof positive in my mind that Robyn has made a totally false accusation against me. I have absolutely no idea where the hell she came up with that bizarre idea. Clearly to me, it was just a desperate attempt to do what alligator lizards are said to do when they're caught!

Message: 7044 Posted: Sat Jun 12 16:01:46 1999 By: Johnny
Subject: Alligator Lizards
I never really understood why or what alligator lizards are as written by Dewey in "Ventura Highway". However, while watching a nature program on TV the other night, they were talking about, guess what? Yes, alligator lizards as found in the State of Washington. They showed one of the creepy little critters. So, I learned that such things as alligator lizards really do exist! Why they're in the air in "VH", I still don't fully understand. Yes, something about cloud formations or pieces of blown tires on the highway. I guess...if Dewey says so. "Ventura Highway" like "Sister Golden Hair" is one of my favorites. No doubt, they're both great, great songs!

Message: 7045 Posted: Sat Jun 12 16:09:44 1999 By: John Lussier
Subject: Re: Alligator Lizards
I remember hearing about one of those strange but true natural phenomema where at a certain time in the year a species of frogs, I think, would be carried on the wind during a stage in their lives , and would appear to be flying. I always wondered if this was what Dewey was referring to. Or I guess cloud formations, as you mentioned.

Message: 7046 Posted: Sat Jun 12 16:39:43 1999 By: Johnny
Subject: Re: Species of Frog
That's a very interesting tidbit of information, John. Talking about frogs, I wonder where that controversial yet interested guy, Frog, is these days? I say "guy" but Frog could be a tough gal.

Message: 7047 Posted: Sat Jun 12 17:08:13 1999 By: Johnny
Subject: Info On Alligator Lizards
With nothing else to do, I just surfed the net for information on alligator lizards. I found much more information on the little critters than I really intended to. I thought this bit of info was very interesting, however. I think this probably falls into the category of "too much information" and/or "Johnny has too much time on his hands". Here it is: "When caught they may bite ferociously and attempt to smear their captor with feces." I better leave now. I'm gonna go listen to "Homecoming".

Message: 7055 Posted: Mon Jun 14 10:30:50 1999 By: Robyn
Subject: Re: Info On Alligator Lizards
LOL Johnny. I said, the last time we discussed Aligator lizards, that I always thought Dewey meant the scent of aligator lizards. I grew up where there were a lot of these little buggers and as a kid, I used to catch them... Peculiar scent, if you know what I mean!

Message: 7057 Posted: Mon Jun 14 13:45:00 1999 By: KevinS.
Subject: Alligator Lizards.
I always thought Dewey didn't mean anything at all with "Alligator lizards in the air." I figured it simply fit the number of syllables he needed for that line in the lyric and it rhymed with "hair" and "dispair." It's like the story Paul McCartney tells about Hey Jude. He wrote the line, "the movement you need is on your shoulders" as a placeholder until he thought of something better. When he played it for John Lennon he said he was going to change that line because it made no sense. And Lennon said, that's exactly why you should leave it in there. And he did. And it was great. And there are aligator lizards in the air.

Message: 7058 Posted: Mon Jun 14 13:56:52 1999 By: Robyn
Subject: Re: Alligator Lizards.
Maybe so Kevin, but it's more fun to try to fit a theory about what he actually meant than just counting syllables.

Message: 7059 Posted: Mon Jun 14 14:42:10 1999 By: Johnny
Subject: "Hey Jude" Triv Question
Kevin or anyone else: Who and what is "Hey Jude" about? Regarding the "Hey Jude" lyrics, right! I heard the same thing.
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Posts: 961

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/26/2021 01:52 PM

believe what ever is in your head, but since you are given to an easy belief that fantasies- like the public murder of politicians who disagree with your Weltanschauung for instance-are reality and whatever YOU say is the truth you can keep denying what you said to me in PRIVATE years ago. It's not ON Steve's folder. At least back then, you were savvy enough to realize what might happen if you posted a public threat. I have moved on from you impotent threat.

Have a nice life.
"I can't unread the pages I've already read"
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Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/26/2021 02:22 PM

and regarding your insistence that I have created a fantasy regarding you- don't flatter yourself, sweetie. Once I decided we were no longer able to have civil conversations, I gave you no more thought until you contacted me via Facebook to press your crackpot Q- Anon fantasies on me and everyone in my circle of friends. Blocking you was the best thing I could do to avoid future annoyance and yet, here we are, talking on what SHOULD be a fan site about things that should not BE on a fan site. I suppose you figured you could recruit for your cult here as well. America fans are too smart to fall for that malarkey .
"I can't unread the pages I've already read"
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Posts: 49

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/26/2021 02:30 PM


That's why I didn't want to agree to the loser of the bet being banned from posting here. I want you here to be present and me hounding you to pay the bet.

I feel the same way. PAY UP JOHNNY you lost your first bet with me. We agreed "Who would live in or be moving into the White House on January 21st". I said Joe Biden, Your said Donald Trump. This bet was for $600. Pay up. PAY ME, PAY ME, PAY ME, PAY ME!

“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it is not open.” – Frank Zappa
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Posts: 49

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/26/2021 03:04 PM


The man who sets a trap for others will get caught in it himself. Roll a boulder down on someone, and it will roll back and crush you. --Proverbs 26:27

It looks like God was trying to tell you how all this goading, and betting would turn out.

BTW one of my favorite America songs is "Chasing the Rainbow"
“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it is not open.” – Frank Zappa
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/26/2021 03:35 PM

Robyn You denied the existence of Alligator lizards, something that lives here in California and you were so incensed that I would QUESTION you publicly and show pictures of said lizards that you ranted at me on my personal email for DAYS before finally saying you were going to come to my house with a gun. SPECIFIC enough for you.

Anyone who read the past postings can clearly see for themselves that I never "denied the existence of alligator lizards" nor that I was "so incensed that I would QUESTION you publicly and show pictures of said lizards that you ranted at me on my personal email for DAYS before finally saying you were going to come to my house with a gun".

There was no ranting by me nor did I deny the existence of alligator lizards. Quite to the contrary! I said in one of my past postings I presented here, "So, I learned that such things as alligator lizards really do exist!"

You're busted in a blatant lie against me! Not just a small lie but one so huge as to say I threatened to come to your home to "shoot you". You may wish to continue in whatever lies about me you may wish, Robyn, but I presented the facts, and they're not in your favor. If you can lie about this, what else are you capable of lying about?
Edited by King_of_Glass on 01/26/2021 03:36 PM
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Posts: 49

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/26/2021 04:28 PM

Wondering if Johnny will pay any of the many bets he made about the election now that he has lost or is losing all of them. What will this put you Johnny, like $12,000 in debt?

BTW our first bet is over, pay up welcher.
“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it is not open.” – Frank Zappa
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/26/2021 05:19 PM

I hope this to be my last message to you.

Get this in your head:

Your candidate "won" by committing fraud. Thus, it disqualifies your "win". You can not win a bet if it's based on cheating. I've explained that to you already! Biden will be removed from office in about 2 to 3 months as undisputed election fraud will be presented, and Trump will be returning.

The military doesn't even recognize Biden as president! Biden is president of a defunct America under an old corporation that Trump cancelled when he was in office. America is now under a new republic which the military is currently in charge of until Trump is made president again as I said likely in March or April.

Click Here To View

By the way, why did you put my home town as yours under your name? You are disturbed!
Edited by King_of_Glass on 01/26/2021 05:21 PM
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Posts: 49

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/26/2021 05:36 PM

King_of_Glass I hope this to be my last message to you.

Get this in your head:

Your candidate "won" by committing fraud. Thus, it disqualifies your "win". You can not win a bet if it's based on cheating. I've explained that to you already! Biden will be removed from office in about 2 to 3 months as undisputed election fraud will be presented, and Trump will be returning.

The military doesn't even recognize Biden as president! Biden is president of a defunct America under an old corporation that Trump cancelled when he was in office. America is now under a new republic which the military is currently in charge of until Trump is made president again as I said likely in March or April.

Click Here To View

By the way, why did you put my home town as yours under your name? You are disturbed!

Saying something over and over doesn't make it any more true. There has been no election altering fraud, un less you count Trump trying to change the legal votes. I would go as far as to agree to give you back the winnings if Joe Biden goes to prison anytime in his first year, even though that was not our bet. No evidence has been presented in court. The military does recognize Biden as President. Click here for proof That is one of your many INSANE conspiracy theory claims. You OWE me $600. Don't be a welcher. Pay your debts Johnny.
“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it is not open.” – Frank Zappa

Edited by Jajuba on 01/27/2021 12:54 AM
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Posts: 49

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/27/2021 08:52 PM

Hiding Johnny? Can't pay your nearly $12,000 that you lost?
“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it is not open.” – Frank Zappa
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Posts: 49

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/28/2021 05:15 PM

Wed 7:40 PM

Johnny sent Yesterday at 7:40 PM
Jajuba - Here's my deal with you: if Biden is still in the office as president on Dec 31, 2021, I'll pay you. If he's removed any time during the year of 2021, the deal is off. I believe he will be removed and will be going to prison perhaps by March or April. Sorry, but I have blocked you here on FB. I have not read any of your messages. Plus, the deal is strictly between you and me. If you make our deal public, it's null and void. I'm placing you back on "blocked" status!

Well Johnny, since you already lost our first bet (How is President on January 21st), and now refuse to pay, Why on earth would I accept another bet from you? You have lied, cheated, welched, and sinned.

If anyone needs Johnny's contact info to collect on his lost bets, let me know.

BTW, just to keep something America related. I have only seen them live about 12 times. One of which I proposed to my wife about 12 years ago.
“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it is not open.” – Frank Zappa
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Posts: 125

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/28/2021 09:38 PM

Jajuba, this behaviour from KoG is so dishonest. I wonder why he started the topic in the first place. Seems he had no intention of honouring his bets. I originally engaged with him because I thought there could be a real discussion but the QAnon stuff just kept getting more and more outrageous.

And...I first saw America in July 1976 in Sydney. Rushed the stage when Gerry began singing SGH 😊

I rarely look at this site and unfortunately came across KoG's post on one of those rare visits. These days I follow the band on Instagram.

Good luck in your dealings with KoG. Maybe he should change his name to Jaw_of_Glass.

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Posts: 49

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/28/2021 10:08 PM


I am pretty new here, I think I joined a week or so ago. My waife has been on here for years. Trust me when she said Johnny threatened her, she isn't making it up. Johnny is the lucky one here, If I where married then, Johnny would really need to hide. Other than that, I'm just the calmest, friendliest musician you might meet. (if you were in Los Angeles).

In any case, Nice to meet you. You're welcome to Friend Me on Facebook if you use that platform.
“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it is not open.” – Frank Zappa
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Posts: 125

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/28/2021 10:27 PM

Jajuba, I am on Facebook but also rarely visit it because it is full of ads and pictures of food. Thanks for the friend invitation. I'll think about it. As long as KoG can't track me down...
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/29/2021 09:34 PM

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Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 01/29/2021 09:50 PM

Juliet is pining for her love on the balcony.
“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it is not open.” – Frank Zappa

Edited by Jajuba on 01/29/2021 09:55 PM
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Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 02/03/2021 10:10 PM

GirlFromOz Jajuba, I am on Facebook but also rarely visit it because it is full of ads and pictures of food. Thanks for the friend invitation. I'll think about it. As long as KoG can't track me down...

Jude - You flatter yourself way beyond belief!

Really? Are you serious, kid?
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Posts: 125

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 02/04/2021 08:20 PM

KoG, I should have added this to my post 😂😂😂😂
Perhaps that would have helped you understand it was a joke (that you would track me down). It is clear to me that you do not ‘get’ my sense of humour.

I am sure you don’t have the interest or time to investigate the identity of some anonymous poster on a blog. Who does?? In case you are inclined, here’s a recent image of me that might help - 😈

Based on past experience, I decided not to click on the link you attached, so remain ignorant of its contents.

Enjoy the Biden years🥂

Edited by GirlFromOz on 02/04/2021 08:27 PM
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Posts: 49

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 02/04/2021 08:57 PM

GirlFromOz, You are too funny.
“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it is not open.” – Frank Zappa
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Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 02/04/2021 09:23 PM

Sorry about that, Jude. As you know, it's hard to tell exactly what the tone is of the person posting when merely stated as words in print. I just thought you were serious perhaps because of some nut accusing me of threatening to shoot her in an alleged private message. I haven't decided whether to spend the time to point out her allegation as being totally laughable merely based on the postings I found and posted here from many years ago. I sure you could care less. Perhaps, I should as well, but that's just not my nature.

Concerning your recent image, I must apologize. I didn't give you as much credit as I should have regarding your attractiveness!

About enjoying the Biden years as you mentioned, it brought to mind one of my favorite songs by one of my favorite country artists. Just think of it as Trump singing it to Biden and "she" being the presidency. After all, the prophecy ministers are simply relaying God's message that Trump will be president again very soon.

Country Band Little Texas
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Posts: 961

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 02/04/2021 10:15 PM

since you have a slippery relationship with the truth and quote Q- anon conspiracies as the New Gospel, I won't take offense at your calling me a "nut"

You did it, I remember it and that is that. You won't let it go. When a woman is annoyed by a man, she ignores him and cuts him out of her life. When it is reversed, the man stalks the woman.

Goodbye, Johnny.
"I can't unread the pages I've already read"
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Posts: 49

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 02/04/2021 10:16 PM

King_of_Glass Sorry about that, Jude. As you know, it's hard to tell exactly what the tone is of the person posting when merely stated as words in print. I just thought you were serious perhaps because of some nut accusing me of threatening to shoot her in an alleged private message. I haven't decided whether to spend the time to point out her allegation as being totally laughable merely based on the postings I found and posted here from many years ago. I sure you could care less. Perhaps, I should as well, but that's just not my nature.

After all, the prophecy ministers are simply relaying God's message that Trump will be president again very soon.

The for Profit ministers have gotten it wrong since before the election. What happened when you said January 18th would change everything and Trump would be inaugurated on the 20th? The only nut job around here is you Johnny.
“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it is not open.” – Frank Zappa

Edited by Jajuba on 02/04/2021 10:18 PM
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 02/05/2021 04:31 PM

An opportunist: someone who takes advantage of any opportunity to advance his own situation, placing expediency above principle.
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Posts: 49

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 02/05/2021 04:45 PM

King_of_Glass An opportunist: someone who takes advantage of any opportunity to advance his own situation, placing expediency above principle.

noun: someone who swindles you by not repaying a debt or wager
“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it is not open.” – Frank Zappa
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 02/05/2021 04:51 PM

DannyC Oh, thank you people, I was hoping the show wasn’t over yet! The popcorn is still fresh, I’m glad it won’t go to waste. Please, keep up the entertainment.DanC

An opportunist: someone who takes advantage of any opportunity to advance his own situation, placing expediency above principle.
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 02/05/2021 04:58 PM

Jajuba Wed 7:40 PM

Johnny sent Yesterday at 7:40 PM
Jajuba - Here's my deal with you: if Biden is still in the office as president on Dec 31, 2021, I'll pay you. If he's removed any time during the year of 2021, the deal is off. I believe he will be removed and will be going to prison perhaps by March or April. Sorry, but I have blocked you here on FB. I have not read any of your messages. PLUS, THE DEAL IS STRICTLY BETWEEN YOU AND ME. iF YOU MAKE OUR DEAL PUBLIC, IT'S NULL AND VOID.
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Posts: 49

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 02/05/2021 05:25 PM

King_of_Glass Wed 7:40 PM

Johnny sent Yesterday at 7:40 PM
Jajuba - Here's my deal with you: if Biden is still in the office as president on Dec 31, 2021, I'll pay you. If he's removed any time during the year of 2021, the deal is off. I believe he will be removed and will be going to prison perhaps by March or April. Sorry, but I have blocked you here on FB. I have not read any of your messages. PLUS, THE DEAL IS STRICTLY BETWEEN YOU AND ME. iF YOU MAKE OUR DEAL PUBLIC, IT'S NULL AND VOID.

"Jajuba: sent January 16 at 11:33 AM
so $600 Jan 21st and $600 March 20th?

Johnny: Are you sure you are able to afford betting $1200 in total if you should lose?

Jajuba: sent January 16 at 12:07 PM
only if I lose both and they are 2 months apart, so yes.

Johnny: sent January 16 at 12:07 PM
Okay, I accept the doubling of the bet!

Jajuba: sent January 16 at 12:08 PM
ok. I'll expect the first $600 on the 21st.

Jajuba: sent January 21 at 9:43 AM
I am expecting you to honor our bet.

Johnny: sent January 21 at 9:48 AM
Biden is going to be removed soon. Just be patient.

Jajuba: sent January 21 at 10:01 AM
Our bet is who lives in the white house today
Jan 21, 2021

Jajuba: sent January 21 at 11:13 AM
Don't be a welcher Johnny, our bet specifically said who lives in the White House on January 21st.

Johnny: sent January 21 at 11:55 AM
Are we so sure he was truly allowed to go in? I understand the military may not have let him and they will be removing him from power due to be a fraud. Just be patient and we'll see what occurs in the next day or two or three.

It has been more than a few days. Biden is still the president. You lost the first bet, and on March 20th you will also lose the second bet. You already owe my $600, and another on March 20th.

Pay up Johnny

“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it is not open.” – Frank Zappa
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Posts: 560
From: Iron Mountain-Kingsford, in Michigan's U.P.!

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 02/05/2021 05:41 PM

I was reluctant to jump into this but what the heck. C'mon Johnny, its pretty clear that you have welched on this bet. Do the honorable thing and pay up. Biden is President, Trump isn't. Those facts are indisputable. Paying your debts might improve your standing with the long time members here. Otherwise, do us all a favor and leave the forum.

"You are one more posse to pass in the night, one more card to conceal..."
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 02/05/2021 05:52 PM

Steve_Orchard I was reluctant to jump into this but what the heck. C'mon Johnny, its pretty clear that you have welched on this bet. Do the honorable thing and pay up. Biden is President, Trump isn't. Those facts are indisputable. Paying your debts might improve your standing with the long time members here. Otherwise, do us all a favor and leave the forum.


You're right, Steve, you should stay out of it as it's not any of your business.
Edited by King_of_Glass on 02/05/2021 05:53 PM
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Posts: 49

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 02/05/2021 05:52 PM

Steve_Orchard I was reluctant to jump into this but what the heck. C'mon Johnny, its pretty clear that you have welched on this bet. Do the honorable thing and pay up. Biden is President, Trump isn't. Those facts are indisputable. Paying your debts might improve your standing with the long time members here. Otherwise, do us all a favor and leave the forum.


Thanks Steve,
I would have absolutely paid up if I lost. I had a lengthy conversation with Johnny about only betting as much as I could afford to lose. Then after he loses he want's to change the terms.

“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it is not open.” – Frank Zappa
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Posts: 560
From: Iron Mountain-Kingsford, in Michigan's U.P.!

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 02/05/2021 05:55 PM

I think Kevin had a bet going too--I'm not gonna go back and re-read all of this. But c'mon, fair is fair. Johnny's had a bad name on this site for years, and this just continues his low approval with the long time members. Again, do the honorable thing Johnny, or remove yourself from this forum....

"You are one more posse to pass in the night, one more card to conceal..."
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Posts: 49

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 02/05/2021 05:57 PM

Steve_Orchard I think Kevin had a bet going too--I'm not gonna go back and re-read all of this. But c'mon, fair is fair. Johnny's had a bad name on this site for years, and this just continues his low approval with the long time members. Again, do the honorable thing Johnny, or remove yourself from this forum....


I heard something about him getting kicked off, and he came back with this new name...
“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it is not open.” – Frank Zappa
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Posts: 560
From: Iron Mountain-Kingsford, in Michigan's U.P.!

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 02/05/2021 05:57 PM

Jajuba I was reluctant to jump into this but what the heck. C'mon Johnny, its pretty clear that you have welched on this bet. Do the honorable thing and pay up. Biden is President, Trump isn't. Those facts are indisputable. Paying your debts might improve your standing with the long time members here. Otherwise, do us all a favor and leave the forum.


Thanks Steve,
I would have absolutely paid up if I lost. I had a lengthy conversation with Johnny about only betting as much as I could afford to lose. Then after he loses he want's to change the terms.

No problem. Fair is fair.

"You are one more posse to pass in the night, one more card to conceal..."
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Posts: 560
From: Iron Mountain-Kingsford, in Michigan's U.P.!

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 02/05/2021 05:59 PM

King_of_Glass I was reluctant to jump into this but what the heck. C'mon Johnny, its pretty clear that you have welched on this bet. Do the honorable thing and pay up. Biden is President, Trump isn't. Those facts are indisputable. Paying your debts might improve your standing with the long time members here. Otherwise, do us all a favor and leave the forum.


You're right, Steve, you should stay out of it as it's not any of your business.

Do the honorable thing Johnny and pay up. You started all of this, so do what's right.

"You are one more posse to pass in the night, one more card to conceal..."
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 02/05/2021 06:10 PM

In spite of what you all think, the election is not over. Biden gained the Office of the President by fraud. If you each can't see that it's your problem. Biden will be ousted in due time. A person can't win a bet if fraud is involved. I told Chris I would pay him if Biden was still president by the end of the year just as he said he would accept. I told him the deal was strictly between him and me and if he made it public, it was null and void. He posted it here. Thus, he chose to void it. It's done!
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Posts: 560
From: Iron Mountain-Kingsford, in Michigan's U.P.!

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 02/05/2021 06:18 PM

Steve_Orchard I was reluctant to jump into this but what the heck. C'mon Johnny, its pretty clear that you have welched on this bet. Do the honorable thing and pay up. Biden is President, Trump isn't. Those facts are indisputable. Paying your debts might improve your standing with the long time members here. Otherwise, do us all a favor and leave the forum.


Thanks Steve,
I would have absolutely paid up if I lost. I had a lengthy conversation with Johnny about only betting as much as I could afford to lose. Then after he loses he want's to change the terms.

No problem. Fair is fair.


To put it in football terminology, Johnny has continued to "move the goalposts" for several of you here that were betting with him. But should you really expect anything different here?

"You are one more posse to pass in the night, one more card to conceal..."
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Posts: 49

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 02/05/2021 06:40 PM

King_of_Glass In spite of what you all think, the election is not over. Biden gained the Office of the President by fraud. If you each can't see that it's your problem. Biden will be ousted in due time. A person can't win a bet if fraud is involved. I told Chris I would pay him if Biden was still president by the end of the year just as he said he would accept. I told him the deal was strictly between him and me and if he made it public, it was null and void. He posted it here. Thus, he chose to void it. It's done!

All after you had already lost the bet, and I only agreed to "return" the money if Biden was removed and Trump was president again. not posting the bet here was also after you had already lost the bet Johnny. You are a fake, a fraud, a welcher, and a true piece of garbage.

“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it is not open.” – Frank Zappa
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Posts: 49

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 02/05/2021 06:42 PM

King_of_Glass In spite of what you all think, the election is not over.

And yes, the election is long over. Look it up. It is a fact.
“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it is not open.” – Frank Zappa
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Posts: 961

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 02/05/2021 06:49 PM

Steve_Orchard I was reluctant to jump into this but what the heck. C'mon Johnny, its pretty clear that you have welched on this bet. Do the honorable thing and pay up. Biden is President, Trump isn't. Those facts are indisputable. Paying your debts might improve your standing with the long time members here. Otherwise, do us all a favor and leave the forum.


It reminds me of an old Robin Williams bit about a dictator in the Middle East "if you cross this line you die.. If you cross this line, you DIE If you cross THIS line... we are going inside and not coming out." Johnny will never admit that Biden won and all of his prophets who continue to delete their videos and change the predictions when they don't come to pass, that he sets such store by, are in fact Snake Oil salesmen. What started as a bit of fun has stopped being fun. He made bets he never intended to honor- he probably can't cover all the rash monetary ones he made and now he is doing his best to get out of them. I have missed my friends here on this Chat folder, but have not missed the nonsense from Mr. Yee.

Thanks Steve,
I would have absolutely paid up if I lost. I had a lengthy conversation with Johnny about only betting as much as I could afford to lose. Then after he loses he want's to change the terms.

No problem. Fair is fair.


To put it in football terminology, Johnny has continued to "move the goalposts" for several of you here that were betting with him. But should you really expect anything different here?


"I can't unread the pages I've already read"
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Posts: 560
From: Iron Mountain-Kingsford, in Michigan's U.P.!

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 02/05/2021 07:13 PM

Robyn I was reluctant to jump into this but what the heck. C'mon Johnny, its pretty clear that you have welched on this bet. Do the honorable thing and pay up. Biden is President, Trump isn't. Those facts are indisputable. Paying your debts might improve your standing with the long time members here. Otherwise, do us all a favor and leave the forum.


It reminds me of an old Robin Williams bit about a dictator in the Middle East "if you cross this line you die.. If you cross this line, you DIE If you cross THIS line... we are going inside and not coming out." Johnny will never admit that Biden won and all of his prophets who continue to delete their videos and change the predictions when they don't come to pass, that he sets such store by, are in fact Snake Oil salesmen. What started as a bit of fun has stopped being fun. He made bets he never intended to honor- he probably can't cover all the rash monetary ones he made and now he is doing his best to get out of them. I have missed my friends here on this Chat folder, but have not missed the nonsense from Mr. Yee.

Thanks Steve,
I would have absolutely paid up if I lost. I had a lengthy conversation with Johnny about only betting as much as I could afford to lose. Then after he loses he want's to change the terms.

No problem. Fair is fair.


To put it in football terminology, Johnny has continued to "move the goalposts" for several of you here that were betting with him. But should you really expect anything different here?


I'll always have a soft spot for this page--the "original" America chat folder. I think we all know that most of the "action" is on the Facebook pages now, but some of the members here don't do Facebook, so I only see them here. These "off-topic" posts don't usually interest me as I mainly prefer America-related topics. But if you're gonna throw a topic out there, you're fair game for criticism and reaction. That's the nature of social media. I hope those of you that are due money from Johnny will get it...but I think you know you won't...

"You are one more posse to pass in the night, one more card to conceal..."
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Posts: 3491

Re: Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 02/05/2021 09:30 PM

Jajuba I would go as far as to agree to give you back the winnings if Joe Biden goes to prison anytime in his first year, even though that was not our bet.

Jajuba Wed 7:40 PM

Johnny sent Yesterday at 7:40 PM
Jajuba - Here's my deal with you: if Biden is still in the office as president on Dec 31, 2021, I'll pay you. If he's removed any time during the year of 2021, the deal is off. I believe he will be removed and will be going to prison perhaps by March or April. Sorry, but I have blocked you here on FB. I have not read any of your messages. Plus, the deal is strictly between you and me. If you make our deal public, it's null and void.

I tried to work with you, but you made any bet null and void! It's absolutely done, and you made it done by your own hand!
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Posts: 49

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 02/05/2021 10:13 PM

King_of_Glass I would go as far as to agree to give you back the winnings if Joe Biden goes to prison anytime in his first year, even though that was not our bet.

Wed 7:40 PM

Johnny sent Yesterday at 7:40 PM
Jajuba - Here's my deal with you: if Biden is still in the office as president on Dec 31, 2021, I'll pay you. If he's removed any time during the year of 2021, the deal is off. I believe he will be removed and will be going to prison perhaps by March or April. Sorry, but I have blocked you here on FB. I have not read any of your messages. Plus, the deal is strictly between you and me. If you make our deal public, it's null and void.

I tried to work with you, but you made any bet null and void! It's absolutely done, and you made it done by your own hand!

By "tried to work with you" you must mean weasel out of our bet after you lost.

Isn't that something? I've never in my life heard of changing the terms of a bet after you lost the bet. What a load of crap Johnny, the most untrustworthy, lying, welching, piece of crap on the internet. It is funny that you mailed me a check, and then put a stop payment on it before I received it. I assume your (for profit) ministers must have told you that Biden "cheated" so you thought you could use that to get out of your bets. I assume you are using the same scam for your $10,000 bet, and your $1,000 bet with you old co-worker, and your $1,000 bet with Drew?
“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it is not open.” – Frank Zappa

Edited by Jajuba on 02/05/2021 10:21 PM
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Posts: 961

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 02/05/2021 10:18 PM

Steve O - you are right. This USED to be a fun place to discuss our favorite band. I have known some of you since the mid 90's and I cherish MOST of our friendships. Y'all have opened my eyes to new bands, we talked about Concerts and new music from America, stood by each other in hard times and even at a distance MOST of us are friends, or at least civil to one another. Johnny began to strike me as someone who wanted attention, maybe from the band? who knows. When he couldn't get GOOD attention, he went after BAD attention. He's doing it now. and getting it in barrels. I hope it scratches whatever itch he has, I hope to have other discussions with the rest of you about America the band. I am looking forward to Gerry's new solo release on Blue Elan records. In one of my moves, some of my cds went "somewhere" and it will be nice to have those tunes again
"I can't unread the pages I've already read"
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Posts: 560
From: Iron Mountain-Kingsford, in Michigan's U.P.!

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 02/05/2021 11:12 PM

Robyn Steve O - you are right. This USED to be a fun place to discuss our favorite band. I have known some of you since the mid 90's and I cherish MOST of our friendships. Y'all have opened my eyes to new bands, we talked about Concerts and new music from America, stood by each other in hard times and even at a distance MOST of us are friends, or at least civil to one another. Johnny began to strike me as someone who wanted attention, maybe from the band? who knows. When he couldn't get GOOD attention, he went after BAD attention. He's doing it now. and getting it in barrels. I hope it scratches whatever itch he has, I hope to have other discussions with the rest of you about America the band. I am looking forward to Gerry's new solo release on Blue Elan records. In one of my moves, some of my cds went "somewhere" and it will be nice to have those tunes again

I've been part of this board since the mid-90's too. In recent years I've been fairly inactive, but would still post from time to time. Met some cool people, and some not-so-cool people. Just the nature of social media I guess. Politics is a hot-bed subject and guaranteed to cause friction between people. I generally stay away from this "off-topic" stuff and would prefer to focus mainly on the band. I'm basically as active as I choose to be. Maybe some of this "off topic" stuff should be discontinued or saved for peoples private emails or something. And there are plenty of Facebook groups where people can discuss their favorite bands and songs....

"You are one more posse to pass in the night, one more card to conceal..."
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Posts: 560
From: Iron Mountain-Kingsford, in Michigan's U.P.!

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 02/05/2021 11:19 PM

Jajuba I would go as far as to agree to give you back the winnings if Joe Biden goes to prison anytime in his first year, even though that was not our bet.

Wed 7:40 PM

Johnny sent Yesterday at 7:40 PM
Jajuba - Here's my deal with you: if Biden is still in the office as president on Dec 31, 2021, I'll pay you. If he's removed any time during the year of 2021, the deal is off. I believe he will be removed and will be going to prison perhaps by March or April. Sorry, but I have blocked you here on FB. I have not read any of your messages. Plus, the deal is strictly between you and me. If you make our deal public, it's null and void.

I tried to work with you, but you made any bet null and void! It's absolutely done, and you made it done by your own hand!

By "tried to work with you" you must mean weasel out of our bet after you lost.

Isn't that something? I've never in my life heard of changing the terms of a bet after you lost the bet. What a load of crap Johnny, the most untrustworthy, lying, welching, piece of crap on the internet. It is funny that you mailed me a check, and then put a stop payment on it before I received it. I assume your (for profit) ministers must have told you that Biden "cheated" so you thought you could use that to get out of your bets. I assume you are using the same scam for your $10,000 bet, and your $1,000 bet with you old co-worker, and your $1,000 bet with Drew?

I think its pretty clear that the "court of public opinion" here has rendered its verdict. I didn't vote for Biden, but he's the President and Trump isn't. Those are the facts. Johnny, the spin you're putting on all of this is way over the top at this point. As i said earlier, you need to do the honorable thing and honor all of the bets you made and stop moving the goalposts. Otherwise, I'm sure I speak for alot of us when i say its time for you to leave this site. In fact didn't Kevin Sutton suggest that recently?

"You are one more posse to pass in the night, one more card to conceal..."
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 02/05/2021 11:57 PM

I couldn't care less what you think, Steve, nor what your other friends here think as well. You guys have been opposed to me for many years, and it's like water off a duck's back for me. I'm not in the least bit affected by any of your opinions.

If you think Biden won fair and squarely, you're just as ignorant as those here who voted for him. I will credit you for at least having the sense not to vote for someone who wants to degrade America into a second class country just so we will have to fall under the New World Order. Biden will not succeed. God will not permit him to. He will be removed, and Trump will resume his rightful place as the president.

I've said it over and over. A person can't win a bet when fraud is involved no matter how much they want to deny that it happened. The truth has come out and it's just whether anyone wants to believe it. God will not permit our country to be led at this time in history by an evil and fraudulent person claiming to have rightfully won the election when it could not be any further from the truth!
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Posts: 961

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 02/06/2021 12:37 AM

and yet you felt the need to comment.
"I can't unread the pages I've already read"
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Posts: 49

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 02/06/2021 01:01 AM

King_of_Glass I couldn't care less what you think, Steve, nor what your other friends here think as well. You guys have been opposed to me for many years, and it's like water off a duck's back for me. I'm not in the least bit affected by any of your opinions.

If you think Biden won fair and squarely, you're just as ignorant as those here who voted for him. I will credit you for at least having the sense not to vote for someone who wants to degrade America into a second class country just so we will have to fall under the New World Order. Biden will not succeed. God will not permit him to. He will be removed, and Trump will resume his rightful place as the president.

I've said it over and over. A person can't win a bet when fraud is involved no matter how much they want to deny that it happened. The truth has come out and it's just whether anyone wants to believe it. God will not permit our country to be led at this time in history by an evil and fraudulent person claiming to have rightfully won the election when it could not be any further from the truth!

Stupidity knows no limits, as proof of your posts Johnny.
“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it is not open.” – Frank Zappa
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Posts: 125

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 02/06/2021 01:12 AM

God will not permit our country to be led at this time in history by an evil and fraudulent person claiming to have rightfully won the election when it could not be any further from the truth!

So your god's work is done. Trump is not president.
Game. Set. Match.
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Posts: 49

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 02/13/2021 05:12 PM

Next month, on March 20th. Johnny will owe me $1200. Just saying.
“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it is not open.” – Frank Zappa
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Posts: 49

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 02/18/2021 06:55 PM

Here ya go Johnny, I know how you love these Prophecy Ministers...

Jeremiah Johnson, a charismatic Christian prophet, admitted after the 2020 election that his own prediction of Trump's victory was wrong, and he's urging his fellow prophets to be humble and admit errors.

"I believe that this election cycle has revealed how desperately we need reformation in the prophetic movement," Johnson said in a February 8 video. "I have serious concerns for the charismatic-prophetic world that if we do not wake up, if we do not humble ourselves, there is greater judgment to come."

Michael Brown, another longtime charismatic revivalist, similarly told Politico that it's time for his movement to cool it on Trump-related prophecies.

"As a full-blooded charismatic, I'll say we've earned the world's mockery for our foolishness," he said.

“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it is not open.” – Frank Zappa
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Posts: 138

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 02/28/2021 05:46 PM

for what it's worth. my experience as a member of various message boards over the years has provided me with the ability 2 easily surf through threads/authors whose content i may not align with or have/had no interest in reading.

i can't say that i've ever asked an individual 2 leave a particular message board or put a stop 2 further posts. i feel everyone has the ability 2 edit content available 2 him/her rather easily.

king_of_glass. what you know about the recent presidential election is not based on fact. and i don't see waving donald trump pom-poms among these forums as a real winner for you.
Edited by Hurricane on 02/28/2021 05:49 PM
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Posts: 337

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 03/01/2021 10:34 AM

Sad that the most active thread on the America Fans message board really has nothing to do with the band America. If we all stop posting to this thread, it will slowly sink to the bottom and we can get back to discussing America the band.

Accurate List of 2020 Election Fraud Cases Shows 81 Cases Total, 30 Still Active – And NOT ONE SINGLE COURT Has Allowed Evidence to be Argued
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Posts: 847

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 03/07/2021 01:19 AM

There's a reason not one single court has allowed the evidence to be heard. For the same reason not one single court has allowed my dog's lawsuit against me for not allowing him to drive to be heard. Because they are ridiculous and there is no legal basis for it. That's how courts work. Dumbasses can say all they want in public about anything but the reason no court will allow evidence to be heard is because there is no merit to the lawsuits. Which means, they looked at the lawsuits and said, nah, this is bull*bleep*. Where are your lawsuits against the Jewish space laser owners? Where are your lawsuits against the pizza parlor that is harboring the cabal of baby eaters and pedophiles? Look, you can make up all the crazy *bleep* you want to make up. But the court is the one place where facts are actually required.
Edited by MyUserNameIsKevin on 03/07/2021 11:42 AM
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Posts: 337

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 03/09/2021 10:48 AM

Wrong. The problem is that there are too many gutless judges that look for the easy way out when it comes to tough cases and look for any excuse to dismiss the case on a technicality. There was plenty of evidence of voting "improprieties" in the last election, including state executives changing the rules without legislative authority to do so.

This should not be a partisan issue, because 4 years ago it was Democrats who were claiming the election was stolen. There is far more evidence of problems this last election than there was 4 years ago, for which a special prosecutor was appointed.

Supreme Court’s Decision Not to Hear Elections Cases Could Have Serious Repercussions
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Posts: 961

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 06/20/2021 04:02 PM

They keep moving the goal posts. When the "prophecy" date comes and goes with a whimper, the "ministers" say "oh I misread the signs" and move it to a future date. Sigh. As far as the Democrats losing in 2016, we certainly didn't try to overthrow the Government or hang anyone. We got busy doing the things that needed doing to keep our Nation afloat.
"I can't unread the pages I've already read"
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Posts: 847

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 06/21/2021 08:57 PM

Really, only a total fool would believe any of that prophet ministry crap.
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Posts: 49

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 06/22/2021 02:51 AM

That fool owes me $1200 from his idiotic bet.
“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it is not open.” – Frank Zappa
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Posts: 337

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 08/09/2021 03:00 PM

"But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only."
Jesus Christ
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Posts: 961

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 08/09/2021 03:48 PM

Americafan "But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only."
Jesus Christ

and apparently For Profit Ministers who use people's faith to feather their own nests.
"I can't unread the pages I've already read"
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Posts: 847

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 08/09/2021 11:39 PM

Hey, Jesus, why don't You get your Old Man to figure out how to stop a global pandemic before You start worrying about overthrowing a democracy?
Edited by MyUserNameIsKevin on 08/10/2021 12:16 AM
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Posts: 337

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 09/07/2021 04:33 PM

MyUserNameIsKevin Hey, Jesus, why don't You get your Old Man to figure out how to stop a global pandemic before You start worrying about overthrowing a democracy?

You must be confusing Jesus with someone else. Jesus said “My kingdom is not of this world"

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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 02/17/2022 12:12 AM

MyUserNameIsKevin Really, only a total fool would believe any of that prophet ministry crap.

I intentionally stayed off of this blog/chat board to see how things go in my absence. Most boring 365+ days ever in its existence, I must say.

Kevin - As I have said numerous times in the past here, you can't win a bet when fraud/cheating is involved. I will, however, be willing to send you a couple of bottles of your favorite sauce to add to the words that you stated above about prophets because you will be eating those words this year! Bon appetit, bro!!!
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 02/21/2022 02:41 AM

Will the following people be just a few of the ones branded forever with a scarlet letter of "T"?

Stacey Abrams, Eric Adams, Bill Barr, Jill and Joe Biden, Liz Cheney, Hillary and Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Lindsey Graham, Kamala Harris, Kathy Hochul, Brian Kemp, Rachel Maddow, Chris Matthews, Mitch McConnell, Gavin Newsome, Barack and Michelle Obama, Ilham Omar, Nancy Pelosi, Prince Charles, Brad Raffensberger, John Roberts, Mitt Romney, Adam Schiff, Chuck Schumer (either before or after he dies on television???), George Soros, Justin Trudeau, and Maxine Waters.

Only time will tell.
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 02/21/2022 12:35 PM

Why has God waited this long before moving His hand? Because He is a patient and just God who is giving people time to repent which is no different than when He gave Pharaoh many opportunities to free the Israeli people before their exodus. However, many of these corrupt leaders today will not repent just like Pharaoh didn't and how he met his own demise. Thus, these leaders will also bring God's judgment upon themselves.


“You are being removed by my hand
for blackmailing the other justices and
heinous acts against my children. You
will be exposed for Epstein Island. Your
time is over and will be tried for
treason. Your life is over!"
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 02/22/2022 01:34 AM



"It's time to show the world what your enemies have done against you. I, the Lord, this day am speaking to My children to receive boldness like never before and to stand in the face of adversity. I, the Lord, am on your side so there is nothing to be afraid of. Things are about to intensify to a point never experienced on earth like this before. Winds of change are not coming; they are here! They are here to blow through the earth mightily, to knock down and knock out anything that is not of Me or is against My children. A great shaking and quaking is happening now in the natural. The ground is shaking beneath the feet of your adversaries in this hour. Yes, the ground is shaking underneath their feet. It is about to open wide and swallow up some of them. The ones that survive this shaking will be tried for treason as I have told you...will be hanged in the gallows that have already been built by your military. Tribunals, you would say. I told you My children, these are days of Haman. This is a time when your enemies will reap what they have sown, and they can't hide from it.

I, the Lord, have spoken through My prophets giving warnings to My children to choose...warning them of things that are about to erupt upon this earth. The eruption of truth is happening now and will grow in intensity. And, when this happens, you will see this fraudulent government of the United States go into all-out panic. They will start to turn on you to make your lives harder and to punish you for not bowing. They want to take you hostage against your rightful president and government body. Things may seen dark, and some will not understand how things could get so bad because these are the days of glory. My children, these are the days of glory! Besides, the stress in these passing hours won't last. It will turn into nothing. Do not faint for what is coming. I'm here for you. Look in My word. Egypt and Pharaoh tortured and made it so hard for My people right before the Angel of Death came, and they let My people go. It was the darkest, but in that darkness, I showed up and completely set them free from their adversity. Pharaoh meant to destroy them, but I set them completely free. That is taking place again, My children. It's taking place now saith the Lord of Hosts.

Listen for more explosive Durham reports. This will be like a nuclear bomb to your enemies! Video and audio recordings are coming for the world to see and hear regarding the two impeachments; who's behind them; how they did it; and who pulled all the strings. To the Party of the Blue, I am coming for you! Every lie will be revealed and those impeachments will be like they never happened. January 6 footage is about to explode all over the internet with Nancy giving her instructions to her friends in Congress and in your government along with some top Capitol police officers. Oh, yes, all was handed down by none other than Barack Obama and was given to him by the puppet masters...the one and only George Soros and all who were with him. "Lies!" people will cry, and every one of My people and My children who were wrongfully imprisoned and wrongfully accused will be vindicated and rewarded financially. Great is My reward for My children. Your enemies will pay you a great financial compensation for it has been stolen. Not only to the January 6 victims but to all American citizens. They used your money to plot terrorist attacks and cause your destruction. All that money will be blasted out of their hands...all involved who were compensated for this entire government body and the ones who are against you. Watch the credit scene where all the names, and I mean, all, are shown. The time has come to let the floodgates fully open to the truth and to let them fall. My son and his government are ready to move forward. They have everything needed to restore their power. Hold on My children! Things might appear bumpy between the natural disasters, the weather phenomenons and Me shaking the ground beneath your enemies. These things will happen at one time and will destroy every part of their plan against you. There will be more evidence coming forward regarding your election in 2020. Hold on My children! These floodgates are opening wide allowing all to come out regarding every nation; their government; the election workers; the police; the many states that turned their backs to the evidence. And, when it came forward to their states, some were paid greatly! But, for most of them, their lives and the lives of their families were threatened. Pray for them as they come forward. Judges will reopen cases and this will go to the highest court in the land! They will have to look at the cases this time. Remember, My children, I am cleaning your highest court. All will be different in your land. Your military is on the move as more have come to the right side. More of your military in the highest ranks have been infiltrated with traitors. Some generals, high-ranking officers, know what took place in your nation yet they turned their backs. I have told you before that they will be stripped of their medals, dishonorably discharged and will be tried for treason! Yes, the military has what it needs to flip the fraudulent government upside down and the power to remove them for all the crimes against you.

Watch for there will be massive earthquakes that will shake the western part of your nation. Look to the Cascades. Yes, pressure has been building with no release, but now it will be loosened up. A great quake will be felt by so many. Yes, "the big one," it will be called. When the "big one" occurs, watch out! No holds barred. Your enemies will fall like flies.

Watch Nancy Pelosi on air. She's losing her cognitive functions and will continue to slur her words. She is drinking to lessen her fear, but it won't work. She knows she doesn't have much time left. So, watch her start to accidentally tell the truth when she doesn't intend to when cornered in press conferences. Yes, she is about to give herself away. Major evidence is going to shake her to her core. Watch this evidence. She knows they have officially turned their backs on her and she is finished, but what time she has left, she is falling with no way to stop it.

Rashida Tlaib, I am coming for you and exposing everything you stand for! You also infiltrated this nation and gave away the United States' secret information...secret protocols to your buddies and the ones that control you from foreign lands. You are about to be fully exposed and nothing, I mean, nothing will be left in the dark about you and who you are and what you stand for. You are finished, and you will have treason written on you for all eternity!

Ayanna Pressley, how dare you come to the People's House with your smug self, thinking you are high and mighty with your plans and agenda to destroy the American people! Oh, yes, you want that chair as the Speaker of the House so badly. You will never get it. You were behind the impeachments for this ridiculous "January 6th insurrection" as you call it. Oh, your fall will be great in front of the world. You are a liar and a traitor. The whole world will hear of your acts against the United States and how all of you were concocting to take away the freedom in this nation. You helped gather and gave it to the nation of your choice in order to betray the United States for the next terrorist plot, but you didn't know that I caught you in the act! I had people planted in your inner circle to record you. Your life as you know it is over, and the handwriting is on the wall, and it says treason! And, you know how that ends.

Eric Swalwell, your days are numbered. Explosive information is about to flood the airwaves catching you in the act. Eric, you too, are finished.

The Koch brothers will be exposed for their part against the United States and how they used their businesses to help finance the big steal that took place in the nation. They are part of the puppet masters and the elites who want a One World Government. They will not get what they want, and the Angel of Death will visit them both but not before they have lost everything they have...every business that took part in the biggest coup in the world...will be exposed in the hours of reckoning.

Disney played a huge part, and they are about to be in the news...."

(To be continued tomorrow...jy)
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 02/22/2022 01:51 PM

"Disney played a huge part, and they are about to be in the news for multiple reasons. Whistleblowers have come forward and their evidence will expose that company and how evil they are on so many levels. Their 50th will not go as planned because they will be brought down to their knees for what they have done against you and what they have done to help traffic the children.

Amazon! I'm opening your books wide and exposing what you were doing in the dark of night and yet in front of the world. You traded children for money. You also took part and helped in trafficking them. Jeff Bezos, I told you before. You cannot hide and every penny will be ripped from your hands. You will also fall by the Angel of Death! Your days are numbered on the earth, and your number is about to run out.

Mark Zuckerberg! There will be another major drop in your stock, but this time, it will be a greater drop with which you won't recover from. You are being removed from your place of power by Me. You will try and act like you stepped down. But "stepping down" doesn't change your fate. I'm opening up all the accounts showing the world that you were part of the big steal of 2020...showing your money went to help Dominion which you have partnered with. Oh, Mark, you'll be tried for treason. My army is coming for you. You cannot hide nor can you escape the judgment that is coming for you right now!

Brian Stelter! Major news will expose you and who you are. You'll be removed from your seat at CNN never to be in the news job again. You also helped in the 2020 election steal...doing everything you could to tear down Trump and his name with your vicious lies. You are a traitor to your nation, and you will fall greatly for that and for your lifestyle. You try to keep it hidden on you computer, but the world will know how perverted you are and what you like to watch when no one is around. You will be exposed in every way, and judgment is coming for you now. Nothing will stop the major news that is about to break regarding you. Your time is over, Brian. I gave you an opportunity to repent, but you chose money and your career and that was a bad choice. You are about to sink like the Titanic because your sins have caught up with you.

Don Lemon. You will take a great fall as well. You will never come back to your position. Yes, for everything you have hidden and for what you have done and for the lies to the American people. You will be completely exposed. The little that has come out to the surface is nothing like what is about to come out. Yes, you are finished, and your judgment is now.

CNN, you changed your leaders, but it can't change the judgment that's coming against you. You will take your final fall never to get back up again. CNN, you are finished. My hand is moving against you now. Your lights will go dark never to be turned on again by you saith the Lord of Hosts.

NBC, oh yes, I am coming for you and everyone, and I mean every person, every anchorman that sat behind that camera and boldface lied to the American people. "The Today Show," you are some of the biggest liars there are. You wanted American people destroyed for your leaders. Yes, you helped in the 2020 election. Every one of you received your transcripts before that night. You were given what to do and what to say when Biden gave all of you the green light that night when he came out and spoke. You all knew your plans hadn't worked so the election had to be stopped that night in order to regain control and buy time to get all you needed no matter how many days it would take. NBC, you will fall by your own sword. You are all caught; you will all fall...every network, every person who did at NBC, CNN, MSNBC, FOX, CBS, ABC. My hand is moving against you in this hour. Judgment is here and now for the enemies of Almighty God. The days of reckoning and retribution are here now saith the Lord of Hosts.

Hold on My children! It's about to get very dark for your enemies as truth pours out from everywhere. This is My time to show the world what has been going on against you. These are the days of truth, and they are now saith the Lord of Hosts.
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 02/22/2022 03:59 PM


"Will fall like a fly in a fly trap. You are trapped! Major exposures are about to break upon the floodgates of truth. Your worst nightmare is coming to pass!"


"I will show the world which side you were really on, and the truth will prevail."

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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 02/22/2022 06:14 PM

"Massive explosions of truth are about to flood your airwaves again. I, the Lord, this day have spoken many things through My prophets for this time you are living in; to get your houses in order; to get right before Me; and also to show you that I am a sure thing and everything you see will not stand. I am in control no matter what things look like. I am the one true God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth. Your enemies have tried to destroy everything they can to get their hands on to bring you to your knees...into submitting to their power and ruling over you. They want you to believe you are nothing and you have nothing...that you have no authority and no ability to fight them back. Well, all of that is a lie. You have more power than you could ever dream about having. You have the Greater One inside of you. They don't. Again, My children, be like David versus Goliath. He knew his covenant, and he was bold in the face of adversity. You need to do the same thing. You have a better covenant than David. You have a blood covenant with your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and nothing can beat that. So, stand and face this adversity knowing your won't lose. I have already won these battles for you. Major falls are about to take place. Massive explosions of truth are about to flood your airwaves.

Jerry Nadler! I'm coming for you. Judgment is coming to strike you to the ground for your crimes against this nation and the rightful president. You will fall on live TV! They will say you just fainted, but you will not get up from this. Everything you have done in secret will be exposed. Your heart is failing from the apprehension of what is to come. Treason will also be written on you for all eternity. There is nowhere to hide from this. You had your opportunity to turn away from this, but you stood your ground against Me. Now, judgment is coming, and you will lose everything including your life!

Ilhan Omar! I have said before, you will be exposed. Explosive information will flood the news with what you have done with giving secrets to foreign nations and breaking every protocol that would protect the American people from foreign nations. You have given security to your land and your overlords, you would say. I'm exposing you. You know you helped with another terrorist plot against this nation. Not only will I expose you and your plans, I will expose every person who infiltrated this nation to carry out this attack and where they live. A hornet's nest will be found in Minnesota and Michigan. You thought in those states no one would really look there. Your bunkers, your training camps will be exposed. 9-11 wasn't big enough for you or anyone that is with you. Ilhan Omar, blood drips from your hands, and you will pay a price for that blood. You are a traitor and a liar, and you will pay with your life. That terrorist attack that you so desired will not happen. I have people in place to stop it before it starts. Nothing will come of your plans.

Iran! How dare you infiltrate My nation and plot to kill and to steal them from this land. You are being destroyed yourself. What you sow, you shall reap. I will show the world not only China financed your attack, but so did so many in this fraudulent government. Oh, how nasty were your plans. You came into the borders on planes in the middle of the night. You have young men of fighting age all over this country but, guess what? My hand is against you and will blow up in your faces. Your plans will not go how you want them. And, every person here will be destroyed by My hand like the pharaoh and his men. Every person who paid you in the dark of night and in secret will be exposed. You were paid billions; I am blasted that out of your hands. Your nuclear capability will be ripped from you, and everything done in secret will be brought to the light. All audio and video of every government official that helped you will be exposed and judged by Me saith the Lord of Hosts. I've had enough of you terrorizing My nation with all your plans to bring this country to its knees. The opposite will take place, and those who are left standing will watch this nation rise higher than before.

Another major avalanche will be breaking news all over for the sheer size and damage it has of the biggest ones on record. Brace for impact My children. An avalanche is coming for your adversaries. This is to show you their destruction will be great.

Watch the Atlantic Ocean. Many storms are brewing which is very unusual, they will say. "This can't be; it's not hurricane season yet." Like, "Look at the size of these storms. This just can't be. It has to be an act of God." These words will be on your news stations. Watch for this My children. Everything is shaking now and becoming more unusual.

Watch Mount Aetna. Yes, that mountain has been erupting, but something strange and unusual is about to take place at the opening of that mountain. This just doesn't happen. A meteor shower will strike the mouth right inside during a meteor shower. It will explode and become a great eruption. The land will shake in that region when this occurs. The sign is just to show you My children I'm in control. "All of these things are just too impossible to believe," some would say. I am the God; nothing is impossible! The signs are for you to get up and believe Me once again.

Watch the Middle East. Water will become blood red. They will shout, "How can this be possible?" I'm showing you the plagues of old are taking place again. The Great Exodus is here, saith the Lord.

Hail turning into fire when striking the ground. Yes, watch for this. My vengeance is here to stay until all the enemy's plans are burned and are completely destroyed against you.

Anthony Fauci! You can't run and you can't hide. The blood is running from your hands and is crying out for justice to Me. I have seen all you have done. Your deals with big pharma, the WHO and the FDA will be you were paid by the elite as well. How you were in bed with Obama and the whole fraudulent government. You knew about Biden as well, and you hid that from the world every company that worked with you to roll out your vaccines. Yes, of course, Bill Gates. I'm exposing everything that is in those vaccines and what your completed plans were to depopulate this world under your control. While this was going on, how nicely you would be compensated for all of sick you really are. You ride on a pale horse wanting to bring as much death as possible. Guess what, Anthony? Death will come to you after you are completely exposed and will lose everything you own. You will have nothing then your end will come.

Bill Gates! Don't you dare think you're in the clear. You will let Fauci fall to save yourself. It is too late for that. Nothing can save you for what you have done to the little children and the design you helped put in that vaccine. Yes, you paid people to do your dirty work. I'm against you, and I never lose!

So, children rise up and speak words of truth. Now is the hour to break forth, break out, break through all that has held you captive. 2022 will be a great year for you saith the Lord your Redeemer."

(Notation: several prophecy ministers have said for those who have received the vaccine not to worry about any long-term effects as God will remove them from His children.)
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 02/22/2022 10:08 PM


"The whole world will soon know who
you really are... with your back door


“You will take a major fall and not
survive. Exposures are coming for you.
You will lose everything. You are a
traitor and pay the ultimate price for
your part with the children. You are
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 02/23/2022 02:55 PM

For I, the Lord this day, am again telling My children to get right before Me. Get your houses in order in this hour. Great shaking the world has never seen or experienced quite like this before. I'm striking judgment down on this earth to shake your enemies to their core and to destroy their hold and control over you. They never intended to let you go. This is the time they wanted their One World Government and total world dominance. Yes, they will continue to try for this until I pull the rug from beneath their feet so they lose traction trying to pursue you and taking the world over which, I've said before, this will not happen now. No, they are too early. It's not that time. No, it's My time and your time to rule over this earth like never before. Rule, you ask? Yes, I have given you power and authority to rule and reign and to tell your enemies through many years and tools of distraction and deception. They deceived My children out of believing they have any authority at all. He put rulers and, of course, religious leaders to make sure they destroyed any knowledge of that in this world or the body of Christ. But, it didn't work for all of you. I have a special remnant on this earth through many past generals who gave you great foundations of My word to stand on. And, when all hell seemed to break loose, I gave those men and women revelation to use now. No one needs it more than you right now. My children, this hour to stand against such evil on this earth that has grown to levels all over like never before to this degree. But, My children, you will receive the greatest reward, the wealth of the sinner that was laid out for the just, and that time has come on this earth. Yes, a great seed time and harvest, it shall be for you in this hour.

News is about to break that will rock you, oh United States. Hard evidence and hard proof of what has happened to you. How you were taken hostage by unruly rulers who had no right or any real power against you. Liars, cheaters, traitors and treasonous acts will be aired out on live TV. Body camera recordings are about to explode everywhere. They know their time is coming to an end. You will hear them cry emergency orders to try and protect themselves. They will also build up another fortress to protect them in DC, but it won't work where I'm coming from and My arm is moving. And, no wall or type of weapon can save them. No, spiritual war has come to a place where for them nothing matters. They will try to accomplish it, and it won't work. I'm against them, and they have nothing to stop Me.

Your intelligence community and all who are with them, you spied on the American people with all types of social media platforms. You tried to discourage them, and you tried to shut their mouths. You removed so many voices to try and hide what you have tried; to bring them to their knees; to bow down to your every command. "Why isn't it working?" you're asking, enemies of Almighty God. "Why?" I live in them and you can't kill Me or take My power from them. They are My children and they will always rise higher than you or anyone with you. Every platform that stole their voices away, stole their freedoms from them, I'm coming for you, and your finances will be stripped from you. Every person who worked for these platforms that helped silence My children, you now will be silenced. Yes, I have the final say, saith the Lord of Hosts. My angel armies are against you and so is My mighty army here in this world; the rightful military and many of the army of the Lord; the body of Christ. Yes, there are more of us than there are of any of you, and that terrifies you to no end. You all feel the power slipping from you. You see your plans falling apart. When Trump's social media platform hits, it will hit all of you. Bankruptcy, you will hear and receive. This will come quicker than you think. Your finances, your control are all being taken from you, enemies of Almighty God. Your inventions will be given to a child of God...your worst midnight...but in this hour of great change, leaders and business owners are changing hands, and I have the final say who gets what, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Unusual weather around DC. Things are heating up, and you're about to see the landscape be completely different there. Everything you see that they put up will be completely destroyed by Me. I'll leave nothing standing that stood for anything against Me, saith the Lord

News stations all over will start to crumble. Their ratings are about to drop to new lows and some will go off air never to return. Reckoning and My vengeance is now.

March is going to get bumpy so hold on with weather and exposures like never before. It's coming from all different directions.

Biden will finally have a gaffe that he can't be saved from. Hunter, in jail along with Kamala, Nancy, Mitch, Chuck, Liz and Jerry and many more of you, truth is coming to expose you for who you really are, and nothing can stop this and no one will escape the judgment that is coming for you.

Merrick Garland, United States Attorney General, you wish. Oh yes, you may have that title, but you never had the power. Scandals, they will hear about you. Everything you have done will come out, and you will not survive in this hour of truth. You will not recover from this, Merrick. You will fall and it's about to be great. You, too, are a liar and a traitor, and you will not live to see the end of this year.

All who are top generals in the Pentagon who are against Me, this is your time to be exposed. Some will suddenly retire and some will fall to scandals. But, no matter how you leave, it's all the same, and treason is your end.

Chris Wallace! Truth is coming for you. Massive exposures are about to hit everywhere about you. You are a traitor and a liar, and you will pay for the crimes against My nation and My children. You were caught in the act of stealing and lying to the American people. The video is about to surface and ruin your career and what you have left. Chris, there is nowhere to run when you're against the One True God!

Iran! Sit down and shut up!!! I am removing all of your finances that were given to you and stripping you of anything you have. The soldiers you sent to the United States for a terrorist attack, I am giving back to you. You lose and your plans will not go forth. My angels are standing guard to protect My nation, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Istanbul! You will be in the news. Watch for this My children. This sign is to let you know My timing is now and all your enemies will fall and can no longer stand against Me, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Jamaica! Revival will hit your land in this year of the new. Call it in. I will remove the principalities and powers that have also held you captive. So, rejoice! Your freedom is also in this hour.

Taiwan! I'm here for you as a weather event will hit your land. A cleansing will occur with a much awaited revival and awakening to me. Your prayers have been answered, Taiwan. So, stand for your deliverance.

The United Kingdom! An awakening is brewing. Awaken, My children who live there. Declare your freedoms in your land.

Honduras! Freedom will ring in your land, and an awakening is starting to spread across your land. So, call it in and right now.

Central America! Great weather patterns, natural phenomena will hit your lands, but this is an awakening to get right before Me, saith the Lord, and all will be okay with you.

Australia! Awaken unto Me and you will see complete restoration in your land like I have spoken. The time has come to awaken to Me and My word.

O Canada! I have not and will not forsake you in this hour. I am with you so keep standing. They are losing ground and control. You about to see Justin Trudeau take a hiatus, they will say. He is losing power. He is sow seen as a failure to the elites for not being able to stop you with all his power and might. No, because I am with you, O Canada, and against them. They have lost their foothold never to regain it over you again. Freedom is not coming; IT'S HERE to stay. Keep fighting! Your breakthrough is here, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Tick tock, goes the clock. Your enemy's clock has run out of time so watch, My children. Their desperation will build in this hour with no end in sight. This is My time to show the world who has always been in control, saith the Lord your Redeemer.
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 02/23/2022 05:28 PM

“The Jackal”

“You are finished, nothing will save
you. You will speak Obama as the
President; this will be your great fall
and will bring your end!”


“You are a snake in the grass; a spy
sent from your land and giving
information to the nation you serve.
You will fall for your treacherous acts."
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 02/23/2022 09:20 PM


“You will never be President of the
USA. You are a WITCH, and I will
expose the truth. You will have a great
fall. Video evidence, truth bombs and
your emails are coming for you. The
Angel of Death will strike you!"
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 02/24/2022 10:26 AM


“You will fall and never get back up.
Audio of your instructions for what to
do on January 6 will come out.
Damning evidence about you is
coming out; everyone with you has
been recorded!”
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 02/24/2022 11:02 AM



“You will be removed from your show,
never to be hired anywhere in
broadcasting again. It’s your time to
fall, be removed, tried for treason and
that will be your end!”
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 02/24/2022 01:07 PM

For I, the Lord this day, have been speaking these words to My children to bring hope, encouragement, determination to outlast your adversaries in these days. In the upcoming days and months, many people will be tested in their faith for what they see because they have not listened to the prophets or they haven't believed what they are saying. Trying times are ahead for those who are consumed with doubt and unbelief. My children, I have been reaching out to you on a continual basis through my servants, the prophets, to give you answers to this large, intricate puzzle that is going on in this world today. I chose each and every one of you strategically on this earth for such a time as this. Each one of you has a purpose that your adversaries want to destroy. You, My children, are coming up to a level to be used by Me you never thought was humanly possible. The glory of miracles will be beyond human comprehension. No eye has ever seen or ear has ever heard what you are about to be part of, My children, saith the Lord your Redeemer. I have picked you. Each of you have special gifts and talents needed in this hour for My kingdom to rule on this earth for such a time as this. Yes, shaking, rattling and rumbling is going on everywhere. The earth is travailing for the evil that has been controlling and wants to break forth into greater levels in this hour. My children, enemies have been strategic for many years. They have been patient until now. They put people everywhere, all over the earth in every position you could think of to destroy anything that was good and anything that was from Me. They've infiltrated churches with religion and man-made doctrines to turn people from their faith in Me and to faith in the god of this world who is Satan without realizing it. I am cleaning out the churches right now. Apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers who are not of Me will be removed. The ones who have fallen away and refused to believe Me in this hour will pay a high price for their deliberate disobedience. Those who have fallen to the cancel culture and the way of the elites will be removed. Shock waves are about to hit the church because many well-known ministers and supposed men of God were not. There have been many badmouthing, deceiving the body of Christ away from their faith message and from the prophets. For those who have smeared My sons and daughters in public to their followers and to their congregations, truth shall find you. I have spoken in My written word, touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm. Also, do not judge or you yourself will be judged. Judgment is coming to those that accuse My sons and daughters. This is the time to clean out all the filth; all the sin, all the false prophets and teachers in this hour.

My children, a great shaking is hitting all over. Not to bring fear but to bring freedom, to bring restoration. These shakings in your lands with your governments, churches, businesses, all walks of life, your economies, Wall Street, Big Pharma, Big Tech, the farm industry, news stations, My body of Christ. Yes, I'm getting rid of what doesn't belong in this hour. Great changes are coming to this world, and I mean great. Watch, there will be news regarding a waterfall known as the Niagara Falls. It will be reported due to the unusual circumstances surrounding it. Listen to the word "unusual" to be used. Another sign to see My children, I am here to save you, to protect you from all the evil. The color of water will change to green for a short time. No, my children, I am in control of this world and can signs like this to show you I am not done on this earth. And, My timing is NOW.

Great and major phenomenons will take place. Listen for these words. They'll be used often as they will also say that it was an act of God to explain the magnitude of what it is and how unusual these things are because science and weather forecasters will be stumped. Things like this don't just happen.

Yellowstone, I am mentioning you again. Great shakings have been occurring there as a warning. Even the animals are leaving. They sense the danger. You are about to hear of a major earthquake and start to see the signs of an eruption. There will be with the super volcano, but don't worry, My children. It will not fully erupt, but it will get the world's attention, and this will be another sign destruction of your enemy's plans.

You will see evidence of underground cities and highways hidden away from you so the elites can run things underground to hide from the world. I'm opening up that hornet's nest and showing you how they transport things they don't want you to see. Children are one of them. There was once an underground railroad to save, but this underground is to enslave and still destroy everything that you hold dear. Yes, they want world dominance and depopulation of mankind. You will see these plans because I will expose them. They will hide in caves. Remember, My children and My word, fear and apprehension is what is to come upon the earth.

They built home and bunkers to escape the upcoming war, a big one, World War III. Yes, that's their heart's desire. But, My children, that won't happen when My body is here. The Holy Spirit is still holding back the Antichrist and all of his plans. So, do not fear this war. Do not fear what is going on between Russia and Ukraine. Remember smokescreen and distractions. They were paid with taxpayer money to put this on. So, don't be moved by it. It will come to nothing. I will show the world I am moving My hand from every plot, plan, scheme they had to destroy you. I will destroy it all at one time. They will shout a civil war, a coup is happening against us, but that's too late for them. No one is listening to their lies anymore.

Your military is getting ready to strike this illegitimate government. They are trying to save what power they have left, but watch your enemies falling apart in front of you

There will be more information from Durham. He had to wait until the right time to strike their narrative down to the ground. Hillary, what has come forth is nothing compared to what is coming...evidence of 2016, 2020, and all the Russian collusion. You paid money, stomped around until you would get your way. You killed for it, and all that blood is on your hands, and that blood speaks to Me for justice. And, Hillary, justice will be served. Your time is now, and you can't hide from the truth bombs which will be coming for you. They will blow up your narrative and your influence. They are letting you go, Hillary. No protection from the elites. There's spoiling of you and Bill. You failed them, and you weren't good enough. They still blame you for 2016...for those four years they lost to Trump. He slowed down your plans and caused mass havoc and chaos. They hate you for this victory. Little do they know it was My victory for My son. No matter the scheme. It was never going to work out. No more reports or words. Video evidence and hard proof of what you have done. Yes, someone on the inside was never on your side. I sent them there for such a time as this to bring you down fully. No way to escape. All of your deleted e-mails were never deleted at all. My people have them and will let the world see what they were and what they said. You can't stop this volcanic eruption of truth and evidence coming for you, Hillary. I always have the final say, and I say you lose!

Hunter Biden! These are your final days of freedom. Your laptops are resurfacing, and judgment will hit you in a way you never thought possible. You lied, cheated. All for a disgusting lifestyle. Your perversion, your drug addiction. You can't control the demons inside your head. You could have come forward, Hunter. You had a chance to repent, to be free from it all. You can't hide anymore from your sins you have committed. Videos are coming, and they won't suppress them this time. Hunter, you have become hunted. I warned you, and you refused to listen. You will end up paying the ultimate price. You knew about Joe and still turned away for your money and drug addiction. They awarded you nicely for keeping your mouth shut while your dad was vice-president and the supposed president which he is fake and a liar! All the money you siphoned from other nations for your dad and Obama. Oh, yes, all those bank accounts, the money will be exposed in this hour. I have all the evidence on you, Hunter, and there is no way to get out of what is coming for you now. You tried to take your own life and you failed. The whole world will know what you have done and judgment will be handed out, Hunter. And, the time has come to be completely uncovered for who you really are.

A major earthquake you will hear of in Alaska. The big one recorded. The biggest one recorded. My children, I have said everything can be shaken will be. Things are intensifying now. Snowstorms, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, thunderstorms, tornadoes. The world will be shaken. My children, you have My authority. Rise up and take your place. Do not fear what is coming. Be rejoicing in My protection. Like My children in the land of Goshen, read My word what I did for them. Read Psalms 91. Get it down in your hearts in this hour. Reckoning is taking place right now. I am making things right and turning the enemy's world and their power upside down and wiping out like they didn't exist. These are the days; shout like never before. Praise like never before. I'm here for you, saith the Lord your Redeemer. Everything is going to be all right in the House of the Lord.

My children, take it all back; what is yours; what My word says you have. You are not second-class citizens. You are a child of God. Kings on this earth so don't let anyone tell you otherwise. You are more than conquerors through Jesus Christ!
Edited by King_of_Glass on 02/24/2022 01:12 PM
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 02/24/2022 08:44 PM

"My children, things are going on between Russia and Ukraine that you will not understand because the news media is lying through their teeth about what is really going on. Ukraine, My children who are there, do not fear! I will protect you from what is going on. I will lead you and shield you from any attack. This is not directed at you. This is directed at people who have infiltrated you and your land and are being disposed of so they will not cause anymore damage.

You are asking, "Lord, I don't understand." I, the Lord, am telling you, Ukraine, it will be okay with you. No matter what it seems like, I have the final say in this matter.

Oh, United States, you are being lied to by this fraudulent government! They paid for this, and they set Russia up to be forced to move their hand. Yes, Obama is at the wheel, and he's thirsty for war. They want this distraction so that the news is paying attention to that."

(More about this matter on Monday says God's prophet...jy)
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 02/24/2022 09:25 PM


"You will fall. The angel of death will
strike you, but not before everything
will be taken from you, your money,
power and influence. Your perversion
and what you have done to the
children will be exposed in a video.”


“You are about to fall on live TV,
never to get back up."


“The world will see you fall and exposed
for your heinous crimes. I’m opening
the books and exposing all your
finances and the money you stole!”
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 02/25/2022 01:50 PM

The following message was given on President's Day, 02/21/22:

For I, the Lord this day, have spoken continually through My prophets, and have declared this is My time. This is My show, and it has begun. Things are about to get to an explosive place never seen like this before. The truth is coming from so many places, and it will startle them and will bring so much fear to your enemies that they won't know what to do. Which fire to put out first since it's all around them. Nightmare, one after another. Things they thought would stay hidden forever. Someone leaked it. They don't know how this could have happened. They were so careful. They are so powerful that things like this don't happen to them unless they want certain people to fall. How does someone sneak into their camp and inner circle undetected? I will shatter their confidence, and they're be brought to their knees with these explosions. Some will turn themselves in thinking this will lessen their sentences or keep them alive. Some will dig their feet in more against Me in this hour. They will harden their hearts fully in defiance. You know who they are. I have mentioned their names more than once. Your government officials. It's now the time for them to start falling, stepping down. They will be exposed like never before. Some will be struck down by the Angel of Death. Suddenly! Yes, suddenly! I am turning your mourning into joy unspeakable. So, brace for the nuclear bombs of truth against your enemies. They will start to come one after another with no break in between so they won't have time to gain their composure.

Nancy! I speak of your name again. The time has come to fully expose you to the world. You are what you stand for, what you have stolen financially. The elections, the freedoms, and the rightful president. Yes, you are being exposed to the entire world, and your gavel will be ripped from your hands in this hour. Finances blasted out of your hands that you stole from the American people through your bills that you padded your own pockets with along with the elites padding your pockets for doing their work. Insider trading, manipulating markets for your financial gain. You and your whole family including your nephew, Gavin Newsom. You all will pay a high price for your treasonous acts against this nation and the world.

Lindsey Graham! I am shaking you to your core to choose what side you're really on. Choose now and choose wisely. You have information that is needed in this hour so stop holding on to it. Do the right thing, Lindsey. I will protect you from those you're afraid of. Do it now. Your time is running out to choose. Truth, freedom for the American people or possibly your life and your career? What is more important? To be enslaved to them with their threats against you or to do what you are called to do in this hour? Move forward before it's too late and judgment comes to your door as well. Focus, Lindsey, on the truth. Not the threats in this day.

Chuck Schumer! You, too, are being exposed in this hour. You'll be shown as a serpent, a liar and your power will be ripped from you. That seat does not belong to you. Chuck, you know it. You stole your election, and you helped steal so many others. You are finished, and the Angel of Death will come and visit you soon! You have become cold-hearted and turned your back on Me, and I've turned My back on you. For judgment will hit your home and treason, traitor and a murderer will be written on you for all eternity.

No holds barred. Yes, this is the time. Nothing to be held back. They will use all their power against you, and I will use mine against them. Darkness grows darkest and is hitting them right now with total destruction of your Capitol. Might happen? No, it's happening by My hand. All of you will soon see why. You can't pray for this not to happen. No, My children, this must take place. They have military there thinking they can stop an attack from taking place, but this is imminent. For My children, the military who are there (made to go), I will shield you, protect you from what is coming from that place. It will look like a complete war zone, and it is. They started it all, an all-out war against you when they stole your election. For so many years, My children, yes truth like JFK, will be revealed as an inside job. Yes, they wanted a "yes" man. He wasn't one of them. Everyone since (except Ron Reagan who blow up their stealing of his election). They couldn't; he won by too many. He slowed their plans down. They patiently waited and even tried an assassination attempt but that didn't work either. They needed another way to speed things up when he left office. Since they always had their pick on each side of the aisle. Well, until another Ronald Reagan came to the surface again, and his name is Donald Trump! Their worst nightmare came to pass. You saw they lost control in front of the world. Yes, elections haven't been free. They have been hijacking this nation for years to control you and enslave you. They've stolen from you so they could destroy you along with your freedom and the nation. They needed to bring it to its knees to control the world. You might say, "God, these are conspiracy theories, right?" No, they are not! Who says they are? Them? My children, I haven't begun to show you all the evil they have done against you. Soon, I will be. All will be shown, but brace for what is coming. It will be hard to hear these truths.

Bill Clinton! The Angel of Death is about to visit you. Your days are coming to their final end. Hillary will take a bigger fall for you, but your fates are still the same. You'll both be in the same place with no reprieve. This was not My choice; this was your choice you made, and Hell will be your home. I didn't want this for you. I tried to stop you from going there, but you refused My love. You refused to repent for money and power. So now, you will reap what you have sown.

My children, more will come to surface about this week. And, when you celebrate President's Day, watch for more extreme weather that is coming. Some will say, "Yes, it's like plaques in our day." This weather is another sign of your exodus. So, do not fear it. Stand against it, My children. You have My authority so use it.

The time you live in shall be great. Great is your reward for standing. My children, I am the God, your God, and I'm vindicating every person and everything stolen from you. Vengeance in this hour like never before. Hold on! I have warned you of this time so confusion doesn't control you. I am in control, and I am undefeated. So, look to Me, My children, in this hour like never before. Your great celebration is drawing near so receive it.

The wealth and everything the wicked have is coming to your hands because it has your names on it so don't limit Me and what I can do for you, saith the Lord of Hosts."

Notation by me, jy: the following words are about Bill Barr that were given within the above message. I have placed it here, however, so I may make a comment about what God has said about A.G. Barr. I'm a bit confused as the more recent message sounds contrary to God's prior message about Barr. I will post the more recent message first followed by the earlier message. Surely, time will help clarify (at least for me, hopefully) where Barr actually stands with God.

"The truth will soon be revealed about you. Why you did certain things not to stand for the freedoms of the American people. Yes, [I] vindicated your name and what needed to be done at this time. All of this had to take place clearing your name and showing the covert assignment that needed to happen to save them."

And, from an earlier post as I mentioned above:

"The whole world will soon know who
you really are... with your back door
Edited by King_of_Glass on 02/25/2022 02:02 PM
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 02/25/2022 10:57 PM


“Your life as you know it is over. You
will be tried for treason.”


“You snake in the grass. You are on
audio and video, and it is all coming
out. You are finished!”
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 02/26/2022 03:52 PM

For I, the Lord this day, am in control of heaven and earth, no matter what man or unruly rulers say. No matter what your government says. No matter what their news stations say, I am the Creator of heaven and earth along with the Creator of mankind.

Your enemies have many plans for this day in the coming days ahead. But, no matter the cause or what they want, it will not prosper. It will fail and fall in front of the world. These people, their government and their leaders are nothing in my sight and have nothing. I disarmed, dismantled and struck down their leader out of heaven who tried to overthrow Me then and is trying to overthrow Me again on this earth that I created. It didn't work before, and it certainly won't work now.

Watch My children, freedom will prevail on this earth. No matter what they have done; how long they have done it for; how much money they have. All of that means nothing. It states in My word, on earth as it is in heaven, My will always will be done, and My words always prosper. Go forth and create because they are spirit, and they are life. My words are power; they always have power over anything the enemy does. This is not the time to fear your enemies. This is not the time to back off, quit, lie down, bury your head or surrender. No, now is the time to pick up your sword of the spirit; put on the full armor of God; and fight the good fight of faith that you're always guaranteed to win in the end. Jesus paid for it. He won it all for you. It is finished; your enemies are finished; and their plans are finished despite what it looks like and what they have to say. Stop magnifying them and start magnifying Me, saith the Lord your Redeemer.

Storms, hail, tornadoes, unusual wind. The seas are tossing and turning; waves are crashing into the shore. Earthquakes, volcanoes, avalanches, snow blizzards, ice. "Crazy weather," they will shout. This will continue all over the earth in this hour. Hurricanes will intensify and become very large. All of this is happening while the power is being completely ripped from your enemies.

Watch Biden. His time is nearing the end of his ruling or fake rule. Yes, explosive evidence is coming to light on what he has done, who he is, and how fake this supposed presidency really is. Yes, a great fall. Along with Kamala, they are both finished. There will be fighting and resistance when the truth comes to your nation regarding the elections; the money that was given to foreign nations for bribes; to start wars or attacks in your land. The truth will come regarding how much control China actually has over your nation. How Biden and Obama and many others thought they were playing China when they themselves were getting played. Backstabbing on both sides; people infiltrating your nation along with your nation infiltrating theirs. Blackmail after blackmail, accounts will show backdoor deals to overthrow your elections. Yes, that proof is about to explode everywhere with no way to stop it.

Your Senate, members of Congress, your governors, your secretaries of state. So many people sold you out for their own financial gain and power guaranteed to them if they went along with this plan.

Wisconsin, new and explosive evidence will come out including Pennsylvania at the same time. Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Minnesota, Vermont, Virginia, North Carolina, California, New Mexico, New York, New Hampshire! A flight of truth is coming.

My children, lawyers seen before, I told you, were held back until now. Sidney Powell, Rudy Giuliani, Lin Wood, Janet Ellis and many others will start to resurface with truth and evidence that will not be held back or denied.

This is the hour of reckoning for the tyranny to fall. You ask, "Why now, Lord? Why not back in 2020 when this all happened?" There were things that could not be uncovered that can be now. Before, their fall would not have been as great as it will be right now. My children would not be awakened. You needed time to get right with Me; to get up; to stand up; to rise up; to take your place; to heal you; to perfect your faith in Me once again. Things needed to happen against your enemies and help you at the same time.

Watch your news regarding Massachusetts. Major news will break in this state. This, My children, is another sign I am in control.

A senator is about to step down out of embarrassment and shame. His lifestyle will be exposed with video evidence. My children, with this it will show you they will all fall; who are against Me.

A scandal in your Congress is about to to be uncovered regarding January 6th like I have told you about the two impeachments and the election. They will all tie in together to reveal to all the world all the manipulation and how far they would go to cheat you out of the rightful president and your freedoms.

Explosive evidence regarding Gavin Newsom is coming down the pipe, you would say. Yes, he is about to take a major fall for a major slip of the tongue. The hour of truth is here and will set the captives free.

A major whistleblower is about to resurface regarding the elections and Biden, himself. Be prepared to hear it is all about to be released, My children.

Evidence on Epstein is about to come out. Someone will leak the manifesto for all to see. Not just who went to that island but who paid for it, and these names will shock you. Some of My children will say, "This can't be." Sometimes, it's hard to hear about people you could trust, but truth will always prevail in the end.

Italy will about erupt in the news in a major way. Not only about Mount Aetna, but truth will pour out of that country. They, too, are starting to rise up and fight back for freedoms. People will fill the streets in protest. Watch the breakout in more countries in coming weeks. Freedom protests everywhere to fight the tyranny that has been controlling you.

I'm moving My hand to deliver, to heal, to restore the nation. Freedom will prevail so don't back off, children of Almighty God. I will protect you. Their power is nothing against mine, and My power lives in you.

Trudeau, your days of being in power are coming to an end. You see the writing on the wall, and you chose to keep fighting. You will lose no matter what, no matter who is with you nor how much money and power you think you have. Your fall is now. Your fall is great! "Let my people go!" Those words have been spoken in your nation, and nothing can stop their freedom from coming to pass. You are finished, Justin.

My children, boldness, I'm raining down in this hour. Get up, stand up, take what is yours! Again, I say, your freedoms, your lands, your businesses, everything that has been paid for with the blood of Jesus. Take it back from the ones who have stolen it from you. The time of great turnarounds is here. Time for financial wealth transfer is here. A transfer of power in your government is here. 2022 shall be remembered as a year of great celebrations and the great exodus! Freedoms like never before, My children, are here, and it's now, saith the Lord of Hosts."
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 02/26/2022 10:11 PM


“You are about to fall and never get
back up. You will be tried for treason
and that will be your end!"
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Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 02/27/2022 12:11 PM

"For I, the Lord this day, am telling My children (the body of Christ), everything will be okay despite what they are about to say and do. It doesn't matter, saith the Lord of Hosts. I have said so many times before, do not fear them or anything they do. It will not hurt you. It says in My word, touch not My anointed and do My prophets no harm. My children, you are My anointed because of your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. By accepting Him, that resurrection power lives on the inside of you. I am on the inside of you, and I am greater than he that is in the world. My children, these are the days to get this revelation down on the inside of you. So, when anything tries to come against you, it will not stand and it will not prosper. I have spoken these things in My word so rejoice in freedom and joy to you, My children. My words are spirit and life to you and a two edges sword that your enemies can't run and hide from. When you resist him, destroy his power when you use My written and Rhema words against him. So, study My words more in this hour, My children. You will need these words to spring out of you in these days and faith to overcome your enemy's tactics that will try to continue to be used against you.

Wendy Roger [Arizona State Senator]! You have my protection in this hour. You know what needs to be done in your state, and your green light is now, no matter what anyone tells you. With the information you have that was given to you, it's time to go forward. Move now and all will be okay with you and all who are with you. What has been said and done against you, they are finished. What they have now are empty threats. My protection is around you so expose what needs to be exposed. All will be made right in your state, and all will be removed who are against you along with the one who infiltrated your camps. I will expose the rest of them, and I will remove them as well. Dominoes are falling and you know what to do so do it, saith the Lord.

Mark Finchem [Arizona State Representative]! I have not forgotten you nor all you have done to protect integrity and truth. I have blessed you My son and anointed you for this very hour. Given unto you strength and ability to get the job done. Move forward and I will protect you and bless the works of your hand and give you rest from the effects from the heat of this battle. All will be overturned and know this was not all done for naught. Great is your reward, My son. It is time to move forward with the plans I have given you. You know what they are, and you now have everything you need. Your green light is now, saith the Lord. This battle has been won by Me and nothing can stop that. There is freedom and truth that is beginning to pour out for Arizona, and it's just the beginning for other states to follow suit. Pull it now. Pull it now, saith the Lord.

In this hour you are in, My children, your enemies' destruction will be great. This is that time prophesied about by so many. They're about to pull as many things as they can at one time to take the strength you have left. Watch the markets begin to collapse. They want total financial control to break and stop anyone from fighting back. Remember, My children, to stand and not to fear. I will show you what to do and when, and nothing they do will stand against you. These are the final days of power and destruction. They want to threaten the ones that was pursuing them to take back power. Remember, they want to use you as hostages against the rightful president, and this will not work. They are going to move for a massive power grab in this hour to threaten you with all they have so you just finally give in to them once and for all. Their window is closing to take their full control. That day they have been waiting for, February 22nd of 2022, didn't turn out the way they wanted it. They don't understand. How can this be? They didn't count on Me, saith the Lord of Hosts.

All members of your House and Senate that are on the winning side, all the destruction that's coming to DC is not for you. You will be protected by Me. As I have stated before, watch unusual weather. An unusual thing will appear in the skies over Washington, DC. This Capitol was never what I wanted. This was a satanic Capitol used for many sacrifices and worshiping of Baal and many other gods that they serve. My children, that is why your Capitol has to move in this hour. A cleansing must take place, and everything they stood for must be removed by My mighty hand. Their Babylon system is being removed by Me. And everything they touched and perverted used against you, I will remove it all.

Kamala! You feel like you are suffocating with no way out and nowhere to turn. Everyone is against you, and you have no more allies. You have no peace because a target on your back is growing. You now know they do not need or want you anymore. They already betrayed you with an actor in the seat you wanted. Obama is really leading everyone. You are just there as a fill-in. You can't take it much longer. Well, Kamala, you chose the wrong side, and peace you will never find, and treason will be your final end.

The Biden! You liar and you snake in the grass. Your time is coming to an abrupt end. You feel the power slipping from you and how disgusted Obama and all the others are with you. They want to ruin you and take full control before you ruin it all for them. But, it's already too late. You're about to open your mouth and speak words they can't stop or recover from. You will give so many secrets away on live TV, and you will send them into an all-out panic scrambling to figure out what to do. At the same time, Jen Psaki, Nancy Pelosi, news anchors? Who else can mess this up? They will say, "What now?" When all this occurs, watch out, My children. They will pull out all stops against you. But in that time, My hand is moving against them, and they shall not get what they want against you since I am against them.

Jen Psaki! You are feeling overwhelming pressure. You know the truth about Biden, and they are turning on you. They don't trust you anymore. You will suddenly step down out of nowhere, they will say. You think that will bring you peace, but it won't. Your hour has come for your part you played against the American people. You are a liar and you are caught in all the webs and all the lies you have weaved. You are also a traitor and, yes, you shouldn't trust the ones you stand beside because they don't trust you. They want to dispose of you for leaving your post when they needed you to stay. Jen, you will not find peace you are looking for. Judgment is about to hit your doors with nowhere to hide. You could have turned away and repented and you chose not to. Now your fate has been sealed, and treason is also your end.

Kevin McCarthy! Get right before Me now and move forward with what you need to do, and I'll protect you. No more waiting on others to do a job I have given to you. Do not fear what they can do to you. No, stand boldly and I will protect you and the threats they planned against you. I will also protect your family. So go! Your green light is now, saith the Lord.

Multiple storms hitting your land at one time, oh United States. Blizzards in some areas, thunderstorms and tornadoes in others. Many weather events at one time. A cleansing of your nation has begun. Some of these storms will be strong to stop the plans of your enemies against you. Do not fear the storms. Speak to them. They can't touch you or your house. You have power over them so stand and use My authority in this hour. Speak truth and freedom along with victory, and you shall see it come to pass in your life. This year is great, My children, and it's all for you, saith the Lord your Redeemer."
Edited by King_of_Glass on 02/27/2022 04:35 PM
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 02/28/2022 09:56 AM

ARTUR PAWLOWSKI is a Polish-Canadian Protestant street preacher and political activist. He is pastor of the Cave of Adullam congregation in Calgary and previously led the Kings Glory

“Justice and victory is coming to you.
You are another Joseph in this hour,
your life will be changed in one day!
You will rise higher and never to be
taken prisoner again. Hold on, the
great I AM is coming to deliver you!”


“You are another one that will fall to
the Angel of Death, but not before you
are exposed and removed! Your
sentence: eternity in the Lake of Fire”.

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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 02/28/2022 11:55 PM

For I, the Lord this day, have told My children (the body of Christ), everything is going to be okay and it will. No matter what you hear or what you see, listen to My words. Everything will be okay. Do not let fear consume you or let confusion corrupt your thinking to lead you astray and take you hostage in your mind to forget what I have said or all the words I have given to the prophets, all the signs I have given to show you that I am in control. This is your time for deliverance and freedom. No matter what the world looks like, walk by faith and not by sight. That is what My written word says. This is the hour My children, if you have not walking by faith, start now! 'Faith Lord? How do I get faith?' Faith comes by hearing My word. That is the only way it comes. Faith is trusting in Me more than what your five physical senses are telling you. My children, I put a measure of faith in each and every one of you the size of a mustard seed, but it's your responsibility to grow it. How can you trust Me if you truly don't know who I am and what My will for you in every situation, every circumstance, and what you face in this world today? My children, it's time to get in my Word like never before. Yes, open My word and know My will like never before. I will guide you, showing you what you need to hear and see in this hour. I am your protector and will lead your steps, guide you in the right direction. I promise not to forsake you. and I am a sure thing to rely on! I am the only thing in your life that will guarantee 100% of the time, you will win when you stand on My word and believe Me above all else.

A major changing of the guard, a government, a nation will break loose off all the chains holding your freedoms. Yes, those chains are coming off now. My children, shout in this hour like never before against their plans. They want to lock and to shut you up. Speak My words and stand for freedom because they are yours. Can you hear it? The wind is blowing, blowing down what power your enemies have left.

Watch! There will be a major sign on your Empire State Building. Yes, look to this. In the coming days this will be in the news with a sign. Know that I Am has come and the evil controlling your land will be no more. Those in power will be forced out.

Believe My prophets in this hour, and you will be blessed. Those who are listening and you are reporting false or talking ill of My prophets, I have warned you in My word, 'Touch not My anointed and do My prophets no harm.' A high price you will price for what you are doing. Turn back now and repent or you will receive judgment in this hour. In a year of judgment and vengeance will be against you. My grace is sufficient for you to take and receive My mercy before it's too late and the door closes on your time. The door you have opened, you will want to shut as fast as possible. You who are listening, you know who you are and you can feel this is for you. My grace is enough so take it while you can before what is coming for you and all of your house, you do not want. Your worst nightmare, your biggest fear will come upon you. So, heed these words now before it's too late for you.

Artur Pawlowski! I have not forsaken you. Once again, I'm speaking to you to tell you I am moving where you are and I promise to completely deliver you from that prison cell. You are My Joseph, and I will raise you up higher. Your reward is great, My son, for not bowing. I promise you like those three Hebrew men, you will come out with no evidence you were ever in that prison cell. I am pouring out glory in that place giving you great peace. I'll give you dreams and revelation you never thought you would receive. Yes, I have you My son, and I have great plans for you. I will give you great joy in midst of such sorrow. Revival will break out where you are, and the people around you will receive My Son. What Satan wanted to break you, I will strengthen you and bringing more out that believe in Me than went in there believing there was no God. They are seeing you and what is in you. My anointing is like a light and it gives them such peace. So, know that I'm your deliverer and what is about to happen for you will be like Paul and Silas. Start to receive your voice. Raise your voice and praise Me where you are and all those shackles and prison cells will break open, and you will walk out. Just know My son, your assignment in there I will give to you. Go fulfill it and watch, My son, what I do for you in these coming weeks.

Doug Ducey! Your time is up. Exposures will rip any influence you had left. You will be removed from your place of power. Major breaking news and visual evidence of who you really are and how you stole from the people of your state. The video that is about to surface shows you receiving money for November 2020. Yes, they rewarded you nicely for selling your soul to the devil. You are a traitor and a liar. I gave you time to make things right, and you refused to. So now, judgment is upon you with no way to stop it. Governor, you will be no more, and treason will be written on you for all eternity!

Katie Hobbs. You are in that video, too, with Governor Ducey. And, you, too, will fall. Your end is the same. Treason will be your end.

Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, a snake pit will be revealed. Deceivers and liars, you are. You sold your souls for money and power. You lied to your county and the United States of America. The video is coming out to implicate you. I had an infiltrator in your midst who caught you all red-handed and that time is now. You thought you were safe, but you're not. The world will know what you have all done. I'm ratifying every lie and everything you did that night in 2020 and what you did since to destroy evidence; how and what you did and when; and nothing will be kept secret.

Arizona, oh, Arizona! A cleansing is coming, and truth will free you from what held you hostage. Yes, dominoes will fall, and they are being tipped over now. So, rejoice in the truth once again. Truth always prevails. Evidence was held back until now. So, take back what is yours in this hour. It has finally come, what you have been waiting for.

Karen Fann! Let my people go along with let the truth flow. Do it now, Karen!

Yes, the Sheriff's race in Maricopa County. The lies are coming to light. Every wrong will be made right. Videos are surfacing in everything that was done to help the supervisors, governor, and secretary of state. All of you, judgment is coming and vengeance is mine, saith the Lord.

'Lord, how can this be? It's too late, it's too late!' It's never too late. I am an on-time God and soon you will all see and understand that.

Rectifying has been taking place in your land, oh United States! Heat you will feel early this year. It's going to get very hot under the feet of every liar and everyone that's standing against you. Tyrants are about to fall in this land. Your enemies are all coming down this year. Yes, but they have shown reaping in the season of judgment and justice.

Spring will bring forth many changes in your land, the beginning of the end of every ruler against you. Celebrations are about to begin so stay focused on Me, My children, and not on them or anything they can do or try to stay in power. They can't. My words have been spoken. My will will be done on earth so start to shout and rejoice. Deliverance is here, and I am not going anywhere until all are removed against you, saith the Lord of Hosts."
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 03/01/2022 02:01 PM


“Heed these words now... turn back
from your wicked ways. You have
been deceived by them, but I see your
heart. Turn, repent, speak up and
there will be hope for you still. Do it!"


“You are another wolf in sheep's
clothing and a part of the deep swamp.
You will fall and will never get back
up. You will be tried for treason and
your life will be taken from you.”

(Be sure to return this evening or tonight as I'll be posting another prophecy about America's political situation! Like the others, it's a good one!!! jy)
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 03/01/2022 08:30 PM

"For I, the Lord this day, am making an announcement to My body: I win and your victory is at hand! A major breakthrough and turnarounds are here! Your enemies all lose, and this is a time for their fall and their sentencing. I have said enough is enough! No more will I let them stage this world how they want it. War? Yes, they want all-out war. They are thirsty for it. It's another maneuver to control this world. All they have are lies and false power. You say, 'Lord, they do have power over us. Look at all they are doing.' My children, they have played right into My hand. They have done exactly what I need them to do and when they would do it for their ultimate destruction and demise. Yes, it's time for turnarounds. I know this has been hard to deal with and hard to bear, My children, but I have spoken My words. And, nothing can stop My words and My will. 'What words,' you may ask. Let My people go, saith the Lord of Hosts! 'Lord, it's taking too long. Now there is war.' No there's not. This is a strategic attack on things that are going on in a part of Ukraine no one knows about. Your nation wanted you to believe, otherwise. This is not directed at the people of this nation as they would love for you to believe. Soon, you will see why Russia did what they did, but in the meantime, do not fear it, and it can only go so far and not any further. I got this, My children, and I got you. I've said, I'm your protector and deliverer. These are the days of deliverance so shout! Your exodus is now! It's here! Declare, 'We receive our freedom, Lord! We receive our authority, and we will not fear!'

Sudden news is about to break regarding Jen Psaki. Her sudden exit is shocking to some. Another sign to you their plans are falling apart. She knows what they have done and doesn't want to be a part of it any longer. Jen, even though you have stepped down and judgment is coming, you know what you have done against the American people. Playing into this fraudulent government, it will be exposed who you actually are; who you took your orders from, and it' not Biden. Obama is his name! You and all this fake government and fake power will be exposed. The pressure's building when your days are actually going to end. You know, Jen, you can't take the anticipation of what is about to hit DC. You refuse to repent, and treason will be written on you for all eternity!

An eruption is about to take place in your Congress between House members. People are splitting apart, choosing what side they're actually on. Some are scared for their lives and will switch sides. Others will stand their ground in defiance, and their end is near.

A death blow will rattle DC. Yes, a death will rock this nation. 'Biden?' you ask. Yes, they're finished with the one who is betraying him. They are grasping at straws when to pull the plug on this charade, but after this next gaffe of 'The Biden', it will be their final straw. Obama wants to be seen and known he's in control. But, they don't know how exactly to make the American people accept that.

A storm is brewing, My children. Yes, a major storm in the natural but also in the spirit. A major storm is about to break over DC, and many are fleeing. Do you hear it marching? Yes, military marching, but they are not alone. They are with My angel armies, and they are about to take over and descend on DC. Yes, ultimate destruction of that Capitol and all who want to protect it and try to stand their ground against My army. But, failure and defeat, they only have.

Yes, a major sign to look for. A massive lightning bolt will strike the White House and the Washington Monument on the same day! Watch for a lightning storm to hit your Capitol. Rain and wind, a major storm is going to strike there directed at the ones holding this nation hostage. Yes, a storm is brewing that they can't stop with their money or their power.

Fox News! A major scandal is about to break all over. A news anchor will be caught in a scandal along with others in your network. Brace for impact, Fox. I'm cleaning house and not many will be left standing. Only people who spoke the truth and didn't bow to your every command.

It's time for another news break all over regarding the lies you've told in your supposed news stations all over the place. Yes, vindication for the ones who told the truth and vengeance for the ones who wouldn't.

Rudy Guiliani! I'm vindicating your name in this hour. You'll be rewarded greatly for standing up for truth. You have what you know to destroy every narrative regarding 2020. It's that time to move forward with a plan that you have been given. The walls that have been built up against you have come down. No longer will they control the narrative. So, speak My son and do what needs to be done. I am with you and I have not failed you. I will give you strength to stand and face adversity, but this time it will be different. Now it's time for them all to fall that are against you. Rudy, I have raised you up in this hour, and I have given you everything to overcome and come out victorious in the end. So, move, My son. I will direct your steps.

Donald Trump! You have My orders, My son! You know what to do. Remember, it's My responsibility to protect the people in this nation. Don't hold that care or responsibility. It belongs to Me. In the days ahead when you make your moves that need to be made, just remember, I have protection around you and all who are with you. I also have My angel armies protecting the people of this great nation from their attacks as you're pursuing them. Yes, I know what they want to do. I know what they are planning when you take these next steps. But, My son, it's My will that will be done, not theirs. So, full steam ahead, you would say. Play your next chess move on the board of victory. It's time to move forward and, yes, you have the green light!

Donald Trump! You are the one chosen by the One True God! You are My David! You are also My Moses! You are My vessel sent to deliver My people out of the hands of these nowadays pharaohs. The exodus is upon them now. I am with you and all who are with you. It's time for the turnarounds. So, go do what I need you to do, and I will be with you and I will be with them.

Oh, United States, a uniting is happening amongst you and your states. Things have been in secret and are about to be revealed in this hour.

Great confusion! Yes, they are making their last moves on their checkerboard because they are not smart enough to play chess. Many mistakes they have made and continue to make. Yes, they have been caught in everything they have done. Truth is breaking through all the lies in this hour, exposing every player, every person and what they have done to destroy your nation. This is the time you've been waiting for, My children. It's time to dance, and it's time to sing! March forward into your victory to see turnarounds like never before, saith the Lord of Hosts."
Edited by King_of_Glass on 03/01/2022 08:56 PM
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 03/02/2022 09:37 AM


“You are a wolf in sheep's clothing,
always a part of the deep swamp and a
trafficker of children! You also will be
tried for treason.”
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 03/02/2022 07:31 PM

"For I, the Lord this day, have told you, My children, to be watching for signs I'm giving you this hour to build your faith and confidence in Me along with My prophets I have put in this hour; to give you My words I needed spoken; to hear regarding things you are facing in this world. You are living in a time where things are going to abruptly change.

A major halt to all your enemy's plans along with destroying them against you. Major scandals are about to come out like rapid fire, one after another, and not one will get away with what they have done. I know, up until now, certain people have, no matter what was leaked about them, had no punishment it appeared. Well, they are about to receive punishment they never thought would happen to them. They were "too smart." They had entire media outlets on their side along with money and power. None of that means anything when they are against Me.

Isolation tents. You will hear this in the news. It will be a sign of your enemy's plan with camps they were planning of putting you in, but all will be exposed and destroyed.

A major dust storm you will hear of, yes, in Africa. A major wind storm across Asia causing damage and havoc. Typhoons, major weather events are about to break out all over the place stopping your enemies from invading you, oh United States, and the invasion of Israel.

You will hear and see hail the size never seen or heard of. Softball? No, bigger! Listen to these words and watch for these signs. I'm moving My hand; destroying their weapons; destroying their convoys against you; their plans to take you out once and for all, United States. But know this: I am God. The things they are about to try to do, do not fear. This will not last and it will not stand. I'm your deliverer, and they can't get past Me!

A death of yet another governmental official. Watch for this. The Angel of Death is hitting their camps now. These are the days of judgment. So many will be silenced in the night. They will not wake up from their sleep. They will be found in their bed, dead. Another one will be found dead, but by apparent suicide. That's not true! My children, their life was taken by another to silence them from telling the truth.

Ilhan Omar! Death is coming to you with no way to stop it for your acts against Me; your acts against both My nations of Israel and the United States of America. You will be killed for your failure. They see you as a failure and will dispose of you before you turn on them.

A time of great silence in DC. Yes, eerily silence some would say. Their mouths will be shout by Me.

News stations after news stations, they are about to crumble. The ratings are plummeting in this hour with no way to prop them up. I'm shutting the mouth of the destroyer who uses them as his mouthpieces. Silent, they will become during this transition of power. It's coming, My children, a time of silence. A time of darkness will appear across airwaves. So many will wonder what is going on. God, why is this happening? It's not bad silence for you, My children. I'm shielding you from sights and sounds you do not want to hear. In this time, your Capitol will be demolished by Me, leaving nothing left that was not of Me.

The Abraham Lincoln Monument. Watch for this. It will be untouched. It'll be protected by Me for Abraham Lincoln was My son chosen at that time to save this country, and he will be honored for that, still.

I am raining down hail in your Capitol. Watch for the sign of their demise. Watch for another massive storm headed to the East coast, one and another one right after that. My children there, brace for this, but know this is not for you. They're planning another attack on your nation. They were using the Atlantic Ocean to hide them; to show up and attack you out of nowhere. I will show you their submarines. Yes, submarines will be in your news. They infiltrated your waters and your land. So, these weather events, do not fear them. Know I am destroying them and protecting you from their destruction.

My children, March will be a great month, you will say, because it will start out harsh, it will appear. But, it will end like a lamb. So many will finally see that I am in control.

Freedom convoys, freedom protests will grow, My children. Grow in your nation, but more in nations all over the world. You will see an upscale of military planes and helicopters in the skies above your nation. Another sign I'm in control and My hand is moving against your enemies.

Jerry Nadler! Your life is coming to an end. You will fall never to get back up again for defying Me and choosing to sell your soul for money and power.

Brad Pitt will be in the news. Watch for this, My children. This will be a sign of destruction of Hollywood and what it stands for

Alec Baldwin! You thought you were in the clear, but you are not. You'll be caught not only with the death on your movie set but with the lifestyle you hide from the world. Your computer has secrets on it, and you tried to destroy it. But, My people already have all the information they need to take you down. Epstein, you are connected to. The children trafficking, you are connected to. Your lifestyle is disgusting and evil, and you'll be exposed for who you always have been. You were given time to repent. Your brother has been praying for you. You refused Me and refuse to repent. Now judgment will hit you in ways you never imagined. You will lose everything you hold dear to you. Alec, your time has come to be judged by Me, saith the Lord.

Another assassination attempt on the rightful president was just stopped by Me. No one will touch whom I have on this earth to complete the great exodus and freedom that belongs to this nation and the world. Donald Trump, you are protected by Me, saith the Lord of Hosts. Your family and all who are with you, nothing will come to any of their plans against you. I'm giving you peace and rest. Your family, I will take care of in this hour. You know what needs to done, and your family won't be able to be with you through it. But, I am the Great I Am and will shield them and give them peace and joy knowing you will be okay and so will this nation.

Donald, great is your reward. I will give you back everything that has been taken, and I'll give you more than you asked from Me. Every lawsuit will be dropped. Every person standing against you will fall by My hand, saith the Lord of Hosts. I held you back in this hour to hide, comfort and strengthen you. You have listened and obeyed, My son. So, Donald, I'm giving you back all that has been stolen and more. All that needed to be removed that infiltrated you has been exposed and now you can move forward in this hour.

The dominoes are falling everywhere in front of you to walk through to your place of power, again. Give Me the care of the people of this nation. My angel armies are all over to protect them. So, do not worry about them. Nothing your enemies can do will prosper against you or this nation. Peace, I will give to you this hour like never before. Donald, know you are special to Me, and thank you for your obedience and trusting in Me through it all. Donald, how special you are in My sight. I love you, My son, so go and take what is rightfully yours in this hour, and all will be okay with you, your family and this nation.

My children, all will be okay in this hour in the House of the Lord. This is the hour of great transition of power. So, hold on to Me and hold on to My word and you will find peace and rest. I'm your comforter so don't turn aside to any other at this time. I love you, My children. I gave you My only begotten Son so you would live with Me for all eternity. Yes, but also that you can live like heaven on earth. My children, this is possible. I have spoken this in My written word for a reason. These for the days of freedom, celebration. So stand now; stand up, take back what the Lord has done for you!
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 03/03/2022 10:45 AM

KoG: Just how awesome is God Jehovah? Yes, God has a name and it's Jehovah. So much so that He is telling us Price Charles will have his mother, Queen Elizabeth, murdered to quicken his rise to become king as found in the following prophecy and message to him:


“You will be stripped of your power
and will never have the royal crown.
You helped with the coup in My
nation and the whole world will
know it. Another arrogant pharaoh
and you will fall. You are your own
mother’s (the Queen) murderer!"
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Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 03/03/2022 10:59 PM

"For I, the Lord this day, know the day and the hour of complete restoration, and that time is closer than you think, children of Almighty God. Things have been harsh, have appeared bleak and impossible. I have told you before, it's always darkest before a breakthrough.

In this hour, your lives will suddenly change just like in 2020. One day things appeared normal. The next day, it was like a horrible dream. It will happen again, but this time I have given you prophetic words to let you know this is nothing. They have nothing that can stop Me or My will. So, do not fear what they do. This will not last, and it definitely will not stand. You will actually see them start to fall apart on live TV. They won't be able to contain their composure. Not only by being in fear, but the anger and the anguish they feel because no matter what they have done, their plans are not working. Yes, they know their time is coming to an abrupt end. That is why they will try everything they can against you, but My children, it's a slight stress of a passing hour. Like I have said before, this will not last. Do not give in to what they are saying. Stand on My word and I will give you peace and joy through it.

I am knocking down all their walls and their plans against you. Nothing will be left standing that is against you. This is the hour of your victory no matter how things may appear. Laugh at your enemies. They can't stand and surely can't stand against Me. An all-out war, they want in your land, and they will not get what they want no what is said or what they try to do.

Your news stations are about to break out with a special report to bring ultimate fear to stop this convoy and to stop the rest of you standing against them. But, it's not going to work. I have given you truth to set you free from all their lies. Your rightful president is on his way back into power, and they are squirming at the thought they have lost against him no matter what they have done. He never gave in, and he never quit. They hate him and hate you for that. Your love for freedom in this country never diminished like with the rightful president, Donald Trump. No matter how much they took from you, you never gave up and they can't understand that. Again, I the Lord have said, they didn't count on Me and I am with you, My children. I will protect this nation, oh United States!

My children in other lands and other nations, I have not forsaken you. Once you see how freedom arises in the United States, know you are next. I am delivering all My people from all these evil rulers and all their governments. None will be left standing. It's time for turnarounds and breakthroughs like never before.

Watch! There will be a sign on the Eiffel Tower. Yes, just know all who are in France, I am delivering your nation; and My children all over this world, I am delivering you, too. This freedom is world wide, the great exodus, so don't bury you head or give in to anything they do. Stand up and take what I, the Lord, am doing for you. My angel armies are at war for you, and they never lose and neither do I! My will will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Shake off defeat. Shake off defeat and the failures. Shake off every lie your adversary wanted you to believe.

There will be a major sign in Belize. Look for news out of there. This is yet another sign to show you I am in control, and your enemies always lose.

Europe! Major scandals involving the royals not only regarding Prince Andrew but Prince Charles surrounding the queen's sudden death. Yes, I have said watch the clock tower that is called Big Ben. It will fall to the ground and know Prince Charles is about to take a massive fall for what he has done against the queen and against your nation. He's a part of those who wanted to enslave you. He's a thief and a liar, and he will never get that crown he killed for! A cleansing of your nation has begun, so rejoice. Revival is about to hit your land like never before.

Watch, news will break about Tulsi Gabbard. She is changing sides from blue to red. She has seen what is going on and cannot stand for what they stand for. Yes, Tulsi is not one of them. Watch, My children, more will switch sides. More will suddenly retire and step down. They know they will not win this time.

The Democrat Party, as you know it and see it now, will be no more. Yes, it's time to clean house, you would say. Spring cleaning of anyone who doesn't stand with Me, who doesn't stand with freedom.

Watch California. A major weather event will take place. They will continue to say how unusual it is for this time of year. There will also be snow in places there shouldn't be snow. That is another sign I'm cleaning out the state of ungodly rulers, their laws, their price-gouging, everything the elites have done to destroy that state.

They want to break all the states in this nation so the federal government would have to step in and take full control. Yes, the states have more power than the people realize. Each state can stand up against this government body. This was set up for what you are seeing and experiencing right now. These laws were set up at the birth of your nation to protect you today against them and all their plans. It doesn't seem like law or the Constitution matters. To these people, it doesn't. If they could have, they would destroy every amendment and your complete Constitution or at least anything that kept you free from them totally being able to take this country over once and for all. But, your Constitution will stand and justice will prevail. Dominoes are beginning to fall in so many locations, your enemies won't be able to keep up. That's why their desperation is growing.

Watch Japan! A typhoon? Yes, a large typhoon will strike you, but know My children who are there, I will protect you. This destruction is towards the ones who are about to invade your land. I will not let that happen! China is trying to take you out, once and for all. Yes, wars in so many places to bring fear in the hearts of everyone in this world.

Iran is going to try to make a declaration of war. They have gotten a green light from your fraudulent government, and they were paid nicely for it with your taxpayer money. It will come to nothing. I have told Iran to sit down and shut up! They do not have power to carry out their threats. Iraq is the same way. They are desperately trying to invade your land, but I will remove all who are in your land now, oh United States, from their lands. And, nothing will come of what their plans are in this hour against you.

You're about to hear news out of Israel. Yes, they are trying to start war there, too. Bombings, they will try and start again. The leader of Hamas will try to declare and say Israel supposedly starting hitting them first which is not true, but I the Lord, am against the enemies of Israel. I will protect and cleanse My nation of any infiltrators including any people in your government that wanted to take you out. Israel, stand up! I Am is with you. Your enemies will never prosper.

Mount Kilauea is about to erupt in a big way. A massive explosion, it will sound like. It will look like its top has blown off. More volcanoes will start to erupt on a major scale to show the world truth is erupting all over this world at one time.

A volcano that has been asleep for hundreds of years will suddenly awaken erupt. Watch Iceland for an eruption.

Yellowstone is about to show a sign of an eruption, but it won't be a massive eruption. Just one to get the world's attention because it is the biggest super volcano in the world.

A major earthquake then another. I told you, My children, everything that can be shaken will be.

New Zealand! Brace for a major earthquake bigger than what you are used to. Yes, to awaken you out of sleep. I will protect My children who are there.

Things will change all over this earth, and they will never go back. My children, I am here to deliver you so you will believe Me more than you believe them. Everything will be okay in the House of the Lord. You are My children and this is the year for you, saith the Lord of Hosts."
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 03/04/2022 03:59 AM

It has me wondering about how the two messages below fit together. The first one is from February 27th's prophecy while the latter is from March 1st's, as follows:

02/27/22 "You [Kamala] know they do not need or want you anymore. They already betrayed you with an actor in the seat you wanted."


03/01/22 "A death blow will rattle DC. Yes, a death will rock this nation. 'Biden?' you ask. Yes, they're finished with the one who is betraying him. They are grasping at straws when to pull the plug on this charade, but after this next gaffe of 'The Biden'...."


So, regarding the two messages from God heard by the prophecy minister on two different days, perhaps in the second message, it should be read as "portrayed" instead of "betrayed" because it doesn't seem to make any sense that someone is "betraying" Biden in the context of the message, but does seems to make sense that maybe someone is portraying to be Biden. Additionally, in the first message, it states Kamala is being betrayed with an ACTOR. If we add the fact that in the second message, God used the term, "The Biden" instead of simply saying Biden. Just something to ponder, and if true, it surely would be a 'slap in the face' to Kamala to have the seat of the president being filled by an actor when she should be the replacement president if the seat has been vacated by the real Joe Biden (who is actual Fake 46 according to what we're being told by God). It truly would be a charade and one heck of one! A Fake 46 portraying a Fake 46!
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Posts: 125

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 03/04/2022 04:58 AM

KoG, you don’t really believe all this twaddle do you?
It’s an elaborate joke, surely.
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 03/04/2022 09:58 AM

Hello GFO! Your use of the word "twaddle" reminds me of Dewey's song, "Political Poachers," and the following lyrics:

Concerned citizens cry crude conduct
'Cause Captain Command
Don't do dreams
Do dreary drivel drive
Doctor, daddy divine

Of course, Jude, you know the answer to your own rhetorical question. My question for you is: what are you going to think when it all comes to pass? By the way, the last time you posted here was exactly 13 months ago to the day, and it contained the humorous words, "Enjoy the Biden years🥂."

When certain buildings in Washington DC are destroyed this year including the Washington Monument; when Big Ben in London collapses; when Jen Psaki suddenly resigns; when Jerry Nadler suddenly drops dead; and when so many of the other things start to come to pass as I have posted, will it be enough to open your eyes to the fact that God truly does exist? And, of course, the big one which is Trump's return to the presidency this year
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 03/04/2022 09:23 PM

"For I, the Lord this day, am telling My children to brace for the month of March. Things will begin to really shake. Unusual weather events and economies, instability everywhere and everything. But, My children, My hand is moving against your enemies and the enemies against the One True God. Do not fear! This earth, I have given to My children. And, every person and everything they use to control, to enslave, to take this world hostage, I will destroy. No power formed against you shall prosper. nothing the enemies have done or will try. It will not work, and it will come to nothing.

Mighty earthquakes in the month of March. They will be reported all over, but the eruption of truth will take place. It will split the ground your enemies have tried to stand on to tower over you. Yes, mighty eruptions in March and weather phenomena. The oceans are raging. I have told you all these things, My children, so when you see everything change, you'll be steadfast in My word. You'll use My authority, and you know you're on the side that wins.

Breaking news coverage of a dam that has broken open from floodwaters that it couldn't hold back. As you see this, know that things are happening in the spirit and how quickly, My children, that things are about to change like you've never seen before.

Again, watch Iceland. Major news reports will come out of there. This is a sign, My children, things are going to change.

Watch Asia. Things in the weather will be taking place all over that continent. So many things at once. China, this is for you to know I Am is in control, not you. You will not get what you want. I am destroying your plans against my nation, the United States. Everything you have touched. Everything you have infiltrated. Yes, everything you have done in My nation and everything you had control over in that government. My hand is moving to destroy all and to remove everyone on your payroll from your nation and everyone who sold themselves for security, money and power in this fraudulent government. China, your web you have weaved in this nation and every nation across this earth, I'm destroying now. I told you before, China, I am bringing you to your knees...all who are in control of your country.

Great death, you will hear in China's government. Anyone with you from any nation including the United States who helped you, China, the Angel of Death is here with no escaping it. Your fate has been sealed, and you had no remorse. You know you wanted it bigger, another sickness to strike this earth and in a greater way. This time, it will come on you and not anyone you are making it for.

Yes, My children, March will start off with many deaths in many countries of people in power and government. Do not fear, this is not for you, children of Almighty God.

Those who are purposely listening to take notes and give them back to your leaders, you know who you are, and this is for you. If you don't repent, death and judgment will come to you as well for being on the side of evil. My grace and mercy is more than enough for you. Turn away now! Stop your assignment that you have been given. Stop now! Choose what side you are on. You know what you hear is truth. That's why you're listening. To give it to them. Turn away and turn now, enemies of Almighty God. Many have already made their choice with no remorse. Others are contemplating changing sides. Do it now! Your time is closing, before your judgment comes upon you. Every lie that has been said to hold the world in chains will be revealed, and every chain will be broken.

Doug Mastriano [Pennsylvania State Senator and Candidate for Governor]. I have you here for such a time as this, saith the Lord. I know it seems I have forsaken you and all your hard work and time you had put forth in truth and election integrity. You know the truth and you have seen so much evidence of what really happened. It's time to move forward with the plans you have been given. Yes, Doug, I am here for you. I will not forsake you, and this time is coming of their great fall, and the great steal will be overturned so keep your faith in Me! Major news reports will break out of your State of Pennsylvania. Tom Wolf will face a major scandal. Yes, your governor will be removed by My hand. He will say he's stepping down, but he is being forced out by Me, saith the Lord. By stepping down, he thinks it will save him from judgment that is coming, but it won't stop it. Treason will be written on him for all eternity! Anyone in Pennsylvania who was and still is against me and the American people, truth is about to erupt out of your state, and everything that was stolen will be given back, saith the Lord of Hosts.

A sign to look for, My children, snow in Africa? Yes, a mighty cleaning of your government and top officials are taking place to free your lands.

My children, shout revival! It's here, it's now. Glory, miracles, signs and wonders are breaking out like never before, saith the Lord of Hosts. March forward in March to your celebration, and remember turnarounds are here and everything is about to change, saith the Lord your Redeemer."
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 03/05/2022 11:57 AM


"You will fall and never get back up.
You have been secretly recorded and it
is coming out!”
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 03/05/2022 02:24 PM

"I, the Lord this day, have been telling My children, this is the day of reckoning, and it is...full of moments like the Red Sea, the Exodus, great restorations, great revival, and miracles, signs and wonders this world has not experienced to this degree. My hand is moving against your enemies, and you will see them destroyed with all their plans. This year will be a year of great triumph and victory for the House of the Lord with a great harvest of souls coming from all these major events and turnarounds.

My children, this year you will see major transfer of wealth like you saw in the Book of Exodus. "Why, Lord, do you mention wealth?" My children, that wealth never belonged to the sinner. No, I have stated in My word in the Book of Haggai, Chapter 2, the silver is mine, the gold is mine. I stated that I would shake all the nations of this earth and the desire of all nations shall come in. Yes, this shaking will not only knock them out of their places of power, but it will destroy their plan; it will blast all of their wealth out of their hands. It will be given to My children, saith the Lord. Yes, the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just. It's time for the great shaking across this earth. Freedom for the nations, freedom in your souls, freedom in your bodies, freedom financially. Yes, total freedom is My desire for you, children of Almighty God.

So many things will erupt at one time. Volcanoes? Yes, but truth, exposures, removals, turnarounds this year because this is the year for you. What has been stolen will be given back. I am the God of more than enough so My children receive your hearts' desires. Receive the gifts I will rain down upon you. Healing, freedom, total deliverance, financial prosperity for those who will believe and receive. My children shout, "Freedom,it's mine today!"

You will soon hear, "Lock them down!" They will shout and scream, "Stop them from fighting back! Pull the plug now on anyone resisting us!" That is what they are saying and about to say to you, My children of Almighty God. "Attack them now!" They're at their wit's end trying to put their heads together for the ultimate attack against your freedoms, once and for all. But, I have said many times before, little do they know who they are up against. My plans always prevail. The victory is for My children, and nothing will stop that. Enemies of Almighty God, no matter what you shout; no matter what you scream; no matter your plans, you will always lose, and you will always fail. My children, do not fear when you hear these words. They will come to nothing. Your enemies will come up empty-handed. Their plans will not prosper.

Hillary Clinton! You will fall to the ground. Who protected you and what helped to prop you up has disappeared. Yes, My hand is moving and you will not get away with what you have done. You are finished against My nation, United States of America. You are being judged, and there is no hiding from this or escaping it. This, Hillary, you cannot stop. You cannot threaten your way out of this. Your judgment has come, and treason will be written on you for all eternity!

Ukraine, I am protecting you, children of Almighty God. The truth of what was going on in your nation is about to be revealed everywhere. Russia was forced. You were infiltrated, Ukraine, but My hand will shield and protect you. I have told you before. This is not directed at you, people of Ukraine. No, this was paid for so it would protect what they designed in your land to decimate the world. The news media is painting a whole different picture. The truth will explode out of your nation and will reveal to the world what this fraudulent government, with Obama in control, is trying to hide which is the truth of what they have done in your nation and to protect The Biden as well. But, all will be exposed with no way to stop it. My children, the lies being told to you right now of all the things throughout the world, I am revealing the truth to free you. Freedom is My desire for all of you.

A great shaking will hit Italy. Yes, the truth is coming, a truth no one knew was there. An earthquake will be a signal of truth so watch for this, My children.

The nations are being shaken now. Stock markets will suddenly crash, and they will scream and shout, "Depression!" "This is horrifying," they will say. "Unimaginable loss!" Do not listen! "A world crash, shortages." They are lying, manipulating the markets, holding back and stockpiling what belongs to you. A cargo ship will reveal this, My children. They are forcing their hands against the world because other things they tried didn't work in a way they thought was possible. So now, markets will be targeted but just know, My children, I'm in control of this, and it will not stand. I told you before, these are the days of Haman. What they wanted for you will actually happen to them! So stay in My word, My children, and do not fear the markets, the weather, the earthquakes or eruptions of various volcanoes. I'm moving My hand now and striking down and destroying all of their plans along with all of your enemies.

Washington, DC is about to erupt with truth pouring out. Your enemies will not recover from this. Again, My children, listen carefully. What is about to come out of the lips of The Biden. Truth will slip through his tongue that he never meant to say and will give them all away. My children, they cannot hold back the truth from coming out anymore. This is the hour in a year of truth, to prevail, to bring you ultimate freedom. So, rejoice My children of Almighty God. I am the Most High God. My will is being done on this earth. Your victories are here this year. They will be great for you. A great exodus, a great year of freedom and restoration, saith the Lord of Hosts."
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 03/05/2022 10:27 PM

A funny incident occurred yesterday:

I ran into an acquaintance who's a former co-worker of mine and who's just a couple of years older than me. I told her what I thought would have been good news to her which was Trump's return to the presidency sometime this year. Instead, a look of total disgust immediately came across her face, and her mood immediately changed. She said something like, "I can't stand that liar!" It really surprised me as I thought for sure she would've been extremely pleased. I then asked her if she supports the Democrat Party which I didn't think she did. She replied saying she likes to think of herself as an Independent. What she said to me next received my reply which was, "Either side, left or right!" Tomorrow, I'll post what she said that had me replying back to her as I did.
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 03/06/2022 11:40 AM

As mentioned yesterday, I said: "Either side, left or right!" in response to what my acquaintance said to me after I told her Trump would be returning as the president sometime this year.

With much disgust in her voice, she said: "If that happens, I will kiss your ass!!!"


“I’m opening the book on what you
have done for money & power and how
much you truly hated this country.
Now you will pay, you will take a
bigger fall then Barack, they [the
elite puppet masters] want to
protect him! Judgment is coming
for you now!"
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 03/07/2022 11:14 AM


“You are a jezebel, a witch.”


“You will take a fall that you will
not get back up from.”

Edited by King_of_Glass on 03/07/2022 12:59 PM
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 03/07/2022 12:18 PM

I, the Lord, this day have spoken through My prophets of this hour of freedom, deliverances and even your great exodus which you are about to experience. But still, some of My children are not satisfied. It's not enough to believe Me. Prophecies are being fulfilled in front of your eyes, but still, some choose not to see them.

These days are the days of the separation of My body and the remnant. Great days lie ahead for My remnant who have chosen to believe and stand with Me and My prophets. Great blessings you shall receive.

To My children who still refuse to heed My warnings or listen to any of My prophets, your enemies are about to strike the weak. So awaken now before this happens. He is knocking on the doors of My children to see who will let him in through his deceptive ways. Turn off his lies. Shut the mouth of the snakes that are in the news bringing fear and confusion.

When things start to shift, the mouths of so many will be shut. Who will you believe then when silence hits the airwaves during the removals and reversals in this land? Who will you believe then? Will you seek Me in those days of great darkness and silence or will you let your enemy hit your home with fear and confusion? It will be so hard that you will not get back up again in your faith or trust in Me before it's too late.

I am moving My hands now to show the world that I am in control and that your enemies do not ever defeat Me. My children, get up now and stop mocking My prophets who are My mouthpieces on this earth to speak My Words. I need My children to hear so I can set you free with truth because My Words are truth.

I have told you that you are living in biblical times, and I meant that. It will seem in the coming days that all hell will break loose. Great confusion will try and strike My children down to the ground. When this hits, what side will you be on? Ask yourself, ‘If it changes and looks worse in the natural, what will my faith be in? Man or God?’ These days, My children must know their authority in Christ Jesus and in My Word. In the Book of Exodus, it grew darker for Egypt as more plagues hit their land and their lives. Things seemed chaotic, but for My people at the same time, they were protected. I will show you that I am your Protector from the judgment and the great devastation coming to your enemies.

Watch as there will be a meteor shower that hits the Earth. Some meteors will cause damage that will be reported. To My children who are double-minded and still are having a hard time believing Me, I am showing you these signs so you can choose what side you are on; choose if you believe fear or faith; choose your enemies’ report or Mine.

Watch the Washington Monument. Something significant will happen. Watch, My children, as your enemies' plans crumble. All the buildings that have their Luciferian symbols which they put in this nation to mock Me, you thought were just wonderful architecture or monuments meant for something good for your nation. They were not only mocking Me but also the American people. They think that they are the enlightened ones and that you are just too naive so you would never see their destruction of your nation. They wanted this before it was too late.

A major blow will strike Biden in the coming days revealing more exposures of his deals with the enemies so as to destroy you and where he padded his own pockets. I am allowing the world to know who Joe Biden really was and not just what you thought you knew about him. He has already fallen and another has taken his place. I told you that the so-called Biden will take a bigger fall while on center stage before I remove him. Every eye will see him fall, and all the truth will be exposed about what was done to change your days in 2020 and beyond that started this whole puppet show. Biden's earpiece is being removed by Me. I am intercepting the frequencies so he can no longer be told what to say. He will speak the words I want him to speak on live TV. His mask will be revealed so you can know who stood in for Biden for so long, and he will pay the ultimate price. I will have the final say and the final laugh in this clown show that was shoved down the throats of so many. I am pulling the rug from underneath their feet.

Watch as Russia will be in the news more and more. It will be revealed as to whose side they are really on, and it's not what you are thinking. Budapest will be in the news. Watch for this as this is another sign of Me moving My hand against your enemies.

Let My resurrection power rise on the inside of you more to expel all weaknesses, sicknesses, diseases, abnormalities, pain, fear, depression, confusion and heaviness from you. I am moving mightily in this hour on My children's behalf to free you in every area so you can freely serve Me in these days of Glory, Blessings, Holy Ghost and Fire. You, My children, will become indestructible. You are the church that hell and death will not prevail against.

I know these days have been harsh, dark, impossible-looking and unbearable to so many. Everything your enemies have done against you, I will restore. Everything Satan meant for harm, I will turn into something good. Move forward, My children, no more with one foot in this world and one foot out. What that means is there is no more acting and talking like the rest of the world. There is no more time for that. Rise up children of Almighty God. You are not weak. You are strong. You are not sick. You are healed. You are not poor. You are rich. What report do you believe?

Stand on My side now, My children. The landscape of the world is about to drastically change, and this change is for your 2022. The year of the new is here now, and it is for you, saith the Lord your Redeemer.
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 03/08/2022 11:58 AM


“I’m exposing you! You will be
removed and forced to apologize to the
nation, and you will admit that
Trump is the rightful president. You
will be tried for treason."
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 03/08/2022 02:43 PM

"For I, the Lord this day, am telling My children, the world and all the ongoing events are not how things appear. Your enemies have used many things to distract and deceive while trying to destroy anything good from Me that was for you. Yes, they are trying their best to financially enslave the world; to start wars in various places; to create havoc and destruction;and to bring fear to all nations including the United States. They want people to cower in fear and to follow mandates thinking they will get a reprieve from the torment they are enduring daily, for all the things that used to be normal that give a sense of security. All of these have appeared to have disappeared. People are more vulnerable to becoming a slave and not fighting back. They know if someone can make it stop, they will believe anything that comes out of that serpent's mouth...the mouthpieces he uses.

My children, you are about to hear about more invasions in other countries. Yes, they are thirsty for war and thirsty for an economic crash. They love lockdowns. They shut down churches which was a massive accomplishment because they shut down people worshiping together in the House of the Lord. They know worship destroys them and their power. Your enemies know their time is running out. Your adversary, the devil, wants to try anything...everything...he can to try and stop this coming glory and revival of a great harvest of souls. He wants to stop the body of Christ from taking back their authority and all that belongs to them. Well, he can't stop God no matter who he uses or what he tries. It will all fail, saith the Lord of Hosts.

My name crushes any authority or power he has over you or this world, children of Almighty God. The authority of the Most High God lives in you. Once you know this and get it down in your heart, you will never let your adversary control you or anything in you life. Stand up against him and start saying, "No! I take back my healing and victory!" Declare life and victory every day. Children of Almighty God, the blood has already been shed, and your enemies are already defeated. See they that way, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Watch for news to break out regarding Belgium. Look for a major event in this country. It's a sign that your enemies are about to fall at the same time. You ask, "How, Lord, can this be possible?" Look into My word, My children. I've done this before. I am the same yesterday, today and forever. I am moving My hand, and things will change in this earth for you, My children, bringing your freedom and deliverance.

To the people of Ukraine, I'm your Protector. You'll have the victory. Peace shall cover your land again. A cleansing, a refreshing, a great awakening will happen in your land. You will start to see more miracles. That is Me moving My hand against the globalists and their agenda. Ukraine, it may not look like it now, but everything will be okay. Things are about to change that will never go back, My children. No, because now you will have the freedom like you have never known like this before.

Watch Southeast Asia. A major weather event will take place in that part of the continent. The news stations will break out regarding what is going on there. Unusual and harsh, they will continue to say. These are biblical plagues in our day. I am moving My against your enemies, and the weather will be affected. I'm destroying their plans. You have no idea what they were about to do against you.

Breaking news will come out of Ireland. Destruction and devastation. To My children who are there, I will protect you so do not fear. I will heal your land. Revival and awakening will take place. I always have the final say. Healing in your land will take place no matter what happens. So, stay in My word and know everything will be okay.

Nova Scotia, watch for a major weather event to take place in your land. My children know, all who are against you will not stand. I'm moving My hand everywhere to let you know I have the final say, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Nancy Pelosi is about to take a massive fall with the slip of her tongue. The truth will actually slip from her lips. She can't stop it from happening. My children, your enemies will open their mouths to lie but will accidentally tell the truth, more and more in the coming weeks.

A significant avalanche is about to be reported as an avalanche of truth intensifies to another level. Get ready, My children, for truth. Some may say, "Lord, You say this all the time. It doesn't appear that way." My children, I have prepared you to handle it when all pours out in all directions. Some things will be extremely hard to hear. I had to prepare My children to be strong and not to be moved by what is about to come out all over the place. Truth is coming, My children, to break all the chains on you and to remove more blinders from people's eyes. Your enemy was trying to keep them on your eyes. He wants you to stay slaves to his lies. My children, you need to know I am undefeated, and I always have the final say.

Watch Kamala Harris as she's about to erupt and speak the truth, definitely by accident. With a slip of the tongue, her hatred for "The Biden" will be revealed. Their fall is coming, and it will be great.

Another Snowden will appear out of nowhere, a truth teller, a whistleblower of great magnitude will expose more of the 2020 big lie and an involved country. People had no idea. More evidence and more states are about to erupt to another level.

As you see Mount Aetna blow even greater than before, know oh United States, your states are erupting with the truth. This truth will blow your enemy's narrative to smithereens. New evidence that cannot be refuted. This evidence will not be ignored. My children, things are about to change in a major way. A good way for many around the world.

Watch for a sign that will come from Mount Moriah. Watch, My children, and pay attention. I'm moving across the nations to restore freedom. What you see happen in Israel will not stand. So, do not fear, My children in Israel. They will not get war. I am always watching. I am your Protector! Nothing can slip past me. They will try to invade, but watch as miracles come to your land because My hand swiftly moves to remove your enemies. I have destroyed their power over you. What they wanted was to destroy any freedoms you had left; hold you all captive in your land; and steal your inventions along with your resources they know you have. So, do not fear. They want the Iron Dome, but they will not get it. I will move swiftly against them, and their plans will come to nothing.

Hoda Kotb will be in the news so watch for this. She will abruptly step down from her position. Know, My children, more and more will continue to follow suit. Know that the faces you see today in public on the news, you will not see again. These are days of massive exposures and turnarounds. So, don't worry, My children. These are signs I'm giving you before the news stations give it to the world. I am in control. Nothing the enemies have or try to do will conquer you or Me. These are the days of Elijah. You will see more miracles like those days in Elijah's day only in a greater degree.

You will start to see things happen just like what happened in the Book of Exodus. This time is another Great Exodus, and things are intensifying now, saith the Lord, so you can walk free. My love will be seen and known around the world like never before. So, rejoice and sing praises. March forward to your promise land where there is more than enough, saith the Lord your Redeemer."
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 03/09/2022 02:50 PM

"For I, the Lord this day have said, clearly the victory for the children of Almighty God, nothing can come close to stopping My will or My words from coming to pass. I have spoken words of defeat over everything your enemies have planned in this hour against you, My children, and your freedoms. Your enemies will not get away with anything. Nothing will stand against you and prosper. This is the hour and the year which I have chosen before the foundations of the world for the Great Exodus. My will is being done, and nothing can stop it from coming to pass, saith the Lord of Hosts. Revel in this, My children. I am God! I am the One who created this earth, and I am the Great I Am who saves and delivers and continues to set the captives free. No power in hell can stop your freedom. So, think about these words: you have the victory; you have your freedom; you have deliverance in every area of your life. And, Christ's blood destroyed your enemy's power and control over you. Dwell in My secret place. There is freedom in My secret place. Get in prayer with Me, and I will give you rest.

My children, concerning all you thought was too impossible for Me, watch now as a God of the impossible shows up! My hand is moving the impossible out of the way and destroying that power over you. The word, "impossible," is one of your adversary's greatest tools used for stopping a child of God from receiving because of doubt and unbelief. I am breaking those chains off, My children. Rise higher and receive greater. Yes, it will be like a dream. My glory and My splendor are moving all over this earth. It will destroy every chain that has been on you, every prison cell you have been in. Your mind, your body, your finances. Every area of your life is about to change. Suddenlies are about to take place all over this world.

What I am about to do will shock this world. Is this even possible to see and believe, this amount of goodness being poured out? Blessings are being poured out all over this world. Blessings will raise My children higher than anything that's trying to keep them back or to hold them down. Yes, blessings are an empowerment, My children, and blessings surround each and every one of you.

Do not fear what is about to be told in your news. Do not fear what they are trying to do to you. I'm on your side, and I'm against them. My children, the Great I Am always wins. You are protected by Me.

Blackouts? "Lord, why is this happening? I need to hear the prophets. I need to listen to the ministers. I need to listen to the Word. Lord, why is the internet not working?" This will be very temporary, short-lived. But, when this happens, make sure you don't need the internet to know what to do. Speak to Me, read My Word. When you experience this, know the abrupt changing of the guard is taking place with the overthrow of everyone in this fraudulent government and destruction to everything they stand for. Your military is moving to take back power.

My children, your lives will suddenly change. I know the silence won't last. This is time to celebrate, not a time to fear. This is the time to spend with Me so that I may bring you joy. Joy you have never known. Peace, you never thought you would experience. I will fill your houses with My glory and freedom you never thought was possible. This time is similar to the Passover, My children. There will be a destruction and death to your enemies while I deliver My people from anything keeping them captive.

"Lord, this can't be! It's too unbelievable, isn't it?" I have done this before. Get into My word and know the Great I Am that delivered a nation in one day. Yes, I have done this before, and I'm doing this again. "Who, all nations of the earth?" Yes, I am starting with the United States then moving into all nations. I am moving through with My hand, swiftly, to remove all against you.

One day, you will see your enemies, but the next day, they will be silent. You will not see your enemies again. This sign, My children, is taking place within Facebook. It will have another blackout. It will shut down. It will look like it was another system error, but no, it is a planned shutdown by My hand destroying Facebook for what they have done against you. I will reveal all of Mark Zuckerberg's secrets. I will remove him. The news will announce he's stepping down, but this wasn't his choice. I'm removing him and all who took part against this nation for their acts against My nation and the 2020 election. This removal will include others from other countries. Yes, all will be tried for treason. When you see this, My children, prepare for what you see now to be totally gone the next day. Remember, the silence is good for you. It is to destroy all against you.

Watch for significant news from the Himalayan Mountains. This is yet another sign of your enemies' ultimate destruction.

Major news is about to break out regarding your generals in your military. They will stand down, suddenly retire or so they will say. No, I am cleaning out your military in all branches. I'm getting rid of all who sold you out, all those paid to look the other way for this coup to take place. Yes, they sold you out for money. You will hear major scandals regarding other generals and high ranking officials. They will be stripped of all their medals and removed. More people will receive a dishonorable discharge, and many will be tried for treason more than any other time in history.

You'll also see more world leaders and presidents in other nations step down or suddenly die. Yes, the Angel of Death is moving across this world to destroy all enemies holding nations captive. My children, once you see the rightful president of the United States, Donald Trump, take back his rightful place of power on center stage, the Angel of Death will move all over the world. And, know there's a plan for your nation's freedom as well. Everyone will celebrate around the world for Donald Trump's return. This is not just for your nation, oh United States. This will be a signal of freedom worldwide.

My nation, Israel! I am correcting all in your last election. I have told you before. Benjamin Netanyahu is your rightful prime minister, and his power will be restored. Then Canada, Australia and the rest of the nations.

Removals and great celebrations are at hand! Yes, this year! Yes, My hand is bringing the Great Exodus in 2022. You don't have to wait. The time has come for many Red Sea moments, for things I will do which no one could deny. The Great I Am is on your side, and I am the Most High God.

Blinders are being removed. People who had turned their backs on My will, will flood the alters. My children, get right before Me so My light shines for you. My light will show the world you are My children.

Yes, days of darkness are at hand for your enemies, but light will shine on all My children. No feeble among you during this time of Passover. Yes, the Angel of Death and Destruction will not touch My children during this hour of removals or the great exchange of government bodies, the rightful governments.

Prepare, My children. This time is coming sooner than you think. I am telling you these words, showing you signs to look for when your world is shaken, and you can't understand what you're seeing and experiencing. Know I have told you this ahead of time.

Silence means your victory! Everything is about to change. Many in the government in the United States of America will die. You will hear and see this on the news. They will ask what is going on. It is judgment. The Angel of Death is moving across this fraudulent government to destroy its power over the world. It is yet another sign to let you know they will all be removed, and freedom is about to be restored on a scale never seen nor experienced before.

Hold on My children. These days are upon you. So, know I am with you. I have not forsaken you. I am delivering you and totally setting you free. Do not fear what is happening to the markets. A crash will try to bring fear on you. Do not fear. I am removing their power, their influence, and all their finances at the same time. All will be restored, but first, all will be shaken.

My children, your time to celebrate is now, saith the Lord of Hosts."
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 03/10/2022 11:17 PM

"For I, the Lord this day, have warned you, My children, of these days, what to look for, what to pray for regarding your own lives and your nation in this hour. Things that used to make people feel comfortable and normal are about to change abruptly. Great shakings all over the world will turn the entire world entirely right side up. Anything holding the world captive will break from the people, the markets, every walk of life. One minute it will be dark. The next minute it will be light. One minute there was captivity. The next minute there will be freedom. I'm moving My hand and all things that are not of Me and are not a blessing, but a curse controlling this world, will be destroyed.

My children, the shakings that are about to occur may appear harsh, but they are annihilating your enemies, destroying everything they made against you. What you are about to see and experience has to take place for an awakening, freedom and restoration to come. My children, everything that needs to be done to completely change this world before your Lord, your Savior comes to take you out of this world before the tribulation period, will be done.

Watch for a sign at Lake Tahoe. This will let you know, My children, that all is about to change and not to fear what is going on.

My children, I am long-suffering and full of grace and mercy. I have given your enemies more than enough time to repent and turn from their ways. They've refused. So, what you are experiencing now is part of the labor that's most painful, the part right before birth. I'm destroying them and all their plans. There will be a birth of a new nation; the birth of a greater body of Christ. The world needs freedom and deliverance from all of the darkness of this world. Freedom from the blinders that have held people captive. Freedom in your minds, your bodies, nations, and all walks of life. Your enemies are using everything they know to stop freedom from coming, but nothing they have will work because it is powerless against Me, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Watch, My children, there will be a sign on the Golden Gate Bridge. Shout when you see this because your freedom is at hand, and all will be restored. Things will change to free My people from the harshness that now exists.

There will be news reports all over regarding the Mississippi River. More things hidden in the river they didn't want revealed. As you see this, know that every lie will come out. Watch the barges. Truth will come to light about the shortages. Yes, they planned shortages against you. Truth shall come to light about what is happening all over in this nation in the dark of night. But, My children, I am moving now to set you free, and nothing they try to hide will stay hidden. No, this is the time for the truth to be revealed like never before.

The military is moving all over this nation to bring back freedom and the rightful president and to destroy every aspect of the coup concocted against you. Yes, every person no matter their position in your military, government intelligence community, court systems, elections (state level) used against you in 2020 or before. You will hear the words, indictment and tribunals, a lot in this hour, children of Almighty God. What these people did was an act of war, and it is now ending. Victory will be celebrated not only in the United States but all over this world with freedom and joy.

The eagle is soaring once again, higher than before. It is the beacon of hope and light for the world. Freedom and peace will spread worldwide.

This war will come to nothing. 'But, Lord, this war looks like it will affect many nations with more countries joining. We don't understand. You're saying freedom, but there's war and it looks like there's no end in sight.' Since when does a new war or any army stop My will from coming to pass, My children? They can't stop My hand from moving against them. You will soon find out what started this war, but it will abruptly end. Much will change in many countries. Leaders and many governments will be overthrown. Yes, the ones not truly elected. Many stole elections to gain power to help the One World Government gain momentum and to take over more quickly. But, things are not going the way they thought it would go. People do not believe everything they are saying or do, anymore. So, they were forced to move their hand in other nations to help the One World Order gain power. Their want and desire is to destroy you!

Watch news reports break out regarding Ireland. You will see another sign to show you I'm in control. Things are about to get bumpy, and I've warned you before about March. Things are changing all over this earth.

A significant event will take place in March to show you, oh United States, that freedom and deliverance is at hand. This will be a sign to the whole world, they are next.

An eruption is happening in many states. They have received a green light to start fighting for the truth regarding your election. This major evidence will be revealed in multiple states. The uproar of righteous anger will take place around the nation. People will say, 'How could this have happened this badly and allowed to stand for this long?' My children, it had to go so far but not any further. This had to all take place for their ultimate demise. You'll start to see more evidence of who was really on the right side and who was not. More truth will be revealed showing which wolves were in your government wearing sheep's clothing.

A government official will announce they're battling cancer and needs to step down from their place of power. Watch as more suddenly pass away. Some will step down on their own. Some will be forcibly removed. It's all coming to an end.

My children, the time you all have been praying for is at hand. So, rejoice in My words and My love. Everything will be okay. Everything will be restored, and nothing you see will stand because the Great I Am is delivering you now from it all, saith the Lord of Hosts."
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 03/11/2022 01:41 PM

"For I, the Lord this day, am giving words to heal, deliver, to set you free, to bring joy in your mourning and sorrow. I'm giving you words of peace to replace the fear and confusion. My words bring life and destroys the power of death. Get them down in your heart. Pursue, overtake and recover all. This world is about to know who is on your side. Yes, the Great I Am is here to destroy everything against you. My children, do not fear. It doesn't take years for Me to move My hand and remove, wipe away or annihilate anything against you or anything controlling you.

Oh United States! What you're about to experience, you have never seen Me do on earth like this before. Judgment has come for your enemies. These days will be harsh for them with no reprieve. The more they moved against you, the more I move My hand against them. Like the pharaoh of old, if they prophesied against death, they will cause more, and the more will come upon them. Like I've said before, My children, these are the days of Haman. The days of receiving the harvest they have sown on this earth. So, do not pity them because they made their choice. They chose to turn from repentance and have absolutely no remorse. They've hardened their hearts against Me and you. I gave everyone time, but they decided not to accept it.

Watch, more news will break out about the Himalayan Mountains, My children. It signals your enemies' days are ending.

Mount Rainier is another mountain to watch. Yes, My children, the news will report an avalanche. Your enemies' days have come to an end, and truth is breaking every chain on you. They can no longer hold you captive.

You'll hear of a monstrous storm in your heartland. 'Why the heartland?', you ask. Because, My children, it will show you a rebirthing has begun. I will save the heart of this country from tyranny. Again, My children, do not fear these storms. Speak to them and destroy all against you that needs to be destroyed. Plead the blood of Jesus over everything you own, and then this storms cannot touch your properties or your families.

My children, you are about to hear shouts and screams across your land saying, 'The Biden is who? No! They couldn't have done something so heinous. Not in front of our eyes. They actually tried this? Who is he again? Lord, how can this be? The Biden is a perpetrator and even a bigger fraud than we thought! How did the world not see this? Lord, how could they have done this to us?'

My children, your enemies were allowed to go so far but no more. This allowance will bring their ultimate fall of destruction and demise and will cause you to rise. Yes, you are about to rise to a place of power and joy in this nation in the body of Christ to a level you have never experienced.

Woodlands! This word will be in the news. So, listen for it. It will shock you when you learn what was hidden there. My children, truth is coming out from all directions and from everywhere to save humanity. The One World Government plans to destroy the population, but My truth will save it. Yes, they wanted to decrease the number of people globally to take more power and control. More money is what drives them, the love of money and power. Well, that love will be taken from them in one day. 'One day, Lord?' Yes, one day is all it takes, and one day is all I need. My children, these people are nothing...gnats and flies! It takes nothing for Me to flick them away.

A well-known pastor in a mega-church will be exposed and removed from his place behind the pulpit. He was not there for Me. You will see he spoke words to turn the congregation from truth about Me. He was paid to say what the elites wanted him to say.

My children, more false prophets will be exposed and removed from their platform because they have come against My true prophets. Yes, any person speaking against My prophets, repent now because judgment will come! This is the hour for judgment. I'm cleaning house in the body of Christ. Cleansing is occurring so the body can receive a greater outpouring of anointing. My anointing! One with no limitations. There is no more time to be complacent. As a child of God, there is no more time to live below your privileges.

Lin Wood is about to make an appearance in the spotlight again. Watch for this. His name will be restored. What he has been saying all along will come to light and be proven. Yes, all the evidence was not destroyed nor lost and was held back until now.

I say to all waiting to hear these words, it is now time to move! You know who you are. It is time to move. Yes, do it now. You know this is for you. I will protect you as you move forward. You are not listening to these words by accident. No, this was a divine appointment by Me, saith the Lord of Hosts. I'll protect you as you move forward. Go and do it now, and all will be okay with you.

My children, the largest illusion ever in history is about to change in front of your eyes. The deception that held you in this nation, the United States, will end with the changing of the guard. The rightful president is on his way back sooner than you think. Pray for him and all who are with him.

Your military is marching. It's marching to the goal line to overturn everything forced upon you. The military's on your side. Things needed to happen to learn who was on the right side.

A shaking of the Pentagon is taking place right now to remove anyone against freedom in this nation. My children, a cleansing and washing of every part of this nation is taking place right now.

More fake props will be revealed regarding the supposed White House and its fraudulent government. Slips of the tongue and exposures are coming. Brace for them in the coming weeks. Much is about to take place at the same time.

A new Capitol, a rightful president, a new government body and a rebirthing of a nation. The time has come to see what has been held back until now. So rejoice again, I say, My children. The hour of exposures are here and now, saith the Lord of Hosts."
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 03/11/2022 06:21 PM

Just something to wonder and think about:

This Is Like Milli Vanilli On Steroids!
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 03/11/2022 11:06 PM

If you want to know what is really going on in Ukraine with Russia as God has eluded to in His prophecies, the following video is an excellent one to watch. Mel K is a very intelligent person who knows so much about what is going on in the world. She, however, hasn't learned yet about The Biden being an actor who's portraying to be the real Joe Biden as we have learned:

Click Text Here
Edited by King_of_Glass on 03/12/2022 03:46 PM
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 03/12/2022 11:36 PM

"For I, the Lord this day, have told you, My children, I am moving My hand against your enemies. I have said to you that things will abruptly change. I've warned you about the weather; silence over your airwaves; governments being overthrown; and the Angel of Death passing over world leaders who brought havoc, death and chaos. My children, I have also said enough is enough! Let My people go! Let the world go! Nothing will stop these words from coming to pass. As you experience the coming days, stand firm. Do not be moved. What is coming will bring freedom and will not destroy you. No, what is coming will destroy your enemies. No matter how things appear at this time, they are falling. They are failing to accomplish what their leader, the devil, asked. Why, My children, do you think they could ever get away with what they are doing? Does your adversary, the devil, ever win? The answer is no! You thought his fall was great when I threw him out of heaven. His fall will be even greater this time for everything he has done over the years to destroy My power and My presence in this world, to accomplish world control. Everything will be wiped away by Me in one day. He thought he could speed up time through more destruction. My children, if I didn't step in in Ukraine or with the United States elections, there would have been mass genocide everywhere. They would continue to use bio and nuclear weapons against you. It is crucial, My children, for the Great I Am to intervene in these times, and let Me reassure you again, they lose and you win! 'But how, Lord, can this be overturned? They have too much control. They have destroyed so many of our lives and our freedoms?' My children, who do you believe that I am? Am I not the God who created this world and everything good in it? So, who do you think has the final say? I do! Receive peace through My revelation knowledge. I see all, I know all, and I can and will destroy all that is against you.

Watch for breaking news about the Everglades. 'Lord, the Everglades?' Yes, a death occurred there but has been hidden, and it will come out. This news will be breaking news to you, but that blood spoke to Me first.

General Milley! You will also answer for what you have done against this nation. Treason! Yes, people will find out who you are and what you have done. The military will strip you of your medals and remove any honor you received. Treason will be your end and written on you for all eternity! But, General Milley, you are just one I will expose. None of you can run and hide from the treason you committed with China. Yes, they paid you to turn your back, justify this fraudulent government and allow this coup. You knew you did wrong but refused to repent. You have no remorse, and you would do it again for money and power. General Milley, you thought your actions would give you security, but if you wanted peace and security, you chose the wrong side. You're about to take a fall you will not recover from. Yes, your exposure is now, General Milley, and you will be a general no more.

General McInerney! My son, your green light is now. Move forward with the plans you were given. I am with you, saith the Lord. I will protect you. The information you have will overturn what has been happening in this nation. It is crucial evidence. You know who to give it to, and they are trustworthy. They are with Me. You know what to do. This is that time to do it, My son. You are special to Me, and you are here for such a time as this. The road has been long, yes, but now the time has come for all of this to end. Stand firm and stand strong. I will lead you, guide you, protect you. General, you will be rewarded with a Medal of Honor from Me! Yes, you will wear a Medal of Honor for all eternity in heaven! I know who you are and what you've accomplished in this time. So, go Thomas, go now, saith the Lord of Hosts.

My children, you will hear a specific name; who worked with him; and all of his plans concerning you, whether past or present or future. Saul Alinsky is his name. Many in your government followed his instructions. Two well-known individuals are Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. While this is true, many more of the followers are even more distinguished. You will be in shock and awe to find out who is involved to destroy this nation, the method to tear it down from the inside out. They plan to annihilate the middle class; to destroy the economy; shut down churches; to shut down all the normalcy including locking people down. They enjoy that. They desire to go further than that. This group wants to do what Germany did in World War II but to a greater degree. First, they plan to destroy America and the citizens' love for the nation. They plan to cause division between races, rich and poor, and religions. The list goes on. They know once you turn on each other, you will not see what they are doing because you are too distracted by division and chaos they created. You'll be fighting the wrong enemy. They are planning your destruction while you look in another direction.

They're in your schools. They have changed your history. They changed what happened since the foundation of this nation. Some became our Founding Fathers. Their process was slow and tedious, but they were patient until now. They are now using everything they can. All who were involved in this plan will become known.

Anyone connected or affiliated with Saul Alinsky will be exposed. He privately passed his teachings to your government officials through the "yes" crowd. They know who would sell their souls for money and power. Each was tested. If someone passed, they became a member of the Deep Swamp in your Capitol. They staged wars, conflicts, manipulated markets, medications, and even infiltrated churches to deceive the masses. Their goal was to affect every walk of life possible. Their playbook of instructions will be exposed.

They thought they could trust one specific person, but this person was on My side. He is working solely to catch them trying to destroy this nation. It is now time to expose everyone in your government, and anyone in power in your states' courts, businesses or churches that betray this nation away for money, power or influence.

My children, brace for the truth. A well-known celebrity will be exposed for their connection to a sex trafficking ring. Yes, this exposure will cause a flood of truth to break wide open like a broken dam. I will expose actors, producers, directors, everyone else involved in child trafficking or involved in taking this nation down. The connection between Saul Alinsky, George Soros and Hollywood will become public.

Watch Mount Saint Helens! It's about to erupt, big-time, My children. This eruption is yet another sign of this fraudulent government's demise.

Someone will record a whirlwind over the open water. This, My children, is a sign of the winds of change are not coming; they're here to destroy the works and power of your enemies.

Keep your eyes on Mount Aetna. While the great eruption occurs, major news will break regarding Italy. Major exposures are coming out, not only regarding the Vatican, but also concerning every person who helped with the big lie in 2020. I will expose underground tunnels for what they are.

People hid ships from the world to cause mass chaos and shortages. They're stockpiling them up. Reports will expose these facts and show the world these hidden contents in another cargo ship.

My children, they make a big deal about oil prices. Do not listen! They are using these words to instill fear and manipulate markets worldwide. They are trying to figure out the best plan to destroy the rest of you so they can make the most profit without affecting them in any negative way. So, they are creating a crash.

'What's the truth about Russia, Lord?' I told you, My children, all is not what it seems. I have told you this for a while. The truth in Ukraine will be revealed...what was planted there to start the chain of events. The doors are open...wide open for truth to pour out. Your military has stumbled upon more truth in that land. It needs to be dealt with to stop the One World Government, to stop them from having complete control. My children, know that I am in control in this hour and in these days no matter what happens or what is exposed.

2022! Your rightful president is being restored to power. It will come sooner than you think. Don't stop now; don't give up now. The time has come for the restoration to this land and to all the nations worldwide. So, hold on, My children. It might appear bumpy, but your victory is at hand, and it's your time to celebrate, saith the Lord of Hosts."
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Posts: 91

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 03/13/2022 05:54 PM

If ever there was a reason that people don't visit this board any longer then this thread may be that reason.

I could be totally wrong though.
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 03/13/2022 06:54 PM

"Sing, My canary, sing. In these coming days and weeks, a canary will sing from the rooftops, crumbling the puppet show and all the ways they planned to save themselves. No! There is no way out of this mess for the puppet masters nor anyone who played a part in their show or in the production of such filth. Now when they speak on live camera and say things they didn't plan to say. I will change their words so brace yourselves, My children.

Biden's fall is coming, including a great reveal on camera that will be caught with your eyes and also through the words that come out of his mouth. He will say who he really is. It is the time for all the Bidens to fall. Yes! Not just for one but for all of them. I am including his wife for the cover-up she knew about. I am also including Hunter for his filthy lifestyle and for all the damage they caused in order to break him into the man he is today. Hunter will have a mighty fall. They are letting him fall now, thinking that by Hunter taking the fall, they can save their secret regarding Joe. Well, that's not going to happen.

Nothing will stay hidden. It's My time and My show, and they can not rewrite nor change any of My story line or scripts. No! The Great I Am is in control, and they will all know they are nothing in My sight. No! Nothing! Get used to the word ‘indictments’. You are about to hear that word a lot. I, The Great I Am, am judge over all the Earth. I am bringing down judgment and passing their sentences down. Their sentencing will be great. All the world will see them on center stage, see that I am in control, and see that I am using the arm of the military to pass sentencing down to them all. The gallows have been built. More than you ever realized will be tried and found guilty of treason against you. I am bringing to this soil, even those from foreign lands, to be hung for the coup and for the sick joke played on this Earth. Judgment for their planned pandemic, shortages, inflation, mandates and for stealing an election. Yes, they pulled out all the stops to bring you to your knees, but they now see that all they tried didn't work as they planned.

My sleeping giant has awakened, and because of this, your enemies’ foundations are collapsing. Their money is being drained, and their freedoms will be taken from them. Some already know they will not live through this. They fear going to sleep. They know even those on their side will come in the night to take their life from them. They're looking in every direction and being careful where they go, always in fear of death. Death will find most of them. Their hearts have grown cold. They refused to turn from their wicked ways. They refuse to listen and repent, and now are the days for them to reap the great harvest they didn't want. Yes, a harvest from all the seeds they have sown into this world for destruction. It will all come back and hit them at one time.

Watch as the weather changes and the patterns and the winds shift. They have manipulated even the weather to cause mass casualties. You will see how they used this machine against you to control you and to use emergency money for their intentions instead of giving it out to where it was needed. They padded their own pockets and built buildings to cage you in. Yes, you will see the cages they built for you. Nothing they have done will stay hidden.

Watch Kamala as she is about to erupt. Watch! She can barely contain herself and her feelings. She will say things on live TV that they never thought she would. She knows they betrayed her, and she can feel the knife in her back. Watch as her face changes because of the anger and the fear she is feeling and daily tormented by. Tormenting fear concerning when her life will be taken from her. She has nothing else to lose or to fear, so watch as she makes statements. Watch her body language. She is erupting, and this eruption will be great. When they start to fall, all will fall to the ground, and it will cause a massive earthquake. Yes, you are about to hear of a big one, and all over the Earth, people will take notice. They hid earthquakes from you. Yellowstone has a secret that is about to be revealed. It will reveal what they have been hiding.

March, My children. Stomp on your enemies with My Authority and My Words. This is your earth, so take it back now. Say ‘I receive this earth and I receive my total inheritance package’. Nothing will stop this mighty and massive shift that is about to take place.

Planes! Watch the planes in the sky because the airlines will be grounded and the military will fill and protect the skies above you, United States. Watch the skies for I am sending them to take over and to remove all those guilty of treasonous acts against you. They have not gotten away with anything. My army is moving. My hand is moving.

Another inauguration will take place but in a new place. It will bring such joy and celebration. The whole world will watch, scream and cheer for the restoration that takes place in My America. Yes! They can not take what is Mine, saith the Lord. No!

This place has been blessed by Me. I have waited to step in because I knew their fall would be the greatest fall of them all.

Powerful moves of My hand are at hand. I am overturning all that has been done to you. Receive this open Heaven and the restoration of all that is yours. The greatest shaking is now taking place. Hold on, My children. Your normal way of living will drastically change, and the new life, the new way of living I have for you, will take place. A great life with joy unspeakable is coming to you. I am pouring out greater strength and peace these days. Glory and fresh fire is all you need. I have and will shower you with continual victories and gifts. Breakthroughs and anything good I can give, I will give. These days are great, saith the Lord of Hosts."
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 03/14/2022 02:32 PM

"For I, the Lord this day, give these words to strengthen your faith and trust in Me. You'll hear a great war and crashing of markets. Fear will grow in the hearts of many, but My children, stand your ground. Know I am shielding you, protecting you from the coming judgment. It will erupt worldwide but only against your enemies. This war, they desperately wanted, will not turn into World War III. Not at this time.

My children, everything is intensifying. The shaking is growing. There are two voices in the world. Which report do you believe? Faith or fear, My word or a lie from your adversary? Your enemies are trying to take you down once and for all. My children, this is the hour to choose. Things will abruptly change. Do not rely on your feelings. They will lie to you every time. Your five physical senses will hold you captive, believing a lie and giving into fear. Receive and enter into My rest at this time. I will give you peace where there is chaos or calamity. No matter where you live, I will provide you with peace and will protect you from this judgment. The weather events will be used to destroy their plans.

My children, I will, again, remind you of Goshen. Dwell on that. I Am shielded, protected, delivered, healed, provided all they needed to give them peace while the Angel of Death rocked the enemies' camps to its core. I'm still that God, and I have told you these things to remind you of who I am and of My goodness.

The Israelites were slaves in Egypt before I delivered them. It was hard for them tho believe they would ever experience freedom. Some held on, some gave up and said it was too hard to believe in freedom. Some said they were dreaming, and it would never would come to pass. Some just refused to believe it all. Then one day, their sorrow turned into joy. Slavery turned into freedom. Sickness turned into healing. Yes, it was like a dream for everyone. 'Lord, how can this be possible? It is just too hard to believe. I don't want to get my hopes up only to be disappointed again.' My children, I am a sure thing. I cannot lie! You say you can't believe it, but My children, I have given you the ability to fight the strong man trying to defeat you. Break those chains that hold you. Yes, My glory lives in you. The resurrection power lives on the inside of you. Tap into this. My children, stand up now and take back your freedom. They're already yours. I have been moving behind the scenes this whole time. You didn't know this. You can't see all the moving pieces nor My plans to save you and set you free. I'm giving you signs. This is the hour of My fulfillment of prophecy. The pace is picking up. Prophecy will be spoken and immediately fulfilled. So, march forward in March, and keep your eyes focused on Me.

Montpelier! Watch for this name to be in your news. Montpelier is a sign that all of this will change faster than you think, My children.

A major university will be in the news regarding a scandal on campus. Yes, watch for this, My children, and know I am the Great I Am, and I am delivering you.

The changing of the guard will take place sooner than you think possible in this year of 2022. Yes, My children, your rightful president is now moving to take back what is already his and has been all along.

My children, the real Biden has been judged. What you now see is not what it truly is. You'll be shocked and awed what they have perpetrated in the news as real. A fake backdrop of green screens will be evident in the coming days. 'Fake', people will shout! How can this be possible? More props will accidentally be seen on shows with The Biden. TV calls these live shows, but the truth will reveal his 'live' performances were actually prerecorded. When you see this, know all these things are slips of the tongue, and I will remove these fake sets during this time. The Biden will be behind the supposed presidential podium when the fake seal falls to the ground. Know, My children, this marks the fall of them all, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Artur Pawlowski! My glory will fill your cell. I'm pouring My peace upon you. My joy will fill your heart. Yes, people will see My glory on you. I want you to know, My son, I am here to deliver you from that cell. Continue to praise and worship Me. You are coming out by My hand, and they cannot stop this from coming to pass. No judge, no law, no leader can hold this prison door shut when I, the Lord, tell it to open. Artur, I Am is here for you. I have never left you. This time will soon be a memory of what the enemy tried to do from stopping My glory to fill you to overflowing and being used in this time as a great, mighty man of valor and child of the Most High God. But, your enemies can't stop My will from coming to pass. So, stand every day, Artur, and believe Me. You are coming out, never to go back there again. Remember, you are My Joseph, going from the prison to the palace in one day.

George Clooney will be in the news. Listen, My children, this will be a sign that Hollywood as you know it will fall, and I will reveal the hidden hornet's nest.

Adam Schiff will be in the headlines regarding a major scandal. Yes, a whistleblower will come forward to release a video and audio on Schiff and tell all of his lies to the American people. The seal over everything they kept hidden is broken. The news will report a significant flood. This news will show the world that the flood of truth has begun. And, Adam, your days of being in power are over.

The Hart Senate Building will be breaking news. This news will be a sign of all records and all things hidden will be revealed.

Montague will also be in the news. Look and listen for this name. My children, all things are being restored.

Things are coming to a close, My children. One day you will see them, and the next day they will be removed. Stay in My word and do not let fear or discouragement hold you captive anymore. I am here for you. Your victories are here, and they are real. Your breakthroughs are here, and My glory will fill this earth to restore what has been yours all along. So, dance and sing. Your time of celebration is at hand, saith the Lord your Redeemer."
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 03/15/2022 02:44 PM

"For I, the Lord this day, have been preparing My body for this hour. Yes, I've handpicked each individual for such a time as this. Some will arise to become the overcomer I desire. Others will give in to the pressure of this world that surrounds them. Others will walk away in their faith in Me. The common thread is everyone made their choose, their decision to which path they would take: blessing or cursing, abundance or lack, life or death. I created each of you with a free will so choose today: the evil reports in this world or My goodness which is My word. It's your choice which report you listen to, adhere to, to believe in and obey. I cannot and will not force you to believe Me, but in this, My grace is sufficient for every person to believe and receive My report to rise above every attack, stand in the face of adversary and laugh at your enemy. Yes, you can laugh at him. Yes, you can declare your victory and freedom when he is attacking you. Nothing your enemy does will stand when I am moving My hand. So, hold fast in this hour My children, saith the Lord of Hosts.

My glory will fill this earth like the floodwaters in the days of Noah, and your enemies are trying desperately to stop My glory. This glory destroys everything they have, and there is no way to stop it. They sense My glory is about to be poured out all over this earth for My children. All who believe will receive healing, restoration, wholeness, and the wealth of the sinner. Brace for an overflow from all directions. It will your hit houses, My children. The Great Exodus will usher in the new, usher in the impossible. Nothing will hold back this transfer or keep it from happening.

As the markets begin to crash, watch gold and silver suddenly skyrocket because they have been suppressed by man. To My United States of America, I have said before and I will now say it again. You will go back to the gold standard.

Congress just passed a bill to give aid to Ukraine. It is not what it appears to be. It is blood money to supply the wrong people, those causing this war. That money will not get to the hands who deserve it. My children, I am about to open all the account records to show your enemies were running your government. Your enemies funded people to destroy this on all fronts. Yes, every penny meant to destroy you will not only be exposed, but it will all be returned to you, oh United States.

More will come to the surface regarding Ukraine. Keep listen, My children. Warehouses will be exposed. Anything inside that can be used against you this year will be revealed. They designed massive death as well as calamity. This has to be stopped. I have told you before, Ukraine was infiltrated. I will expose who and how they are connected. I will prove all of this was funded by Obama's government and China. Prepare to hear devastating reports of exposures and everything hidden in Ukraine. This is for the hour. Everything hidden will be revealed by My hand, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Kamala Harris! Your days are coming to an abrupt end, the lies you have told and the treason you committed. Pressure grows inside of you. You know the ones who were with you betrayed you. There is nothing you can do about it. You'll be making the same mistakes on camera though you wished you didn't. You accidentally will say President Obama instead of Biden. The target on your back will become bigger. There is no way for them to clean up this mistake. You have lost, Kamala. That is finally sinking in with you. You are trapped with no way to escape the fear and torment you experience daily. The fear and torment will grow, and treason is written on you for all eternity.

George W. Bush will be in the news again, exposing who he really is and what side he's on. He does things behind the scene, and no one knows about it. George, you were warned, but with no remorse, you chose the side of Obama and the world elites. So, now judgment will come and you, too, will have treason written on you for all eternity.

Jeb Bush will be exposed. This also will reveal and show the sins of the father at the same time. 'Globalists!", the world will shout with anger and frustration. How could a family be a part of this nation's demise? For money, for power! My children, they wanted their way, and it didn't matter that others were affected by their decisions.

The truth will come out regarding John McCain, exposing secrets from when he was a politician and in the Navy. Yes, many facts were hidden about the time he was active. He did many things in foreign lands that for many years have been suppressed. He helped the globalists spy on you and gave them secrets that helped them to invade your land. John McCain was a traitor to this nation. All the lies will be uncovered as well as anyone involved in any of the evil happenings in your country. Yes, you have recognized some wolves hiding in sheep's clothing. You didn't recognize the degree of the destruction towards this country nor all involved. You soon will. John McCain's name will forever be known as a traitor to this nation.

News stations will report on a high-rise building in Florida. This is a sign from Me, My children. I want you to know I'm giving you the news before the news stations report the news. I want you to know all of your enemies will fall.

Breaking news will show birds suddenly dropping out of the sky. There will be no explanation for why they died. This is another sign all your enemies are being judged, and nothing can stop that.

News stations will report a massive swarm of insects, comparing it to biblical plagues. This is yet another sign of the Great Exodus.

There will be another significant meteor shower that will cause damage. It will look like rocks falling from the sky. Know that the shower is a sign to your enemies that I am in control. That shower will destroy a power plant because of all that was hidden from the world. All will be destroyed by Me, saith the Lord of Hosts.

To My children living on the West Coast, be prepared. A major shaking will occur of not one earthquake but two. The Cascadia and the San Andreas fault lines will shake and destroy some of your enemies' plans. So, pray for your properties now, and know I Am will protect you. The shaking will not affect you. Instead, it will show them that I am in control.

I am judging your enemies now, My children. Do not fear these words. I'm giving them in advance so you are not moved when all these things occur. I have promised you I will protect you, and I will.

My children, the truth will reveal why they're manipulating the oil and oil prices. Watch and see. They never meant for the truth to be told, but My hand is moving and will show all that they are doing to you. They are using the markets to destroy you, but these are the days of Haman. So, I will destroy them and take all of their money from them. This is why I have said not to fear. I'm your Provider, and I am removing everything that never belonged to them and will blast it out of their hands using these shakings everywhere.

Rejoice! Their end is now, and your freedom shall reign again. Children of Almighty God, I repeat this. Everything will be okay, saith the Lord your Redeemer."
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 03/16/2022 01:52 PM

"I, the Lord, this day tell My children this year of 2022 is a year for you. Everything that has been done to you through your adversaries, I will restore. Concerning your health, your peace, your families, your finances, your jobs and property, all restoration belongs with Me. I am restoring and reversing all damages.

So get ready, My children, for an eruption all over the news of truth being exposed regarding Biden in the supposed government. The biggest steal of 2020 with fingerprints on this crime scene, and I mean all crime scenes of 2020 concerning the pandemic and your elections will emerge suddenly all over. Great confusion will strike the hearts of many of the betrayal.

Some just cannot believe even though the truth will be proven right in front of their eyes. Watch for chaos in the streets as things start to reverse. This great reversal which I have planned will bring shock waves throughout this earth. No one can imagine the way I'm about to move across this land. My children, this has to be done so the world knows who the great I Am really is. I am still the Most High God and sit on My throne, and nothing can overthrow Me or change My plans for this earth.

Darkness will strike your enemies and consume them all for the hell they unleashed on this Earth and against My body, My children. I, the Lord, have said enough is enough, and these words are blocking all that the enemies have planned against you. It is crushing and destroying the desires they had for taking over this earth with their power and money. Can you hear it? Bombs, continual bombs, are hitting the enemy's camps now with the truth that is destroying their narratives and their lies.

I, the Lord, am fed up with them pursuing My children with fear and chaos which they have used to destroy you and to make you kneel into submission to their power. Do not bow and do not submit to their tyranny or the major distractions they are about to put on this earth to avert your attention away from their demise. Shortages, inflation, and the death toll rising will become great as the news becomes grimmer. Just know, My children, that this is 'their news', not Mine! They are being destroyed, not you.

For I, the Lord, am moving to give back everything to you that was taken from you by them and their plans. In My Word, I used the Red Sea to save My children so they could walk through to their freedoms. Just watch what I do in these days to save you. It will be far greater than the Red Sea. Yes, far greater. Continue to watch the weather as unusual weather patterns hit this Earth. This is just to get your attention on Me. These signs I am giving you are to keep your faith and trust in Me that I am in control and not your enemies.

Major news will continue to come out of New York City. Truth will be revealed regarding those terrorist attacks on your soil on 9/11 and the one they planned to do which was much greater than those. Your borders were infiltrated, but I, the Lord, have dispersed My angels out all over this land to protect you from what they had planned against you. Continue to pray for Florida and for the rightful president. The plans to destroy him once and for all are being annihilated right now by Me, saith the Lord of Hosts.

You will hear more news regarding Mike Pence. You will soon see what My plans were and why things had to be this way. Pray for him and his family as the news breaks regarding the truth. The enemies will find out which side he was really on and how his actions didn't help them but ensured their destruction, and they will try to destroy this reversal. No death shall befall Mine for they are ones I have chosen, and the evil plans will never be successful. Pray without ceasing, My children, as you are called to pray for the ones I will put in power in this hour.

More military movement will be seen on your soil and in the air. They can't hide these movements. Your enemies want to hide the fact that the military is coming to invade their camps.

Biden, the world will find out who you are, how fake your power really was and how you never sat in a rightful seat of power. People are exposing your fake set which you were always using to avert the nation from the truth regarding the White House. It's not in use by you! What is actually hidden in that house, I will empty out. I will empty out all the closets and tunnels and show the world what is hidden inside before I destroy it and destroy the tunnels underneath.

Hollywood, you have made many movies of destruction concerning the White House but My plan is far greater, and the world will see this is not a movie. The monuments and the Capitol you made, I am leveling because they stood for disgusting vile and because of the filth that came out of those buildings. I'll not stand nor tolerate it any longer.

Wall Street, the same goes for you. I am the Great I Am, and I will destroy everything you stand for. This Babylonian system, I am tearing apart as I speak these words and am putting a new system in place for My children in the world. As the stock market implodes, My children, do not fear as this is not for you. I will destroy all the finances the world once had and hand it over to you like I did My children leaving Egypt. It will all be turned over to you. I am your Provider, and I will not leave this earth nor this system the way it is anymore to enslave My children.

So shout as great reversals are coming to this earth, great restorations and an overflow the world has never seen. I will show My children where there is more gold, silver and precious stones that I have kept hidden until now. This earth belongs to Me and the fullness thereof, and I have given it to you, My children, to richly enjoy. So stand firm and stand with Me. All will be okay for the ones in the house of the Lord, saith the Lord your Redeemer!"
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 03/16/2022 11:46 PM

The following is what I had posted here on 2/22/22 regarding Disney:

"Disney played a huge part, and they are about to be in the news for multiple reasons. Whistleblowers have come forward and their evidence will expose that company and how evil they are on so many levels. Their 50th will not go as planned because they will be brought down to their knees for what they have done against you and what they have done to help traffic the children."

Perhaps (just perhaps) the three as mentioned below might end up being added to the Disney whistleblowers who have already come forward. As the link below mentions, three of the 108 people arrested were Disney employees:

Click Text Here
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 03/18/2022 01:19 AM

A ship will be in the news, a major cruise line. Yes, this sign marks more events taking place, distracting you off of what's really going on. A Carnival cruise ship will be stranded in the open water. I have given this news before your news stations. My children, this is yet another sign to show you not only am I in control but to show My love for you. I'm showing you these things to let you know everything will be okay.

Obama will be in the news once again giving advice in a situation with Russia and Ukraine, letting the ones on his side know this is a sign to move, now. And, this shows, My children, I know their every move. I'm telling you to let you know they are nothing in My sight, and they're all being removed by My hand.

More earthquakes will continue to be reported, one after another. My children, do not be alarmed or in fear. Your enemies are listening to these words, too. It also tells them, I am coming for them and destroying everything they have planned, judging every single one of them. These words are true, and they see that now. And, so will you, My children. These words should give you peace and comfort and not to bring you fear. But, it will bring fear to your enemies. In the coming weeks, things will intensify in the news, in the weather, in the economy. But, the Great I Am is here to bless and protect you, My children, at the same time, judging your enemies. My hand is moving, and the world is about to know that it's Me and no one else.

Know, to those who believe in global warming, it is another lie to bring fear and to cripple economies. These weather patterns are My signs to those against you and for you to see that I am here to deliver you out of their hands, saith the Lord of Hosts.

In these words, many signs have been given. Write them down and watch them be fulfilled, one right after another. Be encouraged today, My children. I am your Avenger, Protector. Great changes are coming. The winds of change are here. Your victories are now, and this year of 2022 will be a year like no other: the Great Exodus, the great wealth transfer, the great changing of the guard, a great celebration! These signs given mark your freedoms. So, rejoice now and sing praises unto Me, My children, for I am here now, saith the Lord your Redeemer."
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 03/18/2022 01:31 AM


"You tried to destroy this country,
controlling everything from your
basement since Trump. You are a snake,
a deceiver and all is about to blow up
in your face by ME! Your puppet masters
will try to protect you, but you will
see who gets the last laugh."
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 03/18/2022 05:10 PM

"Mass casualties, massive deaths!" These words will be in your news. A plan backfired. A bio weapon meant to destroy you is now plaguing them.

There will be a sign to look for. A death of a senator. He will suddenly die, and they will lie to cover it up. "A heart attack or a stroke," they will shout at first, but the truth will pour out when more suddenly collapse, and they will not get up.

A lightning storm that will be announced will cause destruction to a level never recorded before. Fires and damages to buildings. This lightning striking these specific places is not by accident. Exposures will be heard and seen. Also, My children in California and the West Coast, brace for the big one is about to be set off. I will miraculously move on your behalf and save you from this event. Yes, listen, My children. There are instructions I'm giving each of you on what to do, where to go, where not to go. Listen and obey. It is saving you from this destruction. Many will die in these areas and destruction on a scale never known before. That's why, My children, these warnings are being told to you. There is nothing to fear for you. If you have loved ones there, pray and I will honor your prayers and protect them. My angel armies are sent to protect My children.

A massive tsunami will be reported from a large earthquake. My children, they set this off with explosives wanting to cause chaos on purpose. The ultimate destruction, calamity, and yes, they will say, "Do it! We need any distraction we can. We have to stop them from coming and removing us. Do anything, start anything, everywhere so they want to pay attention to these disaster areas and not to us."

Who, My children, are they? My military, your rightful president and the rightful people in the government. They have been formed behind the scenes. They are moving forward with My plans, and they are listening to My instructions and obeying them. Yes, My children, a lot of destruction at one time. With weather, natural disasters, economy, shortages, inflation, but this is ending by My hand. It all will be annihilated like it was never there. Brace for this, My children. Get in My presence. I will lead you, guide you and protect you. And, of course, I will bless you.

A famous rock will be in the news. Yes, this well-known artifact will be in your news. "How could this happen? It's been there for centuries," they will say. Yes, it will be destroyed by Me, saith the Lord. Stone Hedge is the name of this rock. Watch, My children, and listen. I have given this to you to encourage you and to let you know these words are from Me, saith the Lord. I am moving My hand swiftly. Things are about to change abruptly so be watchful. Pray, My children, obey My words. All will be okay with you, saith the Lord your Redeemer.
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 03/19/2022 03:16 PM

"For I, the Lord, this day, am encouraging My children with these words for this time where there is so much uncertainty, fear, and confusion. Know this, My children, My Word is truth, and it will set you free from anything that is in the world trying to hold you captive. I will not let these things you see now, stand. When My hand is moving against them, more people will walk away from Me, but at the same time, more will come running to Me, saith the Lord of Hosts. This is the time of great separation. I've spoken about the separation of My children from the world in its demonic system and My remnant from the rest of the body of Christ. My children, this has been your time to prepare, build you up stronger and raise you up higher than any adversary you face. Don't be moved from the right or to the left or be dismayed. Focus on Me and My Word, and I'll give you peace and rest, saith the Lord your Redeemer.

The news will announce mass shortages, market crashes, and possible shutdowns and lockdowns. Do not listen to any of these words. They are just words that won't go anywhere. They will try certain things, but they will not work. My hand is moving, protecting and delivering you. They want to cause mass chaos on a scale never seen before. This will not happen. Neither genocide nor depopulation will happen. National shutdowns will not occur again nor more lockdowns. No, because I always have the final say. They have gone as far a I will let them go. So, their end is now at hand. Do not fear or be moved in this time of great shaking. I am here to deliver you.

Watch Yellowstone. I've spoken about this before. Things have been going on that have been hidden from the public, but they can't hide them anymore. Obvious signs, smoke and a small eruptions, nothing major. This earthquake will be reported. They have tried so hard to suppress so much news from the public, but the floodgates are now open for the world to see and hear.

Again, I am mentioning the Statue of Liberty. One day you will see it standing, but the next day, there will be a collapse and then only rubble on the ground. The same goes for the Washington Monument and many other monuments across this nation.

The bull on Wall Street will be on the news. So watch as this is a sign. The Babylon system will crumble to the ground and will not control the world again.

Lightning will struck a major symbol in this nation signifying their destruction and demise. Watch the White House. It, too, will have a lightning strike signifying I am striking them all down, and judgment is here to end everything standing in your way.

Insider trading, manipulating markets. A whistleblower will expose all they have done for so many years against you in the world. How some in your government officials were part of this manipulation. How they used the markets to control bills they passed for price gouging, inflation, tax hikes and etc. Many ask, 'Lord, how does this all tie together? Lord, I don't understand?' Soon, My children, you will see all they have done and every piece of their intricate plans against you.

I'm telling you again, My children, watch Taiwan. It will continue to be in the news. Indonesia will be in the news again for multiple reasons. A significant weather event and major flooding. So, watch for this, My children.

General Petraeus will be in the news. Watch for this, My children. Information will show what side he is truly on.

A female news anchor will be entangled in a scandal. Also, watch and see more fall for the lies they told and the truth they purposely never reported. Why? To save their jobs and receive more cash.

The news industry is about to take major hits, one after another. These hits will show they had no integrity left. But, there are a select few who did tell as much truth as they could. They will be rewarded by Me for not bowing to the globalist agenda.

A news anchor will suddenly die. They will say it was a heart attack, but don't believe everything you hear. They are hiding the real reason, but the reason will be revealed.

Mount Everest will be in the news big time. Watch the tallest mountain and the information that comes from there. No matter how big or small, My children, nothing is impossible for Me. An avalanche will be seen and heard. This is a sign to watch concerning this mountain.

Concerning the Hollywood elite, a high-profile and very well-known actor for generations will suddenly pass away.

Bob Saget's death will be exposed regarding the circumstances surrounding his death, and why there was blunt force trauma. Yes, this was no accident. Child trafficking will be linked and will shock the world regarding this beloved father on TV.

A huge report will expose a pedophilia ring. Yes, it will uncover who is in charge in a specific part of the world. Then there will be many more exposed after this.

Every dirty and dark secret is coming to light and will be destroyed in this time of great change. My children, know who always wins and know you are on My side. A thousand may fall at one side and ten thousand at another, but it will not come near you. Study Psalm 91:34 and 93. Get them down in your hearts. Stand on My Word, and it will destroy anything in your way. My Word pierces your enemies. It's a two-edged sword. Shout out My Words! This will cause the most damage to any plans against you. See yourselves as the giants you are, and know he, your enemy, is nothing in your sight. Not the other way around. He has had so many people believing this, and he deceives them out of what is already theirs. These are the days to destroy the works of the darkness against My children. See yourselves as I see you...through the eyes of Christ and through the eyes of victory. So, stand and receive these words today. This is your year and your Great Exodus, saith the Lord of Hosts."
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 03/20/2022 02:10 PM

"For thus saith the Lord this day, darkness is sweeping through your enemies' camps that is swallowing them up whole. Nothing can stop this upcoming shock and awe of truth being revealed to this whole earth. The names and faces you thought you could trust, you will see and find out about their betrayal. Even so-called preachers who represented Me were not of Me at all. I am shaking everything, even the churches, to expel anything hidden, anything dark that wasn't of Me. Shaking and destroying any nonsense that has been leading My people astray and away from Me.

Darkness, yes, great darkness that will overwhelm your enemies causing great confusion and chaos. They are turning more on each other right now. More whistleblowers have come forward, and soon their information will be released, what they once had hidden until the right time. It is all in My timing, not theirs. For I, the Lord, this day am moving over this land, expelling and exposing all the rats that were once hidden and lurking in the darkness to betray you. Yes, a light I am shining down in the next few months will show everything hidden and take care of it once and for all. The fall of the enemies of Almighty God will be great. The speed is picking up to the time of one great fall.

The greatest fall of them all is about to strike the heart of this country. The utter betrayal will be shown from the supposed government, their lies, and trickery. I will shine the light on all their backdoor deals which padded their own pockets to destroy you and to destroy this nation. China, Russia, Iran, Canada and Mexico just to name a few, we are coming after you. Oh, yes, they were preparing for war while your illegitimate government had you distracted with fear, and some are still asleep. They planned to attack your borders and major cities attacking you with man-made viruses and a major bio-weapon the world has never seen.

See this, My children, if you did not arise and come into the fullness of glory and authority, this is what your enemies wanted for your future. So I, the Lord, have told you these things not to bring fear or confusion but to show you the horror they had planned for you. I, The Great I Am, am dispersing My army all across this land in defense of these attacks that will never come to fruition. They will be annihilated by Me, saith the Lord. I never left you without My plans to deliver and set you free from the hands of tyranny.

Brace for truth and brace for the enemies who wanted this war, and by continuing their pursuit of your distraction, you will see theirs. Right now they are becoming very desperate to take you out because of the overwhelming fear that is hitting them now for they see they are losing, and it is becoming more clear as the days go on. They want to start their final plan now. I am pulling the plug on them as I speak these words to you.

Watch the weather. Watch for earthquakes. Watch for newscasters to be brought down. Watch as I, the Lord, destroy China and their government for their heinous acts on this nation. Again, to My children who live there, I will protect you from their judgement and their doom. It is not yours. Watch the royals as they fall one by one. You will hear of atrocities that Charles and Andrew have committed against their own nation and yours. Watch the Queen. Watch William. Watch how that family will be revealed. Some are innocent with no blood on their hands. But for the ones that have their hands dripping in blood, I will expose, and I will expose it all.

Watch the news regarding Chuck Schumer for his betrayal is great, and he will pay with his life.

Nancy Pelosi, you are done, and I am tearing that gavel from your hands now. You are cheating and you manipulated multiple elections to stay in power all those years for no one wanted you there but the puppet masters. Your betrayal of your state left them for dead as you stole their money for your own financial gain and to stay in power. Nancy, death is coming for you but not before you are completely exposed for your heinous crimes.

Light will expose the darkness, and I am shining My light on all in Washington DC. No one who was a part of these atrocities against this nation and this world will stay hidden. I am tearing down those walls and buildings for what they stand for. They stand for death, Baal, Masonry. So much blood was shed in worship which took place to bring evil upon your lands. So I will bring total destruction of their Capitol and all the monuments across this land. Don't be moved by how many represented the devil and not Me, saith the Lord. Your country was infiltrated long ago for this very day. I, the Lord, am destroying every evil plot and plan and bringing them to their knees. No one gets away with what they have done. Since they refuse to repent of their sins and since their arrogance is great, I will bring them down to the ground, and they will not get back up.

My children, arise with joy. I have such strength for you that you will be immovable. These are your days to celebrate so start rejoicing. I Am that I Am. I am moving, and I am on your side, saith the Lord of Hosts. A clean sweep of your nations, a cleansing, washing and wiping away the evil, their plans and bringing in glory and revival never known to this degree on Earth. So enjoy this year. Debts will be wiped out. Miracles will be poured out like never before. These are your days so enjoy what The Lord has done. My children, the battle has been won, saith the Lord, and you are on the winning side."
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 03/21/2022 01:46 PM

"For I, the Lord this day, bring My children joy and encouragement to know that I am the Great I Am who is working on your behalf to deliver and completely set you free from this tyranny. My children, why would I leave you or forsake you when My Written Word says I would never do that. There are so many things in this world that are deceiving and distracting you, My children, from the truth and from Me. Your adversaries are so desperate for you not to know the truth. They are overplaying their hands, and they will lose everything. I have said this before, and I will say this again to remind you, My children. They lose no matter what you see, no matter what happens. Nothing they try to do will change My will. Nothing! My will is done on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Another one bites the dust, you would say. A governmental official will fall to another scandal. The elites are letting this person take a fall for the rest of them to be saved, but nothing can save them now Their door of repentance and grace has shut. They've hardened their hearts; they have no remorse and refuse to turn from their wicked ways. So, judgment will come to all of them this year. Their coming destruction will be great.

Forest Grove. This name will be in your news. Listen for this name. Pay attention. Things will continue to shake and will intensify to destroy everything against you.

Another large earthquake, you will hear. I told you this, My children, before the news to let you know I'm in control and nothing can stop your enemies' demise.

Listen for news to continue to break regarding the East China Sea. I told you before to also watch Taiwan, My children. Things are not how they seem. China is planning to strike certain nations. They are moving their hand with military might all over the globe. A massive power grab that they will never get. I'm stopping them on all fronts, and they will not get away with anything they are doing right now. China, you will lose your military might, and your finances will be brought to nothing. So, you won't be able to fund all of your heinous crimes you want to attack the world with. My hand is against you. You are powerless against Me, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Rapid fire. These words will be in your news. This will be a sign to you a rapid fire is against your enemies. One exposure after another. Destruction of all their plans and there is no reprieve for them in this hour of judgment. They have sown so much destruction to reap in a great harvest of judgment and their total demise.

My children, substantial evidence regarding your 2020 elections have been suppressed and held back, but now it's time for it to come out with nothing stopping the truth from filling your airwaves. Your enemies could never prepare for what is about to hit them. They have no idea, and they will try to figure out how this information got out before their total annihilation.

Madagascar will be in your news. Watch for this also, My children. It will be to let you know everything will be overturned in 2022 that was against your freedom.

Also, continue to watch Tulsi Gabbard and her words. The tide is turning, and more people on the Left will go to the Right. My children, I know you are asking this question, "Lord, how can we trust anyone from that side?" My children, watch. Some will honestly have a change of heart. Not everyone has sold their soul to the devil. Two in one day will announce they are switching their parties, and there will be more that will be announced they are not running for re-election. They know what is coming, and they are terrified. The rightful president is about to make his grand entrance, but they are on pins and needles wondering when they will all be hauled off and taken away. They know it will happen and that it's a sure thing! D.C. is scrambling to devise a plan to stop it. "This cannot happen," they are saying. But, My children, I say again, they didn't count on Me to stand against them since they didn't even believe in Me at all. They will see and know who I Am is before they leave this earth for all eternity in a place I never wanted them to go. They chose this. They have sealed their fate with the death they are still trying to bring to this earth. Death will be in your news reports a lot from here on out until they all fall.

Woodstock will also be in your news. Listen for this name and know I'm your Deliverer, and I'm here to set you free.

'Good Morning America' will be in the news and not for what you think. A scandal will rock that show and that station. Their ratings will tank and not recover from this fall, No, because I am judging them against this coup against you and for all the lies and deception they have told the world.

North Carolina will be in the breaking news. I have given you signs to let you know what's coming. I warned you of the weather and these things that are shaking the earth to set you free. Do not fear! I will protect you, My children, who are there. This is not to bring fear. This is to let you know how much I love you, that I have given you this time to warn you before it takes place, to prepare for what is coming. Know that your Protector is here for you. I will shield you from the damage your enemy wanted to do against you.

A foreign military is in the waters off the coast of your nation, oh United States. It will be found and shown to the world by My hand. Their plans will be shattered. Nothing your enemies are doing now, all their plans are falling apart for no reason, they think. Your enemies will soon find out I do exist, and I'm against them, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Watch your skies, oh United States. Off your East Coast, smoke will fill the skies across some states. This smoke will signal to you the destruction of D.C. and your enemies' ultimate fall. The wind will be so strong, it will move the smoke so far to signal you, My children, their end has come.

My children, know this is the time you are living in with all this chaos and confusion, and it will not stand. I've had enough, and My glory is being poured out to deliver you. So, do not give up now when you are right at the end of their torment and torture for I Am is here for you, and I always have the final say, and this is finished, saith the Lord of Hosts."
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 03/22/2022 10:51 PM

"For I, the Lord this day, continue to encourage and anoint My children in this hour so you can rise above the tests, the trials, and pressure your adversary is using to completely break your faith and trust in Me along with stealing any joy you have left so you have nothing left to fight him with. Your adversary is using every tool, every tactic he can so My body doesn't receive My words, strength and restoration that I have for all of you along with My glory that will annihilate any damage and destruction that you have endured in this time. My power and My glory lives inside of you, My children. Believe and receive in this power in this hour. I have spoken in My Written Word, greater is He who lives inside of you than he that is in this world. "Who is He," you may ask. The Holy Ghost is the Comforter I promised you in My Word. He will lead you, guide you, protect you from all adversity. I did not leave you comfortless. Search My Written Word for who He is and receive this revelation, and when you do, you will see and experience a greater anointing than you have before. Believe, My children, and you shall receive from Me to a greater degree, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Another sign to watch for is a news anchor caught lying on live TV for the world to see. They will fall from their position and will be fired from that network, they will say, but he was actually removed by Me, saith the Lord of Hosts.

More news reports will come out of Belize. Continue to listen to this. Your enemies' walls are crumbling completely to the ground like the walls of Jericho, and the whole world will see their destruction.

Another CNN anchor will fall to a scandal. Watch for this, My children, and know the snake pit is all being uncovered, and they will all be judged.

My children, the manipulation of the world's markets will be revealed. A whistleblower is about to come forward with substantial evidence that cannot be denied. Judgment is coming to them who have manipulated these markets, gouged prices, raised taxes, destroyed businesses to break people financially in any way possible. All will be exposed and destroyed by My hand, saith the Lord of Hosts. I will not stand for this theft and enslavement of My children. The day and hour has come for the world to experience freedom and My will on this earth.

My United States! The world will soon see how precious you truly are and how I will use your nation with My hand to restore the nations they wanted to destroy. Your enemies tried so desperately to break you, divide you, tear you apart from the inside out in every way possible. Oh United States, so you wouldn't be united anymore. But, My glory is about to break out all over this nation to reveal the truth and to set this nation free once and for all. I'm not finished with you, America. Oh, how beautiful you are, and the world will finally see the country you were always meant to be.

My blessing will be seen in your nation to a greater degree than ever before. Precious metals, more gold and silver that has not been uncovered in your land, soon will be by the ones I have appointed to retrieve and discover this in this hour. Oh United States, you will be independent on all fronts of the world including oil and manufacturing. Yes, it will all be done without the control and manipulation from other lands and other governments. A healing I have promised across your land. A healing you shall receive. I, the Lord, have need of you, oh United States. So, rise from the ashes and destruction that has held you for so many years. It will not hold you anymore. My United States, you are precious to Me so soar like an eagle above the rest and how I designed you to be.

Watch, My children, for a sign, a restoration of all nations. Breaking news regarding Romania. For this will be in your news. I'm giving you the news before they do. Trust in My words. Trust in My true prophets in this hour. I have sent them here for you.

Oh Canada! The fall of your government will be great, and you will be set free from them holding your nation hostage. Watch for this to occur in the United States and know this is also coming to your land. Freedom and restoration like never before. Trudeau and all who are with him are being removed by My hand, and all will be judged. So, don't give up, Canada! I Am is coming to deliver you, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Australia! I'm cleaning out your government and making it new for you. As you see this in America, know the Great I Am will overturn and overthrow all of those wicked leaders in your land as well. I have not forgotten you or forsaken you, Australia. I'm delivering you so lift your hands to Me this hour. I have the final say in your land.

Israel! Listen to these words in this hour. Your enemies are trying to invade your land, but My hand is against them. They will not destroy you. They will not get what they want so do not be discouraged. I am a Protector! They will not cross My line I have drawn around you. "A line, Lord?" Yes, a line they cannot cross. They will try, and they will fall by their own sword. So, My children in the nation of Israel, you are being restored, cleansed, healed by Me, saith the Lord. The Iron Dome, they want. I have warned that infiltrators will be exposed and removed. Your prime minister will be removed and anyone with him, and the rightful one will be restored. Your elections were also hijacked and stolen from you like the United States. When you see the election overturned there, know yours is next, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Jay-Z and Beyonce will be in the headlines, but not for what you think. I'm exposing every person against you and all who were paid to lead you astray. My children, watch for these singers, actors, actresses and anyone who has been made an idol in this nation, and others, will be exposed and judged by My hand, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Watch for all these signs, My children. I am moving My hand across your lands, and I will restore what has been stolen. So, rejoice, children of All Mighty God. Things are about to get very interesting. Your celebrations and this year will be great, saith the Lord your Redeemer."
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 03/24/2022 03:45 AM

"For I, the Lord this day, have seen all the sin in this world and how these evil rulers have enslaved My children and enslaved this world I created for all them to enjoy. They control things they never had the right to control. My children, I put you on this earth to have authority and dominion, not to be ruled over by man.

I know many in My body have so many questions on why this is happening. 'How long will this go on? Why, God, have they gotten away with all of these things? God, will this ever turn around? Will justice ever prevail?' All these questions and so many more have been on the hearts of My people, and I will tell you. My will is being done on this earth, and the world is about to see who really is in control. I allowed certain things to go on to trap, yes, trap you enemies in the act of all their crimes. Yes, My children, justice will be served! Justice will prevail! Do not go by what you see. Know this is temporary and subject to change, and when I move My hand, it will all soon be a distant memory. Some of you will be saying, 'Lord, this is too hard to believe. It's too good to be true. I just can't believe it anymore. I don't have any strength left in me to fight.' My children, that is a lie from your adversary to get you to give up right before the move of My hand to turn all these things around. There is a great reward for those who have stood and refused to quit and give up on Me and My word. Your adversary is trying everything he can now to stop this from taking place in your life. Your adversary is a liar so don't listen to failure and defeat. Don't listen to 'impossible'. Don't listen to the words 'no way' and 'there is no hope'. No, those are his words not Mine. I will never leave you without hope or a way of escape when I am the Waymaker.

My children, you will soon hear of the decertification in your news. Dominoes are starting to fall. Overturning of an election is at hand. Don't give up on Me, My children. Stand up for justice. I have not forgotten nor forsaken any of you or this nation. It is being reborn at this time while cleansing and awakening is taking place. An overhaul of an election, many will say. Yes, and this cry will be heard not only in this nation but around the world. Things are going on right now you can't see, tearing down what was forced upon you and this world.

A tornado outbreak will be reported in your land, oh United States, not common for some areas or this time of year. This will destroy what was hidden. Contents of a business that was used against you will be revealed. The company is a very well-known company, Anheuser-Busch. 'No, Lord, this can't be so.' Yes, My children, many companies and many people you had no idea were against you for money and power. Families that have been against you, so many elites. You know certain names like the Rothchilds, the Rockefellers, the Koch family. Yes, but there are more that will be revealed before the world. What they have done against you, oh United States, to destroy you from within. Destruction, they so love to create. With this destruction, there will be a major sign in Rockefeller Center. Make sure you watch for this. This is for you to know that I am in control and not them.

New York, New York! Watch and see your governor take a massive fall. Crimes committed, yes, of course. This will reveal so much more than you could have imagined. A major weather event will rock your city and state, New York. This is to let My children and the enemies know I'm in control and their judgment is not coming, it's here!

Watch Mount Rushmore. A sign will be seen and breaking news will come from there to let you know I am saving this nation.

Old Faithful! Look for it. Breaking news will be heard and something unusual. All eyes are on Old Faithful and Yellowstone. Something big brewing. I have told you, My children, this before. It's time for the world to see what has been hidden.

A major resignation of a Democrat will be breaking news out of your Capitol. Yes, this very well-known person is being removed by My hand and being forced out. The news will try to cover this up. A major scandal is brewing and is about to be released for all the world to see and to hear about.

Daniels. Look for this name and breaking news story. This is yet another sign for you My children. All is being revealed, overturn and everything is going to be all right in the House of the Lord.

A skyscraper. This word will be in the breaking news report. A fire, yes, a fire that can't be contained. These contents are being destroyed on purpose, but nothing will be completely destroyed. I have the originals, and a whistleblower will come forward with the truth.

A major airline will be in the news with a major scandal. Money laundering, checkbooks and accounts are being opened for the world to see how so many were paid by your government, oh United States, during lockdowns to protect their own. I have spoken these words, My children. Open all the books wide and nothing with stay hidden. Nothing can stop these words no matter how hard they try.

Many companies will be reported on. Money laundering, foreign bank accounts, withholding and tax fraud, and the list goes on. Companies that were connected to your government will be exposed in this hour.

Big name retailers who were nicely compensated during the shutdowns, banks who received rewards for helping destroy this economy. Oh, yes My children, many were paid out and none will survive with the wrong people in charge. My judgment is coming down against them. Any power they once had will be destroyed. New banks that My children are in charge of will rise higher in this hour. My children will also take over existing banks and news stations, businesses, all leadership roles to drive out all who are in power that never had that authority and were not put there by Me, saith the Lord.

A major sign will be in the clouds that will be reported. Unusual signs in the sky for My children to know that your enemies' judgment is now. This time has come for all of them to fall like flies.

Arise, My children, arise in this hour. Oh, United States, your birth is about to take place, a new and greater nation this world has never seen. I'm moving My hand, and I'm here to deliver America the beautiful. It's time for you to be beautiful once again to a greater degree.

An explosion will be reported all over your news stations. My children, this is for you to know it's time for explosive information to surface, and nothing will stop it from taking place, saith the Lord of Hosts.

This is the year and season for My children to arise higher than before. Believe this, My children, and receive it, saith the Lord your Redeemer."
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 03/25/2022 01:41 AM

"For I, the Lord this day, I'm about to show your enemies and the world that I have had enough of their plans; enough of their schemes; enough of their lying. They are not gods. They are not in control, and they will finally see and know who is. It's not them but ME, saith the Lord of Hosts.

This earth is travailing because of the sin they have committed and the damage they have caused My children. That's why you'll experience an uptick of earthquakes, volcanoes and unusual weather. Signs show you what the prophets have been saying is true, and everything your adversaries have been saying is a lie. These are the days that all their lies will be revealed, and nothing they have done will stay hidden. Darkness will fill their camps, and fear will fill their hearts because of apprehension of what is to come. They know this is their end, and they're desperately trying to stop it, but nothing will stop their fall and their destruction.

A very well-known mountain range will be in your news to signal to you, My children, the avalanche of truth is not coming; it's here, now! This will bring you total deliverance and your enemies' destruction. The Appalachian Mountains is the name. Watch for the sign, My children. I am here to move My hand against all who are against you.

Mormons. They will be in the news, a coverup for a well-known leader. Watch, this sign will show you how much you've really been lied to in every area of your lives.

A well-known senator will be in your news, and this country will shout, 'Traitor!' His name will forever be known as a liar and a traitor to this nation. Mitt Romney is his name. He is about to take a major hit to his integrity. A major scandal will be exposed to the world. It's worse than you think, My children. He wasn't just a wolf in sheep's clothing. He was a treasonous snake, and his fate has been sealed. There is no remorse for his decisions he has made. He would gladly do them again against this nation for money, power and security. Mitt Romney, nothing you have done against Trump has succeeded. He's coming back whether you like it or not. Everything you have worked so hard for was for nothing. You will soon see these are your days of Haman. You will reap what you have sown, and Mitt, your harvest is great. Neither China nor the world elites can save you now for this is the hour of your judgment.

A scandal will rock your CIA. A secret that was meant to be hidden will come to the surface and be released. My people in places all over this nation and the world are ready for the plans to be completed. It is now time for more to come forward with the truth. Leaders you thought in your country, oh United States, were on your side were actually evil and betrayed your country for money. Yes, the leaders in your intelligence community now and those in the past will be revealed who they really are; how much they did for you, but also, what they did against you.

Truth shall come like a flood upon this earth. My glory is being poured out to destroy them all. A sign for this, My children, double rainbows. Yes, more photographed than ever before, but there will be a triple rainbow to show you the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost are in control, and your enemies never had a chance. Who do they think they are? Gods and masters of this earth? No, they were actually worms and dogs. No, better yet, gnats and flies. I have said this before and will say this again. They are nothing in My sight and powerless against Me, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Mannheim, Pennsylvania. Major news will come out of this place. People will shout, 'Truth, that can't be denied!' Yes, Pennsylvania, a hornet's nest of corruption in your state that has been holding you, will hold you no more. I'm here to free your state from the chains that have held it back for what is about to be released. It will shock this nation, but, I am cleansing your state, Pennsylvania. So, raise your hands to Me and speak truth and freedom.

For those who fought so hard for truth, you will all be rewarded. I am pouring out My glory, My strength, and My grace, all over you, and I'll prove to you I did not forsake you, but I have hand-picked each of you for this hour and for this time. I have given you strength and perfected you while your enemies tried to break you. Know you are rising up stronger than ever before. I am here to bless you and to deliver your state once and for all. Something very special will come out of your state, Pennsylvania. So shout! This is the time for your freedom, saith the Lord of Hosts.

I, the Lord, am speaking these words: Unite, oh United States, to the nation I have called you to be in this hour. Arise from the ashes. Let your light shine brighter than ever before. The strong arm of the world! Yes, you are blessed to bless the nations and to protect them from tyranny. So arise now and nothing will hold you back from taking your place, My United States!

Wake up, My children, now, to the truth. Open you eyes to see I am in control. These are the days of freedom and deliverance, your time to celebrate! The days may look darker and more confusing, BUT LISTEN TO THIS. IT WON'T LAST. IT WILL NOT SUCCEED AGAINST YOU. THIS DARKNESS WILL LET YOU KNOW THEIR END HAS COME AND, THEIR SILENCE IS YOUR VICTORY! This time is so close so hold on and spend these days with Me, My children. I will give you what you need in this hour you are living in. Strength, peace, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, revelation from heaven. Yes, cut the world off. Cut off the lies and seek Me. I have the truth you need to set you free. These are the days to celebrate whether you understand them or not. Yes, celebration is about to break out all over this earth! So, stand and shout for your victory has already been won, saith the Lord your Redeemer."
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 03/26/2022 01:29 AM

"For I, the Lord this day, have spoken many words through My prophets this hour to warn, to encourage, to give hope and freedom from the chains that have been holding you hostage. Break free, My children, in this hour from what has held you captive. This is the hour of freedom. Do not be moved at what is about to take place. Your enemies are liars, thieves and killers. They're all being judged for their heinous crimes. Let Me handle all of them. I don't need your help or you trying to figure out how all of this will work out. I just need you to believe that I am in control.

I am moving, and I am delivering you from what you see and what you are experiencing. None of this will stand before Me and survive. Your enemy has already been defeated. Remember these words: he is defeated along with all who are with him.

Again, My children, listen and watch for a significant sign and breaking news regarding the Himalayan Mountains. As you hear this, remember who I am, and I am in control.

Devastating! This word will be used a lot in your news. Yes, complete devastation to all who are against you. They have been playing the world like a board game, moving everything they want so they always come out the winner. Little do they know, I'm wiping out their game and all their plans. What a joke they played on this world. A sick joke and horrible actors. They supposedly thought they're in control of this world. Really? Your enemies think they're so smart by putting these people in those roles? That's the best they can come up with? Well, now they will see, My children, who were meant for those positions, and they will trump all those who hate you. They hate the fact that things are becoming uncontrollable. They can't stop him. Who, you may ask? My son David, in this hour, the rightful president. They hate him. Your enemies tried everything they could think of, and he's still standing. He's still fighting and pursuing all of them. This country is still fighting for him and the truth. Who is this rightful president and My David in this hour? Donald J. Trump, and he's making a comeback! It is bigger than you've realized, enemies of All Mighty God. You can't fight and win with Who is in him. He is unstoppable. Yes, to you, and he's coming for all of you! Plans have been drawn up, and they're headed to Victory Lane, and what a big victory it will be!

A shaking is brewing in the House of Representatives. Yes, a great divide. Chaos will erupt. A lie? Yes, several will be unearthed. They thought they could hide their disgusting acts against this nation and get away with it. Nancy, and all with you on the side of the blue and some in the red, the curtains are being pulled back. Evidence will shake you all to your core. You can't fix this. Audio and video evidence will not be suppressed by you. Know My hand is moving that you can't stop. Justice will be served. All of you should be afraid of what is coming for you in D.C. You know something is happening, but you don't know when or how to stop it. You will try to avoid this at all costs, but it will not work. I have spoken your destruction. Seed time and your harvest is now. You can't hide or let others fall for you. You will try, but fear will grip you. The more you go in the direction you are going, failure and defeat are in your future. You chose the wrong side and soon you will see that.

Hardy. This name you will hear in your news. Be looking for this, My children, and know, great is a judgment that is coming for your enemies.

Your rightful president and government are almost at the finish line. My children, know that this is My nation, the United States of America. Call it in, call them home where they belong. 'Home, Lord?' Yes, the rightful places of power. Remember, I have previously warned, My children, it will look worse before it gets better. I've given you these words and many times have said, everything is going to be okay in the House of the Lord.

A great silence is coming when people least expect it. Well, the world that is. But, My children, you know this time is drawing near and not to fear. This will bring great joy to you. The Great Exodus is bigger than you realize, My children. Yes, greater than anyone can dream up. It is far better than you can imagine. I will lead you, guide you, shield you, deliver you and, of course, bless you more than you asked or even think I would do. Everything is shaking, yes, but for your good. I am God and My will is being done upon this earth, and nothing your enemies are doing can change that fact. Be still, My children, and know I am God. I am in control. The winds of change are not coming; they are here!

Rittenhouse. This name will be in your news more and more. Victory, you will see from Me. Stay the course and keep standing, My children, because you always win. So, don't give in. No, not now when you are at the end of this that you see. Keep your faith and trust in Me, saith the Lord your Redeemer."
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 03/27/2022 04:31 PM

"For I, the Lord this day, have an answer for the enemies of Almighty God. A New World Order? Yes, you want yours in this hour, but that will not happen. In this time, My great reset and the Greater Exodus will take place, saith the Lord.

Things in this world are turning around. With this great change, the world will be released from your enslavement and thievery. My children will take their place of authority, and you, enemies of Almighty God, will lose all authority, money, power and influence you once had.

The smell of your sin, that stench, has reached My nostrils for the last time. I am done with your lies and treasonous acts. Enemies of Almighty God, I'm tearing your New World Order apart, and there will be nothing left of it. You tried to speed up time, and you couldn't. My body is still on this earth, and the One who still lives inside of them is holding you back. Your lust to destroy, your lust to kill millions and billions of people with your plans you wanted to take place right now have been stopped by My hand, saith the Lord. You will not complete genocide or depopulation of this world. All your warehouses will be raided and will all be exposed. Any underground tunnel, every business you hid it behind. The doors are opening wide. The roofs are coming off to expose all the contents inside. My judgment is hitting you, and it's far worse than you could ever dream up, and at the same time, your worst nightmare is coming to pass. Your destruction and freedom that you tried so desperately to destroy in this world failed, and freedom will reign in this earth like never before while you are being destroyed, enemies of Almighty God, and your end has come. The best days, it will be for My children. It will seem like a dream. My glory and goodness, I am raining down on them, and all the wealth of the wicked is coming to My children in this year of 2022.

I am shifting the influence, wealth, power, markets, businesses and government over to My children where it always belonged. No more of your order, power, influence, enemies of Almighty God, it is My will on this earth that will come to pass. Your World Order is finished, saith the Lord of Hosts.

All inventions and everything stolen that were meant for My children, it will be given to them in this Great Exodus. World leaders are being removed who are against Me, and it is sooner than you think, My children.

Watch the Gulf of Mexico. A major sign will be seen there. Listen for another cargo ship. Yes, but what is in this ship, pay attention to what they say is on board.

Dubai will be in the news. Listen carefully to what they are saying is happening there. My children, the dam of lies is breaking and the flood of truth is pouring out from everywhere.

China, you have lifted your fist to Me for the last time in this hour. Everything you have planned will be stopped and brought to nothing by Me, saith the Lord. You are nothing, and you are about to realize that.

Watch The Biden. He will trip and fall on live TV after he speaks words of truth he never wanted to say. Listen to his slips of the tongue. They are coming more and more. Obama and all who are with him can't control The Biden's mouth. Yes, they are getting nervous to what will come out next, but this time they will never expect this, what he is about to say. No, this will be far worse, their worse nightmare. Biden will give Obama away. They'll be forced to do something they didn't want to do. Obama is itching to take center stage. Watch, My children, for the next moves. They'll be forceful. Yes, they will be pushing all boundaries. Nancy and Kamala will both slip and will speak words they never meant to speak.

Argentina will be in your news. Listen and watch. There will be a weather event there that will be reported on. Unusual, they will say. Know with this, My children, My words I'm giving My prophets are true so stand with Me, saith the Lord.

Your enemies are coming down now. Yes, they will all fall before Me, saith the Lord. The world will clearly see who was on the side of the darkness. They are all being judged as I speak these words. Whether you can see these things right now, know more things are happening behind the scenes than you realize.

Some of My children still do not believe after all these prophecies are being fulfilled. Open your eyes and see My hand is moving beyond the political realm to show you I am the Great I Am, and I am here to deliver you, children of Almighty God, out of the wicked hands that have held you.

News reports out of Egypt in this hour will come out. Look at what will take place there as a sign of your exodus. Yes, a Great Exodus, it shall be!

More exposures regarding the Royal Family. A split? Yes, there are some on the side of truth, but there are liars in the midst of them. A line has been drawn, and the truth has been revealed. There's a traitor in their midst. Charles is his name. Charles, you are about to take a major fall. A scandal, yes. You have committed crimes against this world, against this country and crimes against your own family. They've had enough. MI6, you will hear, My children, A whistleblower will blow the top off the royal castle. Yes, exposures are coming. Charles had his hands on many things, and they are dripping with blood. He holds blood money in his hands. Watch, his fall will be great, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Fauci. You can run, but you cannot hide from Me, saith the Lord. You are being let go. You are falling with no one to pick you up. Major news will be exposed about you. I am moving My hand against you. Yes, you are part of the days of Haman. What you wanted for the world will come upon you but not before you lose everything, and the world will know exactly who you are.

Bill Barr will be in the news. Watch and listen for what he's about to say. A hint, he will give out to you, My children, to let you know whose side he's really on. Some have played parts in all of these chess moves that had to be played to look like they were playing for a different side when they're actually playing on Mine.

Durham will be in the news again. Explosive intel will be released. I told you, My children, rapid fire against your enemies. They can't handle the truth, and a flood is coming their way to knock them off their feet never to regain their foothold against you, children of Almighty God.

News reports out of Iceland, watch for this. Breaking news, unusual weather events, watch for this, and yes, I told you about this before. I'm giving you the news before the news.

A major sinkhole will be in your news. Watch and pay attention to where the sinkhole is located. News reports will come out of this area, and a sex trafficking ring will be exposed and destroyed.

Earthquakes, volcanoes, unusual and strong weather, political upsets and uproars, removals, and more stepping and retiring in the coming days. You'll start to see a great change, a change for your good, no matter how it appears.

'What about the markets, Lord? What shall we do?' Just pray and obey and all will be well with you, saith the Lord. The markets are for their destruction, not yours. So, stand up. Roar like the Lion of Judah. He lives in you. Claim your victory; claim your healing; claim your redemption rights as a child of God; claim your freedom; claim your finances. Yes, it is all yours now, saith the Lord your Redeemer."
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 03/29/2022 01:06 AM

"For I, the Lord this day, am telling you, My children, to brace for what is coming on this earth to set you free. I have been warning you this will be the time that confusion will try to overtake you; to hold you so you will quit on Me; quit on truth and stop believing there is any hope left to hold on to. For I, the Lord, have spoken to you, My children, more this hour through My prophets to give you enough time, enough signs and words to give you strength, to preserve, to endure, to grow your faith and to trust in Me. Some have taken these words received hope, encouragement, freedom, peace and have been blessed by them in the midst of chaos. My children who still refuse to believe, listen very carefully. The doors are about to close like in the days of Noah. When darkness closes, it will appear to fill this earth and that judgment is being poured out everywhere. Some of you will fall into despair, and fear will consume every thought to break your faith and trust in Me. Some of you will turn your back on Me for a time until you see My hand move, and all this will be destroyed that you are experiencing right now. Yes, I will forgive you, but you will not receive the same reward as My children who refuse to quit, who refuse to let go of hope and faith in Me. I love you, My children. I've given these words through all My true prophets to reach you, to free you from the hopelessness you feel, the heaviness that is controlling you and holding you back. These words will set you free if you open your hearts to receive them. I want you to receive My peace that I have for you this day in this hour of your enemy's judgment. You will not be moved or shaken. No, I will make you stronger than you ever thought possible. My children, stand and get up now who have fallen because great is your reward.

A sign to be watching for, My children, is a major earthquake in the waters of the Ring of Fire. Yes, watch the Ring of Fire. Tsunami warnings will be given. A new tsunami will be seen. Yes, a big one. Watch to see where it goes. Watch the direction, and know I have given you this before the news to help you understand these words are true. Your enemies are falling, and everything they designed against you is being destroyed now by Me, saith the Lord.

Listen for news reports regarding the wind. Yes, wind gusts of strong magnitude are moving across this earth. Unusually strong and damage it will cause will be great in many places, but it will not touch you children of Almighty God. No, it will not affect you. The Great I Am is protecting you.

Uganda will be in the news. Listen for this, and listen to what happened there. Uganda, many evil things happened in your land. Things hidden you didn't know about. The elites thought it would be a safe place to hide things they didn't want released, but they didn't know they can't hide anything from Me, saith the Lord. A great discovery will be found. Yes, listen and watch to see what comes out of this. All enemies of Almighty God, your time to fall is now.

Offshore bank accounts are being raided, and assets are being seized right now under the radar. The news hasn't reported on this yet, but they will. I'm seizing all of their assets and all their accounts everywhere. These offshore accounts are just the beginning. For those who are listening and are on the side of evil, I know you hear these words, and this should terrify you. Nothing you have will be safe from Me taking it from you. No matter how hard you try, no matter your security to protect your assets, nothing can stop My hand from blasting everything out of your hands. No, you are all finished, saith the Lord of Hosts. Your days have come to a final end.

You thought this was your time to celebrate your New World Order, your great reset, and now you see your plans falling apart, chaos in all your plans. You are putting fires out everywhere. You can't contain them. As you are trying, fires will begin in other places that you never thought possible. Yes, you thought you could stand against Me and take over this earth, and you were so close but to lose it at the very end of your plans. Not only will you lose everything, you will lose your life and spend eternity in a place you never thought you would go because your master promised you heaven. Well, he was kicked out of Mine, and his heaven is your hell.

So, enemies of Almighty God, this word is for you. I'm coming when you least expect it. You have no peace and no rest in these days. Fear will consume your every thought, and death shall consume you. You chose this. Now you shall reap death and destruction that you caused upon this earth. No, nothing you do will change what is coming to you.

My children, watch the news that will break out of England. The death of a royal and, yes, how it will surprise you. The truth will be revealed and listen for the news on what was called Big Ben. Their fall will be great. Charles, that means you. You will not get away with what you have done and the side you chose. Your family will finally know along with the world who you are and that evil has consumed you. Charles, you are finished!

The Atlantic Ocean will be in your news reports more and more. Listen for this. A cleansing is taking place in your land, oh United States. What has been hidden in the waters will all be revealed.

Tanker trucks will be in your news. Watch and see why, My children. The truth is coming out from everywhere, and nothing can hold this back.

Windstrom [sp?] and Nordstrom. These names will be in your news. Listen for the reason why and know that nothing is how it seems, and all is being uncovered. Walmart will be in your news. Yes, a major scandal in their corporate office. Money laundering and they were paid by your government during those lockdowns. Yes, plans were drawn up for major retailers that would flourish while others were being destroyed. They will be linked to the government of the United States along with Bill Gates and George Soros. Target, as well as many other companies and banks, will be exposed. This is the hour for walls to come down. Yes, the curtains will be removed that they have been hiding behind. No more hiding, no more plans to be covered up with which they have designed to destroy you. No, the time for all of this to be uncovered is now, My children. Brace for the shaking. It will be great. Their time to come to an end and your time to celebrate is at hand. So, hold on to Me, and hold on to My words. They will set you free, saith the Lord your Redeemer."
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 03/30/2022 01:17 AM

"For I the Lord, this day, am telling My children not to fear, not to accept failure and defeat. Do not give in to confusion, doubt, worry or unbelief for I am your Father and Most High God, and I will not fail you. I will not let your enemies defeat you, and they surely will not defeat Me, saith the Lord of Hosts.

I am moving behind the scenes now to remove them all. They are being judged now, and justice will be served, and justice will prevail. I always have the final say.

Some of My children are still questioning Me and questioning My words and their victory. You can't see it and still don't understand any of this. My children who are still uncertain of your victory and these words, get into My Written Word, and I will show you what is real and what isn't. I will shield you and give you peace. Many of you don't know Me to a degree needed in this hour, but when you call on Me, I will answer. Come to Me and I will give you freedom and rest despite what it looks like going on in this world. Focus on truth; focus on the BLOOD OF JESUS that has already been shed for your victory and your enemy's defeat. I am not standing by and letting them do whatever they want. Things are not as they appear in this world. No, many smoke screens and horrible actors. That's all they have is a fake facade of what they really wanted in this world. None of this will continue to stand when I move My hand.

The Smoky Mountains will be in your news once again. Watch, My children, and know I told you about this before it happened. Don't let doubt destroy you in this hour and keep you held hostage. Know I'm in control, and I'm doing something about all of this going on in this world.

A warship will be in breaking news, and the location of this warship is no accident. A war they wanted but a war they will not get. No, their plans will sink like the Titanic.

Wind and waves, how unusual they are and they will be reported on. Much is going on in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. My children, you had no idea all these things were hidden underwater, but My hand will reveal it all and destroy their plans against you.

The Island of Oahu will be in your news. A discovery will be reported. Watch this and know all is being uncovered that your enemies tried to keep hidden.

Trudeau will be in your news again. Someone has turned on him and caused an uproar in Canada. Yes, a mighty whistleblower is moving to tell the truth on what the government has been doing and had planned in the country of Canada, but also what they were helping the elites do against the rest of the world.

President Zielinski of Ukraine. You are a liar and a snake. You cry for help and act like a victim when you are the one helping cause destruction in your own country. Oh yes, the world will hear and find out the truth of who you are, whose side you are on. Obama, yes, helped you and paid you for this to take place. You were well compensated to take blood money and cause destruction and chaos on your own people. Your heinous crimes will be known to the world, and Zielinski, you are being judged by Me and your end is near. You will not survive the fall that you are about to take.

Taiwain. This country will continue to be in your news. Watch and listen to why, My children. Things are hidden there China desperately wants and will try their best to invade this land, but My hand will move and stop them in the act. China, you will not get what you want from them because the Great I Am is against you, and I never lose.

Argentina will be in your news. A major weather event will take place there. Not expected and it's not normal. It's very unusual, you will hear. Just know, My children, things are not normal right now. The shaking that's occurring is to get your attention and focus on My word that I'm giving you. Stand for truth and know you will see your victory.

Ethiopia will be breaking in your news. Devastation in that land. Pray for Ethiopia, My children. And, My children who are there, I am your Protector, and the war they want will not stand. It will not last. I'm stopping your enemy's destruction in your land. I will give you peace and rest in this hour. So, receive My joy I am pouring out. Glory will fill you up, and fear and confusion will not consume you anymore. Everything will be okay. I promise you, saith the Lord your Redeemer.

Alaska will be in your news. An unusually large earthquake. Yes, minimal damage but enough to shake the earth and get the world's attention. My children who are there, do not be afraid. It will not destroy you. It will shake your ground and wake up the ones who are still asleep.

Kazakhstan will be in your news. No, My children, what is being reported is not always as it seems. Your news stations are hiding the truth. A major sex trafficking ring will be discovered there, and who funded this will be discovered even though your government is so desperately trying to hide the truth, oh United States.

Pakistan will be breaking in your news. A devastating dust storm will hit that land. This is a warning to them. The decisions that are being made with this fraudulent government in the United States that is trying to do against you, Pakistan and the rest of the world, truth shall be revealed and their plans stopped by Me, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Kuwait. A military base will be revealed there that was supposed to be a secret. Oh, United States, dirty deals your own military officials were making in foreign lands against you. Those governments and high-ranking officers will be exposed on what bio-weapons were hidden there. They will be discovered and destroyed.

Obama and all your shadow government, I Am is coming to destroy all you have done and are doing against this land and using other lands to hide your plans. Nothing, and I mean nothing, you have done or are trying to continue will stand when I move My hand, and it is moving against you, Obama. I have planted people in your government you thought were with you, and they were actually with Me. You think that can't be because you are too smart to fall for that. Obama, you will soon find out how dumb you actually are. You can't outsmart the Creator of Heaven and Earth. I am against you, and you will soon realize you lose.

A significant sign will be seen at the Wailing Wall. I do hear your prayers, and I'm delivering you from the hands of the wicked. Israel, do not fear what they are about to say, and what they are trying to do against you. Remember who I am and how I was with Moses. I am that same God. Your enemies will fall by their own swords, and they will lose. I will not allow this war they want to bring to your land with rocket fire. I'll protect you as I always have. A great shift is taking place in your land. As you see President Trump take back power, know Netanyahu is coming back as well. Nothing will stop that from taking place. All that has been stolen has to be given back, saith the Lord of Hosts.

My children, the mourning and heaviness you're experiencing now, I'm turning into joy and peace along with your freedoms you never knew existed. I'm the Lord, and I'm swiftly moving My hand, and when I do, celebration will take place. So, stand and take back what is yours, children of Almighty God. Your enemies lose, and you win, saith the Lord your Redeemer."
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 03/31/2022 01:16 AM

"For I, the Lord this day, am speaking to this world to let you know I do have the final say, and I always will. Look at your enemies. Does it look like they are winning? Their plans are falling apart, and they are failing at everything they are trying whether you realize that or not right now. They are not succeeding at anything. Continue to watch the sign on the Empire State Building. That sign will not only show you what I am saying through My prophets is true, but that should reassure you that everything will be okay in the House of the Lord.

For those who refuse to believe anything until all the political prophecies come to pass, I am not just limited to the political realm to show you in this hour that I have come to deliver you. My Written Word speaks I am your Deliver, Healer, Prince of Peace and your Victory. I am the Great I Am, and anything going on that you see will not stand. You will see it all fall when I move My hand. Great is the reward for those who believe but haven't seen by using your faith. Yes, a great reward you shall receive. Peace and joy in the midst of chaos. I will say this again for My children who need to hear this. Confusion and fear are trying to consume you in this hour so get in My presence and My Written Word that will destroy both of these attacks and every other one your adversary tries to defeat you with. Remember, he is the one who's defeated, not you.

I have promised in My Word that I will always lead you to triumph in Jesus. I am not a man that can lie. Your adversary through deception steals your victories away. This is the hour I'm showing, My children, the authority you have in Christ Jesus. With this revelation of authority you have in Christ Jesus through His blood, you will be assured your enemies are defeated. The Greater One does live on the inside of you. The one who lives in this world is nothing in your sight. In this hour, My children, this revelation needs to get down inside of you so he no longer deceives you, no longer steals your victory. He doesn't have the power or the authority. That's why he has to cheat you out of yours.

Antarctica will be in your news. Listen for these unusual things happening everywhere. Warmer temperatures are not known for this area. They will shout global warming to bring more fear. Do not listen to the liars when they open their mouths to deceive the world. This is a sign to you that I'm speaking and telling you the news before the news to bring you peace.

Monkeys will be in your news. Listen for the words and what they are saying about them. They are giving themselves away.

The death of an elephant at a major zoo will be in your news. All these signs are for you to adhere to. Believe these words to give you rest in this time you are living in. My children, there is nothing to fear when I am here.

A U.S. senator from California will die. Yes, this very well-known senator will fall to the Angel of Death. Judgment has hit their homes, the deaths they helped cause to this world. Senator Dianne Feinstein is her name. Yes, My children, a high price your government officials will pay for what has been forced upon you.

Liz Cheney will be exposed. You chose the wrong side for your security. They're letting you go. Who are they? The elites and the swamp that took over your government. They have no use for you anymore. This exposure you will not recover from. Liz, you had time to repent, and you refused to so judgment is coming to you. You will not be able to hide from. A sheep in wolf's clothing? Yes, but also the spirit of Jezebel has overtaken you. So, you have no remorse for the crimes you have committed so your fall will be great.

Watch My children. A very well-known and respected man who was thought to be on the side of the right in the color of red is actually a mole, a traitor and a rat. He will be exposed. Yes, sabotage will be used as a word to expose this person. He helped sabotage your rightful president of what was rightfully his. He pretended to be his friend when he was really his enemy. This man will be exposed, and his name will bring shock waves to this nation in the party of the red because that person worked for the party of the blue who was against you, oh United States.

Jimmy Carter will pass away from Covid, they will say, but that is a lie and the truth will be revealed.

Overturn. This word will be heard everywhere. My children, yes, an overturning of not just one election, but more than you could have imagined. So many snuck through and cheated their way into power. An overhaul of the House, the Senate and all over your government. 'Lord, I can't believe that. Only an election can change this.' Not true, My children. Nothing is impossible for Me moving against them. There will always be manipulation, and they will be stolen from you every time. Not one person and not one man could fix this, but I am the Great I Am. This is a job for Me to do. You will see when I move My hand. You have free and fair elections going forward because for decades you didn't know all this existed. Your enemies have been doing this for so long before they were caught, but now all will be revealed how this has gone on for it will shock you, oh United States. You've been infiltrated and stolen from longer than you thought possible. With this move of My hand, I am changing and destroying all like it never existed. Look at the Book of Exodus. It didn't matter what Pharaoh had planned, how much power he had when I spoke My words. Nothing could stop them in the same way that goes for now. I spoke in My words, and My will is coming to pass in this hour, in this year of 2022.

Justice Clarence Thomas, all will be well with you. All they have are words that will not stand. You will remain on the Supreme Court, and those I want to be removed will be removed. Justice Thomas, that is not you. Chief will be in your name. Yes, I am promoting you, My son. So, do not fear what they threaten you with. I am moving My hand against those who have threatened you. These are the days of Haman, and what they wanted for you will come upon them. I am your Protector, so Justice Thomas, all will be well with you and your house.

Lindsey Graham will be in the news to finally settle once and for all what side he was really on. Yes, a lot of questions have arisen about many in your government. Some were used by Me to infiltrate the side of the blue. Some were actually on the side of the blue that infiltrated the red. So, all will be exposed and released in the year of 2022.

The midterms will look very different than they do right now. A cleansing and restoration is taking place first.

An inauguration in the year 2022! My children are asking about that answer, and it is 'yes'! Another inauguration and celebration like no other. Countries around the world will be watching and celebrating with you, oh United States!

'What about Biden and Kamala?' What about them? They're being removed along with all who are with them. I have spoken judgment and justice against them, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Biblical weather events are about to descend down on D.C. Yes, lightning, hail, wind like no other type of event to hit there. News stations all over will be reporting on this, the damage of the storm. A monster, they will call it. It will appear to be that way towards the enemies of Almighty God. It will come out of nowhere. No one expected it. They will be in their chambers and their offices with nowhere to go and nowhere to escape. I will shield and protect My children who are there, and nowhere will touch them. My glory and power shall surround them like a shield. My angel armies will stand guard and make sure nothing touches them. Miracles, they will say. Yes, expect to see miracles from Me, children of Almighty God. Yes, this year will be great in ways you never could imagine. The goodness that I'm about to pour out upon this earth, receive My joy and peace at this hour. My children, everything is changing for your good so receive from Me like never before, saith the Lord your Redeemer."
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 03/31/2022 06:10 PM

"For, I the Lord this day, am telling My children to shout for their victory. These are the days, whether you understand it or not, that will be filled with greater triumph and celebration like never before. My children, receive My glory, My authority. It has been given to you through Jesus Christ. I did not leave you powerless or without hope. There are times on this earth where you struggle through harsh circumstances your adversary uses to destroy you, your strength, your hope, your faith and any joy you have so you have no strength to fight him back. Your adversary's ultimate goal is for you to forget My Written Word, for you to forget how much power and authority you have over him. You need to remind yourself daily, the Devil was thrown out of Heaven. Jesus disarmed and brought him to nothing, and the Greater One lives on the inside of you. He is greater than anything your adversary throws at you. You are the giant in the spiritual realm, and he is the ant. Don't let him lead you to believe that it's the other way around. He's the father of lies, and the Devil does not have the ability to tell the truth. So, when he comes to you and uses these words like 'impossible, you can't, you're unworthy, you aren't good enough, you are pathetic in the sight of God'. The Devil uses these words every day to discourage My body to give up, to give in and to accept defeat. Here is the truth. When you know the Greater One lives in you and you receive this download from Heaven with all the revelation that comes with it, you will never accept defeat again. Yes, it is possible to receive this revelation knowledge to bring you to another level of power you've never experienced before. With this Great Exodus, your lives will forever change. You'll be brought to a new level of My glory and authority. My children, this is a great time to be alive whether it looks like it right now or not. Everything will change for your good. Things are shaking, yes. Things are very unusual, but what is on the other side of this is a life you never knew could exist. A sign for this. Listen for this name to be breaking in your news: Hurdler. Truth is being revealed everywhere.

Jerry Nadler will be breaking in your news. Headlines all over will report on him. You may ask, 'What for?' Truth is breaking through all the lies to expose and bring great judgments to the enemies of Almighty God. More evidence and truth will be in your headlines. Your enemies are paying for the crimes they have committed. Jerry Nadler is about to lose his life for the blood that drips from his hands. That blood calls to Me for justice, and justice is being served.

Australia, you are about to get another major weather event hitting your land. Do not be afraid of this. I, the Lord, am stopping your leaders from what they have planned against you. You ask, 'How, Lord, can it get any worse?' Well, My children, they had a worse plan for you. For I am here to deliver you and set you free from this tyranny. My children who live in Australia, everything will be okay. I am judging your leaders. They have to let you go. I do have the final say in your land.

A major leader in Iran will die and more to come. The plans they had against America and Israel will be discovered and announced. Yes, they were paid with money from this fraudulent government to commit another terrorist attack on your land, oh United States and Israel. Iran was not only compensated very well financially but were given things to help with their nuclear power, too. Iran, I will judge you in this hour, and everything you have will be taken from you. I will bring you to your knees with nothing left to fight back.

Iraq, same goes for you. You had your sights on the My nations, Israel and the United States of America. You, too, were paid with blood money, and I, the Lord, will rip it from your blood-soaked hands. I will bring your nation to nothing in this hour. Your plans will be completely destroyed by Me, saith the Lord. You thought you would silence Israel and silence the United States, but now you will be silenced because these are the days of Haman.

Syria will be in your news. Watch to see what was taking place in that land. Judgment will be seen, big time, and you will see what was hidden in that land from you, oh United States. More covert operations against you. 'Bio-labs?' Yes, these were hidden in various places throughout many nations, and your enemies thought no one would expect these nations to have this capability. Well, they didn't until they were given money by an unruly, evil and fraudulent government controlled by the globalists and the world elites. Yes, everyone will be exposed with blood dripping from their hands and not just for what you think. These crimes are more heinous than you could ever imagine. They are far more evil than anyone realized, and the world will see what they have done and are doing behind closed doors against this world.

Keystone. This word will be in your news. Watch for this, My children. More exposures are being uncovered. 'A pipeline?' Yes, and many other things regarding this name. Multiple headlines for different reasons.

Listen for Budapest in your news again. Things you think couldn't come out of this land are. When you do hear this in your news, remember where you heard it first. I, the Lord, give you the news before the news.

Beijing will be in your news. A weather event will take place there that is very unusual. They will report this on your news stations. Look to the skies. Unusual, they will continue to say.

Mount Kilauea will be in your news again. Explosive eruption and lava will flow greater than in past times. This will signify to the one who is SUPPOSEDLY from there. Obama, your judgment is coming, and nothing you do can stop it.

Myramar will be in your news. Watch and listen for what comes from this, Liberty and justice. People are fighting back.

My children, military action is taking place behind the scenes. Many have received their indictments and more on the way. For those who don't completely know their fate: tribunals and you will be tried for treason. My children, this will occur more than you could have imagined. An entire government body, some in your own military, intelligence agencies and more from other countries who committed the ultimate betrayal and treasonous acts against this nation in your elections, helping the ones against you, oh United States, to completely take you over once and for all. All these countries will pay a high price for what they did against My people, and they are still paying to this day, thousands of years later.

Judgment is not just being poured out across this land of the United States but in all nations around the world and every nation you didn't know that intervened in the last election and many others in the past. Truth about how elections have been stolen for years in the United States and in so many other countries around the world. Truth and freedom shall be poured out like never before. I do have the final say, and all will see across every nation upon this earth. Receive, My children; these are the days of freedom and deliverance, saith the Lord your Redeemer."
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 04/02/2022 02:51 PM

"For I, the Lord, this day, am moving My hand across the nations of this earth to free My children from the hands of the wicked in this hour of great deception and confusion that is trying to consume and destroy My body from their power and authority they have on this earth. Some of My children don't even know they have this. My children, I have given this earth to you and authority over it. Religion has definitely taught you otherwise. But, if you look at My Written Word, you will find the truth that has been hidden from most of My church who couldn't see for themselves because Satan had to deceive them from receiving this revelation. Some of My children, still to this day, don't see how anything can change or to be turned for your good. Some still do not believe you have any authority or dominion at all upon this earth. My word clearly speaks the truth. Look through the eyes of My truth, My children, in this hour. Don't back off and keep pressing in, and I will give you revelation you never knew existed. You are in this world but not of it. You are subject to their unlawful demands and not their enslavement they have tried to control and manipulate you with. These are the days truth will prevail and every lie will be revealed. So brace for what you're about to hear, their heinous crimes against humanity in this world. Your enemies are willing to stop at nothing to get what they want no matter how many people are to die in their process including people in their own inner circle. No one is safe in their circle because they're all out for themselves.

A well-known governor will be in your news, and the word, scandal, will be in the headlines. Yes, this person will be forced to step down out of shame and embarrassment for the crimes they have committed. They thought they would stay hidden. But I, the Lord, am moving My hand to expose each and every one of them who took part in betraying this nation, but also the crimes against the children, the enslavement and control of this world. Everyone will receive judgment for their crimes.

A judge will be in the news, and exposures will consume them. Disbarring of this judge, yes, and a high price will be paid for evidence that was given and ignored in a very high profile case. This judge was paid to look away. All will be revealed who was a part of this and who paid this judge to turn away from the truth and not to uphold the law in this land. As you see this judge fall, more will follow. A cleansing of your civil court is taking place. Many people and judges committed acts of treason against this nation. Some willingly and some were blackmailed with their lives or a family member's life. These crimes go as far as the Supreme Court, and some will be removed. Some will step down, and some will die. No one, and I mean no one, who committed crimes against this nation that allowed fraudulent and phony government to take control for even a short time. 'What does that mean, Lord?' My children, you will soon see how short it was, and now everything they have done will be completely wiped out by Me like it never was there. I will overthrow, overturn every law and restore all they have tried to destroy.

General McInerney, it's time to move forward, and I will protect you. So do not fear when you take your next steps for I, the Great I Am, am with you, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Your nightmare is just beginning. Truth will continue to be revealed on who you are and what you have done. You're a puppet of the puppet masters, and you have not completed what they wanted you to do. You have messed up, time and time again, and they are through with you. You can see and feel that now. You are no longer safe. Any day they can drop a bombshell of truth and let you fall to save others. Just watch, Alexandria. You chose the wrong side. You, too, refuse to repent for money and power, and it will be revealed. Your election was stolen and manipulated so you could get the seat in the House you didn't win. You know you cheated, and you're a liar. The world will see this and, yes, you are being removed from that seat, never to be in politics again. No, treason will be written on you for all eternity, and you'll pay a high price for the crimes you committed against this nation and against the rightful president and all the countries that paid you besides this government of the United States of America to destroy this nation. They will be revealed, and they will pay a high price as well. Truth is filling this earth, and Alexandria, you will not survive, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Merrick Garland, a scandal you will be enveloped in will shock this country. For all of your crimes, you will be removed from the place of power you never should have had to begin with. For going along with these treasonous acts, you will pay with your life, Merrick. You had a chance to turn away, and you refused so judgment is about to hit you like you never imagined. Your indictments are being delivered to you, and you don't know what to do. But, it's too late to turn back now. You are in too deep, and treason will be your end.

Eric Holder, you'll be in the news once again. One scandal after another and it will consume and devour him. There is no way to get out of this, Eric. The elites are letting you fall to save others like they have done to so so many in your inner circle. You thought you were a part of them, and you are finding out no matter what you have done, they're planning to save others before you. Everything you have done against this nation will be revealed, and treason will also be written on you. It will be your end, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Loretta Lynch, you will fall for all the crimes you have committed. and all the people you have let slide by to further their globalist agenda. Oh, yes, how they paid you to let Hillary with her crimes continue to run for president. See how well that worked out for you. You will pay for all these crimes. You, too, will take a fall for others they are trying to save in this hour. They are definitely not saving you. Loretta, treason will also be written on you for all eternity.

You will soon see, My children, a deep swamp they created. Yes, but not deep enough for them to hide from Me. There is no such thing. A hard fall many will take in these coming weeks.

Another leader will be stepping down from their place of power, the news will say. The full truth will be revealed along with another world leader who will die. Signs you will soon see, My children. They are all falling like flies.

A biblical plague of flies will be reported in the news. Yes, flies never seen to this magnitude, they will say. Watch for this, My children. I gave you this sign to show you your enemies are nothing in my sight. They will soon see they will all fall to the ground and pay for what they have done against you, children of Almighty God.

Gale force winds will be reported in multiple locations. This marks the winds of change. Everything is shifting, and everything is about to change for your good, My children.

News will be reporting on something significant that happened to a mountaintop. Yes, a mountaintop. Listen and see what had happened and know, My children, the Great I Am is in control, and I'm delivering you from what you see.

A storm is brewing. They will say a beast of a storm. Significant damage it will cause. Listen for these words where this storm is headed. It's significant to your enemies. They can't stop the destruction to all of their plans. Every weapon and every tool, I'm destroying now as I speak these words, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Many things have been taking place behind the scenes. Most of My children thought nothing was happening, but big moves have taken place. Many people have been indicted, and many are being sentenced. I will soon show all this to the world. I was moving this whole time to deliver you, children of Almighty God.

Another mayor will fall. Yes, a big lie was told and is being revealed. I told you, My children, no one will stand when I move My hand, and My hand is moving across this land.

Your total deliverance is closer than you think. Receive My glory, power and authority this hour. When things are falling apart around you, you will rise higher. So come to Me, My children, and I will give you rest.

Shake, rattle and roll will be in your headlines and know a shaking is occurring now. I am rattling the gates of hell, and they will roll over and accept their defeat.

My children who are listening, move and move quickly. Your time to move is now, and the time for the enemies to run is at hand. Victory is yours, and truth shall prevail all over this world, saith the Lord your Redeemer."
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 04/03/2022 02:46 PM

"For I, the Lord, this day have spoken truth to My body in these hours of confusion, fear and darkness to set you free from this hold on you and this world. I, the Lord, have been telling you these things to look for to keep your confidence in Me in this hour. Not a man or a woman but Me, saith the Lord your Redeemer. I have said before, these days will be harsh for some, but for the ones in My body believing and standing on My words, you'll not be affected by what your enemies are trying to do because peace and joy are being poured out upon you and upon this earth.

What your enemies are doing, My children of Almighty God, will not matter soon. I will destroy all their effects of their destruction like it never was there. Some of My children are continuing to say, 'Lord, this is just too good to be true, or it's just too hard to believe.' This, My children, has happened many times before. Go look at My Written Word in the Book of Exodus. Read about David and Goliath; read about Daniel in the lion's den; read about the walls of Jericho; Sadrach, Meshach and Abendego in the fiery furnace. Also look at the New Testament. All the miracles your Lord and Savior had done and how He destroyed all the works and all the power of the enemy. My Written Word also states you'll do greater works because I, the Lord, go to My Father. Listen to these words very carefully. Your enemies are nothing, and they have nothing. They can't stand against Me or My body and win. 'Lord, you have spoken these words before, haven't you?' Yes, I have, My children, so get it down inside of you so it becomes a revelation to you that your enemies can't steal away.

Listen for this in your news. A sting operation will be in your headlines. Exposures are being made, and yes, they will be reported on. Listen to what this sting operation was for, and know not one will be left unpunished. My judgment is sweeping through the enemies' camps to take them down. I'm moving My hand right now to stop what is going on behind the scenes. This is the year of exposure and judgment like never before. Children of Almighty God, listen to who is involved in these crimes and know it goes even deeper than that.

Mad cow disease will be in the headlines affecting other nations. Look at where it was found and know nothing is how it seems. Truth is coming and destroying all the plans, and your enemies want to distract the world from every truth that is coming out that will destroy them all. No, distractions will not work anymore. Most of the world will be focused on the truth, and more will be set free from all the lies of this tyranny.

Hindenburg. This word will be in the news. Remember the name that was linked to a major disaster and know, My children, this name will be linked to another one. But, this time disasters are hitting your enemies, not you, children of Almighty God.

Paris will be in your news. A discovery will be found there. A sex trafficking ring so large, it will shock the world. This will destroy the other ones that were hidden. Your enemies are about to scatter in all directions. They know everything is falling apart, and they can't figure out why. That's because they didn't count on Me, the Creator of Heaven and Earth. I know all, see all. They can't hide anything from Me. I know the end from the beginning, and their end will be great. Shout, My children, for your enemies' defeat. Declare that all lies are being revealed. Stop talking about what they are doing, and start talking and declaring their defeat. Yes, whether you believe it or even understand it, it doesn't change the fact that they will fall like lightning from the sky. My children, it will be hard for some to believe when judgment and justice fully hits the enemies of Almighty God and how fast they all will fall.

Hezbollah will be in your news. Listen for the reason and know, I am taking them all out. This is the year of their total demise. No matter what country your enemies are from, they will not succeed in anything they do in this year of 2022.

Gold will be in your news. Listen to what they are saying. They are giving themselves away as they manipulate the markets. An economic crash? A major disaster they want, but My children, these are the days of Haman. It will destroy them and not you. Do not fear this. I'm your Protector, and all your property will be protected.

Oil and gas prices. They are purposely making them skyrocket, but My children, this will not stay this way. Look at what My hand does to move them out of the way.

Shortages, they are saying regarding your food supply. There are no shortages. I'm the Most High God. I have said this before. There is plenty. They are hiding and manipulating these 'shortages'. A whistleblower along with a cargo ship will expose this. My children, this is a tactic of war to bring you to submission and ultimate fear, but I'm destroying this war against you and exposing it all, saith the Lord of Hosts.

A submarine will be in your headlines, and listen to who it belongs to. Yes, there is more to this than they want to say. Who are they? Your new stations and the ones who control them. The puppet masters are exploring all options now. They are desperate to start something or cause something bigger. They are screaming and shouting, 'He is coming!' Who is coming? 'Trump!!! He's coming after all of us! His God is bigger than we thought. How do we stop him? We can't! We've tried everything, and it's not working. This God who is with Trump and his army that is with them, they are unstoppable! They can strike us at any moment. We will have to sleep with one eye open and always be watching. He could come back and take power any day now. Trump has so much on all of us. How did he get it?' They're asking and the answer is Me, saith the Lord of Hosts. You can't stop Me from hearing and saying, what you're doing, enemies of Almighty God! No matter how bad you want to stop Me, I knew your plans before this world was formed and what you were going to do and when. So no, you can't stop the Great I Am, and I Am is coming for you all and so is My army, saith the Lord of Hosts. 'This is it!', they're screaming in terror. Your enemies no longer have peace or confidence that they can win now. So they are planning an escape, but little do they know there is nowhere to escape. They can't run or hide from Me, saith the Lord.

My children, your enemies are finished with their next move forward. They will know without a shade of doubt, they are finished and they can't win. Your enemies will try all they have left to destroy you before they lose, but that won't work either because I am protecting you from their destruction. All is well with you, children of Almighty God. Just watch and see how fast they fall and how they fall. It could have only been done by Me, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Celebrate now, My children! 'Now, Lord?' Yes, now, and know that I always win. I always have the final say, and it will destroy any fear that holds you captive, and this revelation will give you peace, saith the Lord your Redeemer."
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 04/04/2022 12:50 PM

AMY CONEY BARRETT (Supreme Court Justice)

“My Deborah on your highest court."

MADISON CAWTHORN (North Carolina Congressman)

“You are protected by Me. Do not fear,
go forth. I am restoring all that has
been stolen from you.”
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 04/04/2022 05:09 PM

"Vengeance is Mine, saith the Lord. I will settle the cases and causes of My people. The world will once again see judgments and vengeance even greater than what I did in Egypt regarding My people. I, the Lord, have had enough of their destruction, their plans and their continued efforts to annihilate My existence on this earth. Enough of their lies about Me, their man-made doctrines, their religion, their constant distractions and deceptions to the world with their news, their movies, their TV shows and everything else they used to lead My people astray. Enough of the hold they have had over My people who are in utter despair and hopelessness thinking all is lost, and enough of this suicidal spirit that has gripped so many in My body.

I am moving to heal, to restore and to make My children whole. I never left you. I have heard your cries. I am coming to judge and settle the damages caused by your enemies so don't lose hope in Me just yet. I will move, and you will see I never left thee. My plans for you are far greater than the adversary’s plans against you to destroy you. Don't stay in the wilderness when I have the Promised Land for you to enjoy.

Don't pay any more attention to their news, their mandates or their supposed laws. No, saith the Lord. They don't have that kind of power, and I am about to show the world this. I am pulling back the curtains which they hid themselves behind along with their fake White House props, sets and their fake leaders. Yes, all has been a puppet show and not a very good one at that. Yes, the strings have been cut from the puppet masters as they flee the scene to save anything they have left. They know their ship is sinking so they are letting their puppets take their fall. Little do they know who they are dealing with, and they will all fall for their plans.

Watch the news regarding Disney. Oh, the floodgates of truth are about to expose all what that company, or regime you would say, has been doing, what they are hiding, what they have done to the children and how they used their shows to promote propaganda to change your childrens’ ways of thinking. They were also a part of the trafficking. Yes. Vile disgusting acts will all be revealed. Also, you will hear of actors and directors who had major parts they had played against the children for the lust of their flesh. I will bring them all down, and Disney, as you know it, will be destroyed. They will pay a high price for what they have done to today's generation of children. The propaganda they spewed through their movies and shows are just another arm of the One World Government. You will see how they used to do it all.

Soon you will see the utter demise of CNN. No longer can they keep their doors open because the money that was used to prop them up has been taken from them. The puppet masters have removed their money for they see the writing on the wall. CNN, nothing will save you.

To every person that works there and to all who played a part in 2020, watch out. Vengeance is coming for you for the lies you spewed over the last several years regarding My son, who is the rightful president and for how you tried to take him down that whole time using the assignments you had been given by your leaders to do what you could to take him out. This year you will reap what you have sown. The Harvest is great, and nothing can stop the flood from coming to your doors because you refused to repent, you kept going and you kept pursuing their assignments while keeping your money and influence. Well, it will all be wiped away from you in one day by Me, saith the Lord of Hosts.

North Korea, the same goes for you. Judgment will strike your leader and every one of his followers. To My Children in North Korea, speak life and choose life, and then freedoms will flow through your country. But be careful you don't follow in your dictator's footsteps. Kim Jong-un will not stand. He is falling now. If you follow him, you will have the same fate.

Alec Baldwin will be in the news once again with the truth regarding that shooting being told with the truth that it was no accident being told and with his name being connected to sex trafficking and to Epstein. I will name every name, and no one who went to that island or who had a part in the vile acts against the children on this earth can hide. He will not be the only actor who will be completely exposed. They tried to save him, but they are now letting him fall to hide others from exposure. But it will not work.

I am opening up the book with all the names of actors that were involved: not only with the children but also with the control of the narrative with the control of this nation, with this pathetic puppet show and with this supposed government, their power and their control. This year will be a year full of exposing and reckoning on a scale never seen before.

My children wait upon Me. It is all in My hands. I am moving, and judgments are about to rain down in this earth. In the year 2022, all will be undone. All the damage that was done to you will be removed. The rightful ones will be put back in power. So stand and march, My children. All is yours. All will be restored by Me this year. Your bank accounts will be filled. Jobs will be restored or better ones will be given. This world that tried to keep you from rising higher will be cut off. You will rise higher and higher and be put exactly where I need you to be in this hour. My children, dream big. Don't limit Me. This is the year of the fulfillment of My plans for thee. So rejoice. This is a year for you, My children, saith the Lord of Hosts."
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 04/06/2022 03:07 PM

"For I, the Lord, this day, will show the world who really is in charge.  I've played your adversaries like a fiddle, you would say.  I knew what they were going to do even before they were put on this earth.  I know every strategy, tactic and, of course, how deeply this all runs and who controls them.  I'm moving My hand to stop all of their plans. 

Your enemies know something is wrong.  'This isn't right.  Usually this works, but nothing is going as planned.  We should have easily had this New World Order by now without question.  How are so many people still fighting?  By our estimation, we should have had more people tricked by now.  We have the news stations. We have leaders all over the world to say what we tell them to say.  It didn't matter.  There are more people fighting back and more people figuring out that we were lying.  Some even know what our plans were.  How?  This has never happened before.'  Yes, My children, your enemies are panicking, trying to figure out all these answers, but also trying to figure out how to fix it all.  There is so much going wrong all at one time.

The Biden is a bigger problem than they realized he would be.  Listen for more news reports coming out against his mental capacity and mental capability.  They can no longer hide how bad this really is.  So they are trying to figure out all other measures to relieve themselves of The Biden and all of his gaffes.  The puppet masters can't seem to stop or cover up no matter how much medication he is given.  'He's going too far,' your enemies are saying.  'We can't control his mouth, and it's getting worse by the day.  Something has to be done.'  Just listen and watch to see what happens next.  Desperate times call for desperate measures. 

The enemies of Almighty God are contemplating how far they can go right now, but in this desperation, they will make bigger mistakes and will get caught more and more.  More people on live TV will stumble over their words after they say something they didn't mean to say. 

Listen for these words and see them in your headlines.  The House is back in session.  Yes, but look to see why and what is on their agenda.  A fight will ensure.  Listen for why.  There is more to this than is being told to this nation.  Oh, yes, the truth will explode and eruptions will occur. Truth will prevail, and every lie will be revealed.  Judgment is here for all those who have cheated and stolen their way in, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Waverly.  This name will be in your news.  Listen for this, My children, and know your enemies are all about to wave the white flag of defeat. 

The words, ultimate sacrifice, will be in your headlines in many places.  See how and why these words are being used.  There is more than it appears to be. 

A whirlwind will be in your headlines.  Yes, this will signify a whirlwind of truth is hitting your enemies with no way for them to escape it. 

Parachute.  This word will be in your news.  Listen to why, and again, there is more to the story than what is being told. 

A suicide will be reported about a well-known person.  Do not believe it!  This was no suicide, and you will soon find out the whole truth about what happened to this person.  'They know too much,' the puppet master said, 'so deal with it!'  Those words will be recorded, and yes, someone is recording them without them realizing it.  They will not figure out who this is.  I'm shielding the truth from your enemies.  They will find out after it's too late for them to do something about it. 

'Off with their head!'  This statement will be in your headlines.  You say, 'Lord, this is such a cruel and unusual statement to be in the headlines.'  Yes, but look to see who says it, and you will see why I gave this to you before the news stations did.  My children, I am giving you the news before the news to show you I am in control, and I know their every move even before they know they will make those moves. Nothing will stay hidden in this hour.  I have opened the floodgates of truth, and it will demolish all their plans against you, children of Almighty God.

A very well-known spokesperson will be in the news.  They will be stepping down from their position.  They know the truth and can no longer stay in their job.  Listen carefully for the words, 'spokesperson and stepping down,' and you'll see why that is so important. 

Triage.  This word will be in your headlines.  Pay attention to what this is used for and where. 

Hyperbolic.  This word will be in many of your headlines. 

Hyperbaric chamber.  This will be in your headlines for an unusual reason, it will seem.  Listen for what they're saying, and again, I'm saying to you, My children, there is more going on than they are telling you, and all the truth will come out. 

Laptops.  Oh yes, there are more laptops than you realize.  Things that are on them that will blow the doors wide open on this whole fraudulent government.  Hunter Biden's, of course, but there are more to come.  More heinous acts caught on video.  They recorded their dirty deals to blackmail each other.  So many videos have been seized, and there is no way out of this for the enemies of Almighty God. 

'More about elections?'  Yes, there are more on their laptops than you realize.  The deleted files.  Your enemies, they thought they wouldn't get caught, but nothing is permanently deleted from Me, saith the Lord of Hosts.  So, listen My children, for these laptops and know to brace for what is found on them.  I'm uncovering everything for the world to see.

Nancy Pelosi has a lot to answer for regarding what is on her laptop.  Oh, yes, evidence and much more than anyone thought she had done.  What you think she has done, My children, just know it's far worse than you can imagine. 

'Lord, what about Hillary's deleted emails?'  For, I the Lord, have them all, and they're about to come out.  This will be in your headlines.  All deleted emails have been found and recovered.  This discovery will be a big news story.  Yes, Hillary Clinton will finally, once and for all, be let go by the elites.  They will not try to save her this time like they always used to do.

Smokey Robinson will be in the news.  Listen for the reason why, My children. 

D.J. Carter.  This name will also be in your headlines. 

Whitewater.  This will be in your headlines.  See where this location is, and it's not by accident. 

Infinity.  This company will be in your headlines.  Remember, My children, I know the end from the beginning.  I'm giving these signs so you will focus on My words and not theirs.

Well Fargo will be in multiple headlines.  A scandal, yes, and look to see who else is linking to them. 

Tic-Tok will be fully exposed in this hour.  Watch to see what they have actually been doing, and it's worse than you thought.  It's far worse. 

My children, these hours you've been living in will be filled with one exposure after another.  Brace now for what is coming.  A firestorm of truth is hitting your enemies now, and it will not lessen, but it will grow and intensify until each and every one of them has been judged by Me, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

These are the days of truth and freedom and your delivery.  The signs I've given to you are not by accident.  I wanted you to know that I'm in control, and everything will be okay with you, children of Almighty God.  So, rejoice and sing and know it's time for celebrations to break out everywhere, saith the Lord your Redeemer."
Edited by King_of_Glass on 04/06/2022 03:13 PM
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 04/06/2022 03:23 PM

"For I, the Lord, this day, will show the world who really is in charge. I've played your adversaries like a fiddle, you would say. I knew what they were going to do even before they were put on this earth. I know every strategy, tactic and, of course, how deeply this all runs and who controls them. I'm moving My hand to stop all of their plans.

Your enemies know something is wrong. 'This isn't right. Usually this works, but nothing is going as planned. We should have easily had this New World Order by now without question. How are so many people still fighting? By our estimation, we should have had more people tricked by now. We have the news stations. We have leaders all over the world to say what we tell them to say. It didn't matter. There are more people fighting back and more people figuring out that we were lying. Some even know what our plans were. How? This has never happened before.' Yes, My children, your enemies are panicking, trying to figure out all these answers, but also trying to figure out how to fix it all. There is so much going wrong all at one time.

The Biden is a bigger problem than they realized he would be. Listen for more news reports coming out against his mental capacity and mental capability. They can no longer hide how bad this really is. So they are trying to figure out all other measures to relieve themselves of The Biden and all of his gaffes. The puppet masters can't seem to stop or cover up no matter how much medication he is given. 'He's going too far,' your enemies are saying. 'We can't control his mouth, and it's getting worse by the day. Something has to be done.' Just listen and watch to see what happens next. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

The enemies of Almighty God are contemplating how far they can go right now, but in this desperation, they will make bigger mistakes and will get caught more and more. More people on live TV will stumble over their words after they say something they didn't mean to say.

Listen for these words and see them in your headlines. The House is back in session. Yes, but look to see why and what is on their agenda. A fight will ensure. Listen for why. There is more to this than is being told to this nation. Oh, yes, the truth will explode and eruptions will occur. Truth will prevail, and every lie will be revealed. Judgment is here for all those who have cheated and stolen their way in, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Waverly. This name will be in your news. Listen for this, My children, and know your enemies are all about to wave the white flag of defeat.

The words, ultimate sacrifice, will be in your headlines in many places. See how and why these words are being used. There is more than it appears to be.

A whirlwind will be in your headlines. Yes, this will signify a whirlwind of truth is hitting your enemies with no way for them to escape it.

Parachute. This word will be in your news. Listen to why, and again, there is more to the story than what is being told.

A suicide will be reported about a well-known person. Do not believe it! This was no suicide, and you will soon find out the whole truth about what happened to this person. 'They know too much,' the puppet master said, 'so deal with it!' Those words will be recorded, and yes, someone is recording them without them realizing it. They will not figure out who this is. I'm shielding the truth from your enemies. They will find out after it's too late for them to do something about it.

'Off with their head!' This statement will be in your headlines. You say, 'Lord, this is such a cruel and unusual statement to be in the headlines.' Yes, but look to see who says it, and you will see why I gave this to you before the news stations did. My children, I am giving you the news before the news to show you I am in control, and I know their every move even before they know they will make those moves. Nothing will stay hidden in this hour. I have opened the floodgates of truth, and it will demolish all their plans against you, children of Almighty God.

A very well-known spokesperson will be in the news. They will be stepping down from their position. They know the truth and can no longer stay in their job. Listen carefully for the words, 'spokesperson and stepping down,' and you'll see why that is so important.

Triage. This word will be in your headlines. Pay attention to what this is used for and where.

Hyperbolic. This word will be in many of your headlines.

Hyperbaric chamber. This will be in your headlines for an unusual reason, it will seem. Listen for what they're saying, and again, I'm saying to you, My children, there is more going on than they are telling you, and all the truth will come out.

Laptops. Oh yes, there are more laptops than you realize. Things that are on them that will blow the doors wide open on this whole fraudulent government. Hunter Biden's, of course, but there are more to come. More heinous acts caught on video. They recorded their dirty deals to blackmail each other. So many videos have been seized, and there is no way out of this for the enemies of Almighty God.

'More about elections?' Yes, there are more on their laptops than you realize. The deleted files. Your enemies, they thought they wouldn't get caught, but nothing is permanently deleted from Me, saith the Lord of Hosts. So, listen My children, for these laptops and know to brace for what is found on them. I'm uncovering everything for the world to see.

Nancy Pelosi has a lot to answer for regarding what is on her laptop. Oh, yes, evidence and much more than anyone thought she had done. What you think she has done, My children, just know it's far worse than you can imagine.

'Lord, what about Hillary's deleted emails?' For, I the Lord, have them all, and they're about to come out. This will be in your headlines. All deleted emails have been found and recovered. This discovery will be a big news story. Yes, Hillary Clinton will finally, once and for all, be let go by the elites. They will not try to save her this time like they always used to do.

Smokey Robinson will be in the news. Listen for the reason why, My children.

D.J. Carter. This name will also be in your headlines.

Whitewater. This will be in your headlines. See where this location is, and it's not by accident.

Infinity. This company will be in your headlines. Remember, My children, I know the end from the beginning. I'm giving these signs so you will focus on My words and not theirs.

Well Fargo will be in multiple headlines. A scandal, yes, and look to see who else is linking to them.

Tic-Tok will be fully exposed in this hour. Watch to see what they have actually been doing, and it's worse than you thought. It's far worse.

My children, these hours you've been living in will be filled with one exposure after another. Brace now for what is coming. A firestorm of truth is hitting your enemies now, and it will not lessen, but it will grow and intensify until each and every one of them has been judged by Me, saith the Lord of Hosts.

These are the days of truth and freedom and your delivery. The signs I've given to you are not by accident. I wanted you to know that I'm in control, and everything will be okay with you, children of Almighty God. So, rejoice and sing and know it's time for celebrations to break out everywhere, saith the Lord your Redeemer."
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 04/08/2022 02:01 AM

"For I, the Lord, this day, have spoken in the times past of good being portrayed as evil and evil being portrayed as good. As you can see, My children, this is happening now in this world to deceive even the elect, My children, just not the world. Many have fallen for this deception and are blinded to the truth. But, in this hour of truth that is being poured out like a flood, blinders will be removed so all My children will have their own will to choose what to believe instead of that choice being made for them under the influence of the wicked one, the deceiver himself, who is the devil. Yes, My children, many of My own body are under this influence and don't even know it. Deception is controlling them and most in this world. But, an awakening has started and is beginning to build right now to a new level. This awakening is stirring up My remnant that I have called in this hour to arise and shake off the chains that have held you. Break loose from the torture that Satan has held you in dark places to imprison you. Well, that time has come to an end. I'm shaking this earth to set the captives free. No more slavery, no more dictator to rule over this earth that I created for My children. These days brace for even greater shaking. Yes, shaking that will knock your enemies off their feet and to the ground. I am moving to expose their agenda as well as destroying them for crimes they have committed on this earth with no remorse.

Badminton. This name will be in your headlines and see where this is located. This is not an accident. Everywhere, truth is being poured out to destroy the lies.

Controversial. This word will be used a lot in the news. Listen to why, My children. Your enemies' walls have come down, and you will see them turn on each other even more in this hour.

Blackwater. This word will be all over the headlines in breaking news reports. Water being used to poison a town. It has been polluted with it, but it goes further than that. No company is safe with the truth coming to them to destroy everything they have tried to keep hidden.

Baton Rouge will be in your headlines. I told you, My children, I will give you the real news before they give you their news.

Bangladesh will be in the news. Watch and listen for the reason why. There is more to the story, and it will be revealed by Me, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Singapore will be in the news. Sanctions will be a word used along with a discovery there as well. Many things have been hidden from the world that I am shining the spotlight on. Even the darkest of secrets will be exposed for the world to see.

Hermitage. This word will be in the news, and listen for the reason why.

Onstead [sp?]. This word will be in the news. Secrets and lies, and they're all falling like flies.

Havorson [or maybe Havorstein]. This word will be in the news, My children, I'm in control, and this should help you understand that nothing they have done, they have gotten away with. All will be judged and destroyed by Me, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Pakistan will be in your news more and more. Why? The truth will be released in this country. Evidence of this fraudulent government interfering in elections, yes, but so much more than that. The military is on the move destroying what has been built to destroy you, oh United States. High-ranking generals and officers who were paid off to give out intel against you, oh United States. They have been caught in the act and will soon be tried and sentenced before the world, but not before first having their medals stripped from them and being dishonorably discharged.

I am moving in your military, oh United States, cleansing it and removing all who have been against you. Listen for the news to break out regarding the Pentagon. Yes, sabotage, treason and many other words will come out against many who have been against you and how many were connected to China. Generals? Yes. Judges? Yes. Governors? Yes. Mayors? Yes, Congressmen and women? Yes. Many are guilty for selling this country out for money, power and safety. This hour of judgment is not coming; No, it's here, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Kawasaki will be in your news. Listen to why. Many things have been hidden in plain sight, My children. And yes, your enemies have been using businesses to front their operations behind closed doors. Not one will be hidden in the shadows where they wanted them to stay.

Nova Scotia will be in the news. Weather? Yes. A scandal there? Yes. Another sex trafficking ring will be destroyed and exposed there in this land. Follow the money and you'll see who put it there. Oh, United States, brace for all the dirty deals the infiltrators have made and all the damage they have caused in your land.and so many others nations around the world.

The EU. Oh, I, the Lord, am exposing you. You are just another arm of the New World Order. I'm tearing you and your agendas apart. You will not get what you wanted in this world. I, the Lord, will leave you with nothing as your sentences are now being handed out.

The United Nations, I have told you before. I'm exposing you and opening up your books; exposing your bank accounts; showing this world your name is a lie. You wanted to decimate freedom and liberty to cause division on this earth. I'm ripping your plans to shreds and destroying everything you stand for. United Nations, you'll have nothing left as I move My hand against you. You are so desperate trying to destroy evidence, but it's too late. I have it all, and I've had it since your beginning. I will be your end, United Nations for I, the Lord, am against you. You will see I was in charge all along, and you played right into My hands. The walls are closing in. You don't know what to do. Well, you can't do anything. There is nowhere to run, and there is nowhere to hide. This is your time to end, United Nations.

The English Parliament will be in your news, and the reason why will shock many. The walls that have been built up by the New World Order are coming down everywhere, saith the Lord.

Canada, watch and listen. A discovery was made and the truth about Justin Trudeau will come out of your land. Hold on, Canada. I'm delivering you from Trudeau and all who are with him. You will have freedom never known before in your land in this year of 2022

A blanket of warmth will be in your headlines and see where this is located. This location is not a coincidence. My children, these are the days of truth. A firestorm of truth is raining down and destroying all their lies, their narratives and their fake governments and their fake control over you and this world. Truth shall reign. Truth sets people free. The truth shall fill this earth like a flood.

My children, receive freedom from the chains that have kept you hostage. Receive freedom in your mind and every part of your life. With this Great Exodus, there will be a great outpouring of miracles, signs and wonders like never before, saith the Lord your Redeemer."
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 04/08/2022 10:47 PM

"For I, the Lord, this day, am moving My hand against the wicked in this hour of judgment.  Yes, the time has come for their judgment and their demise.  Some may think what is about to be seen is harsh punishment against them.  My children, do not pity them for the things they have been doing behind closed doors against this world and My body, inconceivable to most human thinking.  There was a level of evil the world didn't know existed, and these people who were against you wanted to unleash hell upon this earth.  Yes, they tried to open portals to bring demonic beings here to take over this world, but those portals never opened.  My angel armies had destroyed their plans in the heavenlies.  Yes, My children, things were going on in the spirit that you had no idea was going on to fight for your freedom from this demonic hold on this world that wanted to stop My glory; to stop this revival and awakening in My body.  Oh yes, all of hell is shaking and trembling.  They know they have lost once again, and My church has been awakened never to be asleep.  This is the year for My children and the world to know who the Great I Am really is; how much I love My creation; that I do exist and have not forsaken the world to let it fall to the One World Government.  Not only am I moving against the evil government in this world, but I'm moving in your banking system, your prisons, your schools, your churches, economies, businesses, and My children into their positions they were meant to be without any interference from the world elites suppressing them. 

My children, pay attention to the wind and the waves and how unusual things will continue to be reported.  Gale force winds that have come out of nowhere, it will be reported.  This will be in your news.

Watch for an eruption in the State of Oregon. Yes, Oregon.  All has been quiet there, but freedom will rise in that state.  The hold the enemy had over you, Oregon, is now broken.  Watch for a scandal and resignation to come out in the State of Oregon.  A governor, yes, but there are more to follow.  Oregon, you have not been forsaken or forgotten.  Justice is coming to your state.  Watch how I move across your land to heal and to restore what has been stolen. What has been broken will be given back and restored.  A sign to watch for, Oregon, is an earthquake.  An earthquake?  Yes, one that will rock your enemies to their core.  It will rattle the gates of hell and will destroy the walls and the plans they had built up against you.  This earthquake, Oregon, will be a signal of your release and their defeat.  So do not fear when you feel the shaking beneath your feet and know your enemies have fallen with no way to get their hold back over you.  So rejoice, Oregon.  I am moving to deliver you, and a great awakening has already begun.  But, it will continue to grow in intensify in this year of 2022.  Freedom and justice you will shout, and know that the Great I Am has come to deliver you, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Anthony Fauci.  I have warned you and have spoken of your defeat.  Truth is coming for you, and you have tried to hide, and you can't hide from Me.  This truth is being released, and the world will know who you are and who you work for.  A video is surfacing, catching you in the act of your lies and plans against this world.  Watch, My children, Fauci is about to be in the news.  One exposure after another.  He will step down thinking that will lessen his punishment.  But, treason is written on him, and blood is dripping from his hands and is crying to Me for justice.  Justice will be served.  Anthony Fauci, you are finished, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Watch Brazil.  Major news reportedly breaking out in this nation.  Listen to why, My children.  Weather events?  Yes, an unusual weather event will be reported and know, My children, I am shaking things up everywhere for freedom and justice to be poured out upon this earth. 

Unusual rain, yes.  These words will be in your news.  Look and listen to why this is so unusual.  Everything is shaking, and I am the Lord, and I'm showing the world that everything that was normal can suddenly change to let My people know in this hour, in a time where everything is shaking, to release you.  All this time is for your good.  So, My children, don't question Me about if I'm doing anything.  I am moving, and I am showing you with unusual signs so you know I am telling you the truth in this time of a great deception.

'Cuts like a knife.'  This will be in your headlines and look why this is mentioned.  Pay attention, My children.  Your enemies are all falling by their own swords and what they plan for you will come on them, saith the Lord.  I've spoken and told you these are the days of Haman. 

A well-known athlete, a basketball player, will be reported in a major scandal and his ties to a foreign nation.  The truth is coming out regarding the NBA.  Listen, My children, all is not what it seems.  See the connections to China and the money that was paid to deceive this nation.  Listen for the people in the NBA that will fall.  Players?  Yes, but look even higher than that.  Adam Silver!  Truth is coming for you, and stepping down will not save you from what you have done.  Epstein?  Yes, but so much more will be exposed on who you really are.  Adam, your hour of judgment is at hand, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Listen for another well-known actor stepping away from Hollywood and why this person is leaving.  'What is going on?', people are asking.  Why are so many leaving?  Because the truth is exposing all the lies in Hollywood.  A cleansing is taking place.  Many will be arrested for their crimes against the children.  Oh, yes, but their sins are so much deeper than that.  Brace, My children, for the truth about Hollywood.  A whistleblower?  Yes, there will be another and another, and it will expose Hollywood.  Their voices can't be silenced anymore.  A major eruption out of Hollywood is taking place in this hour, and know, My children, I am delivering you from all their influence and power Hollywood once had.  It has been taken away by Me, saith the Lord of Hosts.

George!  Listen for this name in your news.  Look at who is being exposed.  They thought they were safe with the last name they have but no, My children.  The name 'Bush' and all the families with them will be tarnished and will never be the same.  The Bushes and all who are part of the elites will all be removed and judged by Me, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

'Lights, camera, action!' will be in your headlines and know when you see this, My children, it's time for My show, and it's the time of their end. 

I am washing and cleansing My body in the world system and destroying the plans and the enemies of Almighty God.  This is the world I created for My children, and I am taking the power from the wicked and handing it over to My children and giving it back to them what was already theirs.  This is the year of restoration in the year of My Great Exodus.  So, lift up your hands, children of Almighty God.  Your redemption is here, saith the Lord your Redeemer." 
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Posts: 3491

Re: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far
Posted on: 04/09/2022 08:10 PM

"For I the Lord, this day, have warned My children of great shakings hitting this earth. Everything that can be shaken will be for your good, not to bring My children fear or put you under stress or confusion. That is what your enemy will try to do to you in this hour. What I am doing is for your good. He will try to steal the blessing that I have intended for you to receive. My children, you have more power and authority than you once knew about so seek Me and My Written Word so the attacks your enemy will try to use against you will fail and fall before you and will not prosper. I am raising you higher with My glory, and I'm pouring it out in this hour like never before. Be encouraged that I am moving My hand against all of your enemies, and you will see that I never intended for them to slide by with no judgment or justice. No, My children. In My Written Word, it says seed time and harvest, and now is a time they are reaping everything they have sown, and nothing can stop that from coming to pass, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Jim Acosta. His name will be in your news. New evidence will come out regarding the truth about what Jim has done, one scandal after another. He will be known as a liar, yes, but also a traitor. He'll be removed from his place of influence, never be in broadcasting again. Treason and so much more will be revealed. Treason will be written on him for all eternity. Jim, you had your chance and time to repent and turn from your wicked ways, but you refused. So now, judgment will hit you and there will be nowhere to run or hide. Jim, this is your end, saith the Lord.

Look and watch. More will fall at CNN. No one will be left because judgment is hitting them like never before. One exposure after another and the evidence will not be denied, saith the Lord of Hosts.

The snake pit in journalism will be uncovered. A reporter, journalist, director, producer, it doesn't matter their position. If you helped with any of these lies you forced upon the American people and the world, judgment will now find you. And, a great harvest you will reap, and what you have placed upon this world to endure. You are all liars, and you will all fall, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Disney. You haven't seen the hell you are about to endure. Everything you have done in secret will be revealed to the world. You are a propaganda-lying machine. You have desensitized, manipulated, brainwashed, tricked, deceived the masses with all your movies and TV shows. All your heinous acts behind closed doors with children and so much more will all be exposed no matter what they're trying to do to save yourselves now. It will not work this time for I, the Lord, am judging you, and you all are going to fall for the sins and the crimes that you have committed. Disney, you are finished, and the ones who control Disney, so are you. No matter how much money or power you have, it will not save you from what is coming to you. The hour of judgment is here for all of you, and it's now.

A sting operation is hitting Hollywood. Yes, not one will be safe for all they have been doing behind closed doors. Every lie will be revealed, and anyone in Hollywood who works for the globalists will be revealed and judged. I had people in your innermost circles to expose each and every one of you. So, Hollywood be prepared for the ground will shake beneath your feet to knock all of you down from your high pedestals you stand on. You are not above anyone, and you will soon find out you can't hide from what is coming.

Leonardo DiCaprio. Truth shall flood your house and exposures will be revealed, and your name will forever be known as a liar and a yes-man to the globalists.

My children, many in Hollywood are not who they seem. Not only when they are playing parts on screen, but their lives in front of the camera are a complete lie for who they really are. They were paid to act certain ways and to portray they were someone else. All will be revealed to the world on who they all are. Many victims will be freed from their silence. They have been threatened and blackmailed to keep their mouths shut. I'm releasing them from their gag order that they were under. One whistleblower after another will come forward with what really happens in Hollywood on sets and behind closed doors. Nothing, I mean nothing, will stay hidden in this hour of judgment, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Singapore will be in the headlines. A weather event? Yes, but truth will also pour out of Singapore.

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